从数据类到 Excel:使用注释构建 Java 映射器经过@sergeidzeboev
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从数据类到 Excel:使用注释构建 Java 映射器

经过 Sergei Dzeboev18m2023/09/24
Read on Terminal Reader

太長; 讀書

开发了一个自定义 Java 库来生成 Excel 报告,利用注释实现灵活的单元格样式、公式创建和动态报告创建。该过程涉及利用 Apache POI、创建专门的注释以及实施 Excel 报告生成服务。量身定制的方法提供了轻松、精确和未来定制的潜力。
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有一次,我发现自己需要一个可以轻松将数据类转换为 Excel 文档以生成报告的库。当我找不到合适的库时,我决定开发适合我的特定需求的功能。

我的目标是设计一个类似于 Jackson 的库,它将使用注释将数据类列表按照注释的指示转换为 Excel 文档。

我想分享我创建的库,希望它可以使其他人受益或激励他们为自己的独特任务创建自己的映射器。让我们探讨一下如何用 Java 开发这样一个数据映射器来实现这一点:


 void demoReport() { var excelMapper = new ExcelMapperImpl(); var fileName = "demo-out-" + + ".xlsx"; List<Demo> demos = generateDemos(); try (Workbook workbook = excelMapper.createWorkbookFromObject(demos); var fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(fileName)) { workbook.write(fileOutputStream); } }


让我们确定 Excel 映射所必需的主要元素。从本质上讲,我们需要一个 Excel 列。报告的这一基本组成部分应清楚地显示列名称和每行中的相应值。




 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface ColumnExcelStyle { ExcelColumnDataFormat cellTypePattern() default ExcelColumnDataFormat.NONE; IndexedColors cellColor() default IndexedColors.AUTOMATIC; boolean isWrapText() default false; boolean isCentreAlignment() default false; boolean isFramed() default true; ExcelColumnFont fontName() default ExcelColumnFont.DEFAULT; short fontSize() default -1; boolean isFontBold() default false; ExcelColumnCellTextColor fontColor() default ExcelColumnCellTextColor.AUTOMATIC; }

对报告创建至关重要的主要样式元素以属性的形式表达。接下来,可以启动 Excel 列注释:

 @Target({ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface ColumnExcel { String[] applyNames() default {}; int position(); ColumnExcelStyle headerStyle() default @ColumnExcelStyle( fontColor = ExcelColumnCellTextColor.BLACK, isCentreAlignment = true, isFontBold = true, fontSize = 14, isWrapText = true); ColumnExcelStyle cellStyle() default @ColumnExcelStyle; }

此注释包含潜在的列名称(用于从 Excel 映射)和必填字段 -“ position ”。这将确定列的位置并有助于公式计算。此外,它将详细说明标题和单元格的样式。

出色的。现在,让我们制定一个特定于 Excel 公式的注释。预期动态公式取决于行的位置,此注释将专用于方法:

 @Target({ElementType.METHOD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface ColumnExcelFormula { String name() default ""; int position(); ColumnExcelStyle headerStyle() default @ColumnExcelStyle( fontColor = ExcelColumnCellTextColor.BLACK, isCentreAlignment = true, isFontBold = true, fontSize = 14, isWrapText = true); ColumnExcelStyle cellStyle() default @ColumnExcelStyle; }

最后,我们来介绍一下最终公式的注释,它通常占据 Excel 中的最后一行,总结或说明某一列的累积结果。鉴于该公式的注释还规定其仅适用于方法:

 @Target({ElementType.METHOD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface ColumnExcelTotalFormula { boolean useValue() default false; int position(); ColumnExcelStyle cellStyle() default @ColumnExcelStyle; }

使用 Apache POI 构建 Excel 报告服务

创建所有必要的注释后,下一步就是创建服务类。使用的核心库是Apache POI ,它可以有效地处理 .xls 和 .xlsx 文件。此类将使用注释的属性来生成 Excel 报告。



 <T> Workbook createWorkbookFromObject(List<T> reportObjects) { return createWorkbookFromObject(reportObjects, 0, "Report"); } <T> Workbook createWorkbookFromObject(List<T> reportObjects, int startRowNumber, String sheetName) { ... }



 private <T> void createHeaderFromDeclaredExcelColumns(Row row, Class<T> clazz, PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor) { try { Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField(propertyDescriptor.getName()); ColumnExcel columnExcel = field.getDeclaredAnnotation(ColumnExcel.class); if (nonNull(columnExcel)) { String headerName = columnExcel.applyNames().length > 0 ? columnExcel.applyNames()[0] : field.getName(); createHeader(row, columnExcel.position(), headerName, columnExcel.headerStyle()); } } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { log.debug(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } }


 private void createHeader(Row row, int position, String name, ColumnExcelStyle columnExcelStyle) { Cell cell = row.createCell(position); cell.setCellValue(name); setCellFormatting(cell, columnExcelStyle); row.getSheet().autoSizeColumn(cell.getColumnIndex()); }


 for (T report : reportObjects) { Row bodyRow = sheet.createRow(proceedRowNumber); createCellsFromDeclaredExcelColumns(bodyRow, report); proceedRowNumber++; }

获取属性描述符是为了利用 getter,而不是授予对字段的直接访问权限:

 private <T> void createCellsFromDeclaredExcelColumns(Row row, T tObject) { try { PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = Introspector.getBeanInfo(tObject.getClass()).getPropertyDescriptors(); for (var propertyDescriptor : propertyDescriptors) { createCellFromDeclaredExcelColumns(row, tObject, propertyDescriptor); } } catch (IntrospectionException ex) { log.debug(ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } }


 private <T> void createCellFromDeclaredExcelColumns(Row row, T tObject, PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor) { try { Field field = tObject.getClass().getDeclaredField(propertyDescriptor.getName()); Method readMethod = propertyDescriptor.getReadMethod(); ColumnExcel columnExcel = field.getDeclaredAnnotation(ColumnExcel.class); if (nonNull(columnExcel)) { Class<?> returnType = readMethod.getReturnType(); Cell cell = row.createCell(columnExcel.position()); Object invokeResult = readMethod.invoke(tObject); if (nonNull(invokeResult)) { defineAndAssignCellValue(returnType, cell, invokeResult, readMethod); } setCellFormatting(cell, columnExcel.cellStyle()); } } catch (NoSuchFieldException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException e) { log.debug(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } }




 private <T> void createCellFromDeclaredExcelFormula(Row row, T tObject, Method readMethod) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { ColumnExcelFormula columnExcelFormula = readMethod.getDeclaredAnnotation(ColumnExcelFormula.class); if (columnExcelFormula != null) { Class<?> returnType = readMethod.getReturnType(); Cell cell = row.createCell(columnExcelFormula.position()); if (returnType.isAssignableFrom(String.class)) { cell.setCellFormula((String) readMethod.invoke(tObject, row.getRowNum())); } else { log.debug(" Return type for the method: " + readMethod.getName() + " with @ColumnExcelFormula annotation has to be String " + "and now it's: " + returnType.getName() + " method is ignored for the reason"); } setCellFormatting(cell, columnExcelFormula.cellStyle()); } }




 private <T> void createTotalFormula(Class<T> tClazz, Row row, int firstRowNum) { Method[] methods = tClazz.getDeclaredMethods(); for (Method method : methods) { ColumnExcelTotalFormula columnExcelTotalFormula = method.getAnnotation(ColumnExcelTotalFormula.class); if (columnExcelTotalFormula != null && method.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom(String.class) && method.getParameters().length == 2 && Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isPrivate(method.getModifiers()) ) { String cellFormula = (String) method.invoke(tClazz, firstRowNum, row.getRowNum()); Cell cell = row.createCell(columnExcelTotalFormula.position()); cell.setCellFormula(cellFormula); if (columnExcelTotalFormula.useValue()) { cell = applyFormulasValue(cell); } setCellFormatting(cell, columnExcelTotalFormula.cellStyle()); } } }


主要功能现已就位,是时候看看它的实际效果了。让我们构建一个简单的报告来演示其操作。为此,我们创建一个“ Sales ”类并包含所有必要的注释:

 @Data @Accessors(chain = true) public class Sales { @ColumnExcel( position = 0, applyNames = {"Date"}, headerStyle = @ColumnExcelStyle( fontColor = WHITE, cellColor = DARK_BLUE, isCentreAlignment = true), cellStyle = @ColumnExcelStyle( cellColor = GREY_25_PERCENT, cellTypePattern = DATE)) private LocalDate date; @ColumnExcel( position = 1, applyNames = {"Sold"}, headerStyle = @ColumnExcelStyle( fontColor = WHITE, cellColor = DARK_BLUE, isCentreAlignment = true), cellStyle = @ColumnExcelStyle( cellColor = GREY_25_PERCENT)) private Integer sold; @ColumnExcel( position = 2, applyNames = {"Price Per Unit (USD)"}, headerStyle = @ColumnExcelStyle( fontColor = WHITE, cellColor = DARK_BLUE, isCentreAlignment = true), cellStyle = @ColumnExcelStyle( cellColor = GREY_25_PERCENT, cellTypePattern = USD)) private Double pricePerUnit; @ColumnExcelFormula( position = 3, name = "Total Sales (USD)", headerStyle = @ColumnExcelStyle( fontColor = WHITE, cellColor = DARK_BLUE, isCentreAlignment = true), cellStyle = @ColumnExcelStyle( cellColor = GREY_25_PERCENT, cellTypePattern = USD)) public String sales(int rowNum) { return new CellAddress(rowNum, 1).formatAsString() + "*" + new CellAddress(rowNum, 2).formatAsString(); } @ColumnExcelTotalFormula( position = 0, cellStyle = @ColumnExcelStyle( cellColor = LIGHT_BLUE)) public static String total(int firstRowNum, int lastRowNum) { return "CONCATENATE(\"Total\")"; } @ColumnExcelTotalFormula( position = 1, cellStyle = @ColumnExcelStyle( cellColor = LIGHT_BLUE)) public static String unitsSold(int firstRowNum, int lastRowNum) { return "SUM(" + new CellAddress(firstRowNum, 1).formatAsString() + ":" + new CellAddress(lastRowNum - 1, 1).formatAsString() + ")"; } @ColumnExcelTotalFormula( position = 3, cellStyle = @ColumnExcelStyle( isCentreAlignment = false, cellColor = LIGHT_BLUE, cellTypePattern = USD)) public static String totalSales(int firstRowNum, int lastRowNum) { return "SUM(" + new CellAddress(firstRowNum, 3).formatAsString() + ":" + new CellAddress(lastRowNum - 1, 3).formatAsString() + ")"; } }

该类包含三个字段: datesoldpricePerUnit 。此外,它还有一个销售公式和一个包含总计的结论行: unitsSoldtotalSales 。这些字段使用@ColumnExcel注释,表示列的位置和名称。


 @ColumnExcel( position = 0, applyNames = {"Date"}, headerStyle = @ColumnExcelStyle( fontColor = WHITE, cellColor = DARK_BLUE, isCentreAlignment = true), cellStyle = @ColumnExcelStyle( cellColor = GREY_25_PERCENT, cellTypePattern = DATE) )


 public String sales(int rowNum) { return new CellAddress(rowNum, 1).formatAsString() + "*" + new CellAddress(rowNum, 2).formatAsString(); }



 public static String unitsSold(int firstRowNum, int lastRowNum) { return "SUM(" + new CellAddress(firstRowNum, 1).formatAsString() + ":" + new CellAddress(lastRowNum - 1, 1).formatAsString() + ")"; }


 void salesReport() { var excelMapper = new ExcelMapperImpl(); var fileName = "sales-out-" + + ".xlsx"; List<Sales> sales = List.of( new Sales().setDate(LocalDate.of(2023, 1, 1)) .setSold(50) .setPricePerUnit(10d), new Sales().setDate(LocalDate.of(2023, 1, 2)) .setSold(40) .setPricePerUnit(11d), new Sales().setDate(LocalDate.of(2023, 1, 3)) .setSold(55) .setPricePerUnit(9d); try (Workbook workbook = excelMapper.createWorkbookFromObject(sales); var fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(fileName)) { workbook.write(fileOutputStream); } }





当然,在本文中呈现每一行代码是不可行的;因此,只强调了映射器操作所必需的主要方法。完整的代码可以在我的GitHub 页面上找到。