5 Lessons From Crossing The Chasm That Every B2B Startup Needs to Revisitby@vvmrk
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5 Lessons From Crossing The Chasm That Every B2B Startup Needs to Revisit

by Markov VictorOctober 4th, 2023
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First published in 1991, Crossing the Chasm Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers by Dr Geoffrey A. Moore, outlines the harrowing journey of taking a technology product from early adoption to mainstream success.
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First published in 1991, Crossing the Chasm Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers by Dr Geoffrey A. Moore, outlines the harrowing journey of taking a technology product from early adoption to mainstream success.

It remains exceedingly relevant for B2B startups, even in our current hyper-accelerated technological landscape.

Below are five lessons from this iconic treatise that I believe every B2B startup should scrutinize anew.

The Chasm is Not a Metaphor; It’s a Graveyard

If you think the chasm is an overblown metaphor, you’re deluding yourself. This is where startups go to die, and it’s astonishing how many promising B2B startups fall into oblivion here.

The chasm occurs post-innovators and early adopters, right before the early majority stage in the technology adoption lifecycle. It’s a trap because product/market fit among early adopters is not automatically replicable for the broader market.

Early adopters are forgiving. They can see the future and are willing to deal with incomplete or buggy products because they see the potential.

The early majority does not share this magnanimity. They want solutions, not potential.

They require robustness, full-feature sets, and most importantly, minimal adoption risk.

This is why you should never mistake initial success with early adopters as a sign that you’ve made it.

You need a separate, dedicated strategy to cross the chasm, focusing on a singular compelling reason for mainstream customers to adopt your product.

Establishing this will give you the focal point around which you can evolve and refine your offering, thus enabling you to satisfy the stringent demands of the early majority.

Whole Product Concept: No Product is an Island

Every B2B entrepreneur needs to understand that no product exists in isolation.

Early adopters might be willing to piece together the ‘whole product’ by integrating your solution with other services, but the mainstream market won’t. They want a complete, end-to-end solution that solves their problem out-of-the-box.

The Whole Product Concept is not just the generic product you've made; it’s the complete package required to achieve the desired result.

It includes customer support, complementary products, system integration, and even the know-how to use it effectively.

By fulfilling the whole product, you don't just sell a product; you sell a promise of a solved problem.

The best way to tackle this is through strategic partnerships, API integrations, and robust customer support systems, thereby creating an ecosystem around your product.

You have to make the customer feel that everything has been thought of, leaving no rough edges or unanswered questions.

Niche Marketing is Not a Luxury; It’s a Necessity

The chasm-crossing strategy that most resonates with B2B startups is the "bowling pin" strategy.

The principle here is to first dominate a niche market and then use that as a springboard to enter adjacent markets.

This is antithetical to the 'big bang' approach that tries to capture as much market share as possible, as quickly as possible. Instead, focus on a narrow target where you can become the indisputable leader.

This is crucial for two reasons:

  1. First, becoming a leader in a niche market allows you to make mistakes and learn without fatal consequences.

  2. Second, it creates referenceable clients that serve as social proof when you enter adjacent markets.

Your reputation precedes you, and the next market is more likely to trust you because you've already proven yourself elsewhere.

The Sales Process: High Touch Over High Tech

Many B2B startups invest in highly scalable, low-touch sales processes.

While this works for early adopters, crossing the chasm demands a high-touch approach.

The mainstream market doesn’t want to self-serve; they want to be guided. Here, a charismatic sales team that can hand-hold potential clients becomes invaluable.

These are not just salespeople; they are consultants who understand the client’s domain, needs, and apprehensions.

The consultative sales approach works because you're no longer selling a product; you're selling a vision of how their business will look after implementing your solution.

You must train your sales team to articulate this vision convincingly, providing prospects with a tangible roadmap of how you'll solve their issues and bring value.

Crossing the Chasm is an Ongoing Process

Crossing the chasm is not a one-time event; it’s a constant process.

The moment you think you’ve crossed it, there's another one staring you in the face as market dynamics change, competitors emerge, or technologies evolve.

The chasm keeps reappearing, and your strategies must evolve with it. The success factors that helped you cross the first chasm may not work for the second or third.

Thus, you need to maintain a culture of constant learning and adaptation.


This book represents an adaptation of the innovation adoption model known as the "Diffusion of Innovations" theory, originally formulated by the eminent scholar, Everett Rogers. Geoffrey Moore’s Crossing the Chasm should not be a book that you read once and put back on the shelf. It should be a manual that you consult regularly, making necessary adjustments to your strategy as you move forward.

While the tech landscape has evolved dramatically since the book was first published, the core principles remain as valid as ever for B2B startups looking to make a lasting impact.