Las placas de base de acero se colocan debajo de las columnas de acero para transferir de forma segura las fuerzas de diseño a los cimientos.
Cuando las columnas de acero soportan cargas pesadas con secciones transversales pequeñas, la aplicación directa de las cargas a los cimientos podría provocar fallas por punzonamiento. Por tanto, es fundamental utilizar una placa base debajo de la columna para distribuir la carga en un área mayor.
Este artículo proporciona una guía para crear una aplicación de diseño de placa base utilizando Python, aprovechando las propiedades geométricas del acero almacenadas en formato CSV.
La aplicación ayudará a los ingenieros a determinar fácilmente el área requerida de la placa base, el espesor, la resistencia al soporte del concreto y el ancho adicional.
Además, al utilizar Viktor SDK, podemos transformar sin problemas nuestra implementación de Python en una aplicación web.
Este SDK ofrece la capacidad de visualizar nuestra estructura en una vista 3D. ¡Sumerjámonos y actuemos!
El diseño de la placa base utiliza el método de casquillo en T equivalente para fuerzas axiales, donde se calcula un 'área efectiva' para los casquillos en T en compresión y se evalúa la flexión de la placa base para los casquillos en T en tensión. Se permite corte horizontal mayor y/o menor, pero no momentos, es decir, diseño de base fijada.
La resistencia de diseño, fjd, entre la parte inferior de la placa base y el material de asiento en el espacio de lechada está dada por:
fjd = βj * α * fcd
βj = coeficiente del material de la junta de cimentación = (2/3)
α = un coeficiente que representa la difusión de la fuerza concentrada dentro de la base
fcd = valor de diseño resistencia a la compresión del hormigón = αcc * fck / ɣc
αcc = coeficiente para efectos a largo plazo
fck = resistencia característica del cilindro del hormigón
ɣc = factor de seguridad parcial para concreto
Areq = Ned / fjd
Donde Ned es la carga última de la columna de acero.
C se calcula usando la siguiente fórmula:
Aeff = 4 *( c**2) + Pcol * c + Acol
Por lo tanto, resuelves para c.
Y finalmente calculamos el espesor de la placa base, tp:
tp = c * (3 * fjd* Ym0 / _page_fy)**0.50
# Partial factor of resistance of cross-sections whatever the class is as per EN 1993-1-1. Ym0 = 1.0 # Compute foundation bearing strength which is typically concrete #βj is the foundation joint material coefficient, typically taken as 0.67 as per clause 6.2.5(7) in EN 1993-1-8. beta_j=0.67 #α is a coefficient of diffusion of the vertical load being applied to the foundation. Conservatively this can be taken as 1.5 alpha= 1.5 # αcc is the coefficient that allows for long-term effects on the compressive strength of concrete vs applied actions. Taken as 0.85 in the UK National Annex -> on page # Define alpha_cc # Define gamma_c # define fck # γc is the partial factor of safety of concrete. Taken as 1.5 in the UK National Annex -> on page fjd = beta_j*alpha* (alpha_cc*fck )/gamma_c # Compute the area of the baseplate required Areq = (Ned *1000)/ fjd #Ned is the Ultimate load def calculate_c(Pcol, Acol, Areq): # """ # This function calculates the value of c for the given equation: # Areq = 4 * c^2 + P_col * c + A_col # Args: # Perimeter_of_section: Perimeter of the column section (mm) # Area_of_section: Area of the column section (mm²) # Areq: Required area of the baseplate (mm²) # Returns: # The value of c (mm) # """ a = 4 b = Pcol c = Acol-Areq # Assuming Areq is already calculated discriminant = b**2 - 4 * a * c c1 = (-b + (discriminant)**0.5) / (2 * a) c2 = (-b - (discriminant)**0.5) / (2 * a) return max(c1, c2) c = calculate_c(Pcol,Acol,Areq) # Compute the thickness of the baseplate (tp) tp = c * (3 * fjd* Ym0 / _page_fy)**0.50
Mi aplicación final necesitará funciones de entrada donde el usuario pueda especificar los siguientes parámetros:
Esto se logra utilizando la clase de parametrización del SDK de Viktor.
class Parametrization(ViktorParametrization): input = Tab("Input") input.profile_type = OptionField( "Profile type", options=["IPE", "HEA", "HEB"], default="IPE", variant="radio-inline", flex=80, ) input.nl1 = LineBreak() input.profile = AutocompleteField( "Profile", options=get_profile_types, default="IPE240", description="The source of profile properties can be found [here](", ) # input.steel_class = OptionField( # "Steel class", options=["S235", "S275", "S355"], default="S235" # ) input.fck = NumberField('Fck', default=25, suffix="MPa") input.Design_load = NumberField('Design_load', default=1000, suffix="KN") input.acc = NumberField('Concrete coeff(acc)', default=0.85) input.yc = NumberField('Partial factor of safety for concrete', default=1.5) input.steel_class = NumberField('steel_class', default=255, suffix="MPa")
Después del cálculo, se utilizó el método de visualización de datos del SDK de Viktor para mostrar el resultado del cálculo al usuario.
@DataView("Output", duration_guess=1) def Compute_output(self, params: Munch, **kwargs): Ym0, beta_j, alpha, fjd, Areq, c, tp = self.calculate_plate_geom(params) data = DataGroup( DataItem("ultimate load ", params.input.Design_load, suffix="KN"), DataItem("beta_j", 0.67), DataItem("alpha", 1.5), DataItem("Bearing capacity of concrete support(fjd) ", round(fjd), suffix="MPa"), DataItem("Areq ", round(Areq), suffix="mm2"), DataItem(" c", round(c), suffix="mm"), DataItem("Thickness of plate", round(tp), suffix="mm"), ) return DataResult(data)
Capacidad de carga del hormigón (Fjd)
Área de acero requerida (Areq)
Proyección adicional de la placa base(c)
Grosor de la placa base
Se definió un método get_3dview dentro de la clase de controlador que está decorada con @GeometryView.
El método get_3dview es el que define la lógica para crear el modelo 3D y, finalmente, devuelve el objeto GeometryResult que contiene la columna de acero, la placa base y el soporte de hormigón creados.
La lógica está contenida en el siguiente código:
@GeometryView("3D baseplate View", duration_guess=1) def get_3dView(self, params: Munch, **kwargs): """Create geometry for column, base-plate and add a concrete slab underneath""" Ym0, beta_j, alpha, fjd, Areq, c, tp = self.calculate_plate_geom(params) concrete_thickness = 15 * tp steel = Material(color=Color(95, 158, 240), metalness=1) concrete = Material(metalness=0, roughness=1, opacity=0.6) h = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Depth") b = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Width") tw = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Web thickness") tf = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Flange thickness") r = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Root radius") beam_profile = self.get_beam_profile(h, b, tw, tf, r) beam = Extrusion(beam_profile, Line(Point(0, 0, tp), Point(0, 0, 3 * h)), material=steel) base_plate = SquareBeam(sqrt(Areq), sqrt(Areq), tp, material=steel) # TODO: This area doesn't seem sufficient for large column sizes base_plate.translate((0, 0, tp / 2)) concrete_plate = SquareBeam(6 * h, 6 * h, concrete_thickness, material=concrete) concrete_plate.translate((0, 0, -concrete_thickness / 2)) return GeometryResult([beam, base_plate, concrete_plate])
El código completo se puede encontrar a continuación:
from math import sqrt # import as px from pathlib import Path from typing import List import numpy as np import pandas as pd from munch import Munch from viktor import ViktorController, Color from viktor.geometry import Point, Extrusion, Line, Material, SquareBeam from viktor.parametrization import ( ViktorParametrization, OptionField, Text, Tab, AutocompleteField, LineBreak, NumberField ) # from viktor.external.spreadsheet import SpreadsheetCalculation, SpreadsheetCalculationInput from viktor.views import DataGroup, DataItem, DataResult, DataView, GeometryView, GeometryResult def get_profile_types(params: Munch, **kwargs): try: file_path = ( Path(__file__).parent / "profiles" / f"steel-profiles-{params.input.profile_type}.csv" ) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, header=[2], skiprows=[3, 4, 5]) return df["Profile"].values.tolist() except FileNotFoundError: return ["IPE80", "IPE100", "HEA100", "HEA120", "HEB100", "HEB120"] def calculate_c(Pcol, Acol, Areq): # """ # This function calculates the value of c for the given equation: # Areq = 4 * c^2 + P_col * c + A_col # Args: # Perimeter_of_section: Perimeter of the column section (mm) # Area_of_section: Area of the column section (mm²) # Areq: Required area of the baseplate (mm²) # Returns: # The value of c (mm) # """ a = 4 b = Pcol c = Acol - Areq # Assuming Areq is already calculated discriminant = b ** 2 - 4 * a * c c1 = (-b + (discriminant) ** 0.5) / (2 * a) c2 = (-b - (discriminant) ** 0.5) / (2 * a) return max(c1, c2) class Parametrization(ViktorParametrization): info = Tab("Info") info.text_01 = Text( """## Welcome to baseplate design app! """ ) input = Tab("Input") input.profile_type = OptionField( "Profile type", options=["IPE", "HEA", "HEB"], default="IPE", variant="radio-inline", flex=80, ) input.nl1 = LineBreak() input.profile = AutocompleteField( "Profile", options=get_profile_types, default="IPE240", description="The source of profile properties can be found [here](", ) # input.steel_class = OptionField( # "Steel class", options=["S235", "S275", "S355"], default="S235" # ) input.fck = NumberField('Fck', default=25, suffix="MPa") input.Design_load = NumberField('Design_load', default=1000, suffix="KN") input.acc = NumberField('Concrete coeff(acc)', default=0.85) input.yc = NumberField('Partial factor of safety for concrete', default=1.5) input.steel_class = NumberField('steel_class', default=255, suffix="MPa") class Controller(ViktorController): label = 'My Entity Type' parametrization = Parametrization @DataView("profile geometrical Properties", duration_guess=1) def display_geometrical_properties(self, params: Munch, **kwargs): """Initiates the process of rendering an image of the bending moments of the structure, as well as a view of a few key values related to the bending moments.""" # results = self.calculate_allowable_bending_moment( # params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile # ) results = self.get_geometrical_properties( params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile ) data = DataGroup( DataItem("Depth", results["Depth"], suffix="mm"), DataItem("Width", results["Width"], suffix="mm"), DataItem("Thickness_of_web", results["Thickeness_of_web"], suffix="mm"), DataItem("Thickness_of_flange", results["Thickeness_of_flange"], suffix="mm"), DataItem("Area_col", results["Area_col"], suffix="mm2"), DataItem("Perimeter_col", results["Perimeter_col"], suffix="mm"), ) return DataResult(data) def calculate_plate_geom(self, params, **kwargs): results = self.get_geometrical_properties( params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile ) # Partial factor of resistance of cross-sections whatever the class is as per EN 1993-1-1. Ym0 = 1.0 # Compute ultimate load (Ned) -> on page # Compute foundation bearing strength which is typically concrete # βj is the foundation joint material coefficient, typically taken as 0.67 as per clause 6.2.5(7) in EN 1993-1-8. beta_j = 0.67 # α is a coefficient of diffusion of the vertical load being applied to the foundation. Conservatively this can be taken as 1.5 alpha = 1.5 # αcc is the coefficient that allows for long term effects on the compressive strength of concrete vs applied actions. Taken as 0.85 in the UK National Annex -> on page # γc is the partial factor of safety of concrete. Taken as 1.5 in the UK National Annex -> on page fjd = beta_j * alpha * (params.input.acc * params.input.fck) / params.input.yc # Compute area of baseplate required Areq = (params.input.Design_load * 1000) / fjd c = calculate_c(results["Perimeter_col"], results["Area_col"], Areq) # Compute the thickness of baseplate (tp) tp = c * (3 * fjd * Ym0 / params.input.steel_class) ** 0.50 return Ym0, beta_j, alpha, fjd, Areq, c, tp @DataView("Output", duration_guess=1) def Compute_output(self, params: Munch, **kwargs): Ym0, beta_j, alpha, fjd, Areq, c, tp = self.calculate_plate_geom(params) data = DataGroup( DataItem("ultimate load ", params.input.Design_load, suffix="KN"), DataItem("beta_j", 0.67), DataItem("alpha", 1.5), DataItem("Bearing capacity of concrete support(fjd) ", round(fjd), suffix="MPa"), DataItem("Areq ", round(Areq), suffix="mm2"), DataItem(" c", round(c), suffix="mm"), DataItem("Thickness of plate", round(tp), suffix="mm"), ) return DataResult(data) @staticmethod def get_beam_profile(h, b, tw, tf, r) -> List[Point]: """Generates the points which make up the chosen profile for the column cross-section""" # Get points for top flange points = [ Point(-b / 2, (h / 2) - tf), Point(-b / 2, h / 2), Point(b / 2, h / 2), Point(b / 2, (h / 2) - tf), ] # Get curve for top right angles = np.linspace(np.pi / 2, np.pi, 10) x = r * np.cos(angles) + tw / 2 + r y = r * np.sin(angles) + h / 2 - tf - r for _x, _y in zip(x, y): points.append(Point(_x, _y)) # Get curve for bottom right angles = np.linspace(-np.pi, -np.pi / 2, 10) x = r * np.cos(angles) + tw / 2 + r y = r * np.sin(angles) - h / 2 + tf + r for _x, _y in zip(x, y): points.append(Point(_x, _y)) # Get points for bottom flange points.extend([ Point(b / 2, - (h / 2) + tf), Point(b / 2, -h / 2), Point(-b / 2, -h / 2), Point(-b / 2, -(h / 2) + tf), ]) # Get curve for bottom left angles = np.linspace(1.5 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 10) x = r * np.cos(angles) - tw / 2 - r y = r * np.sin(angles) - h / 2 + tf + r for _x, _y in zip(x, y): points.append(Point(_x, _y)) # Get curve for top left angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi/2, 10) x = r * np.cos(angles) - tw / 2 - r y = r * np.sin(angles) + h / 2 - tf - r for _x, _y in zip(x, y): points.append(Point(_x, _y)) # Repeat the first point to close the profile points.append(Point(-b / 2, (h / 2) - tf)) return points @GeometryView("3D baseplate View", duration_guess=1) def get_3dView(self, params: Munch, **kwargs): """Create geometry for column, base-plate and add a concrete slab underneath""" Ym0, beta_j, alpha, fjd, Areq, c, tp = self.calculate_plate_geom(params) concrete_thickness = 15 * tp steel = Material(color=Color(95, 158, 240), metalness=1) concrete = Material(metalness=0, roughness=1, opacity=0.6) h = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Depth") b = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Width") tw = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Web thickness") tf = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Flange thickness") r = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Root radius") beam_profile = self.get_beam_profile(h, b, tw, tf, r) beam = Extrusion(beam_profile, Line(Point(0, 0, tp), Point(0, 0, 3 * h)), material=steel) base_plate = SquareBeam(sqrt(Areq), sqrt(Areq), tp, material=steel) # TODO: This area doesn't seem sufficient for large column sizes base_plate.translate((0, 0, tp / 2)) concrete_plate = SquareBeam(6 * h, 6 * h, concrete_thickness, material=concrete) concrete_plate.translate((0, 0, -concrete_thickness / 2)) return GeometryResult([beam, base_plate, concrete_plate]) @staticmethod def get_profile_property( profile_type: str, profile: str, property_name: str ) -> float: """Retrieve the profile properties based on the profile type, profile and property :param profile_type: One of the following profile types: HEA, HEB or IPE. :param profile: Profile name, eg IPE80 (IPE was given as profile_type) :param property_name: The name of the property, eg Weight """ file_path = ( Path(__file__).parent / "profiles" / f"steel-profiles-{profile_type}.csv" ) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, header=[2], skiprows=[3, 4, 5]) return df.loc[df["Profile"] == profile, property_name].item() @staticmethod def get_geometrical_properties( profile_type: str, profile: str ): """Calculates the allowable bending moment based on the given parameters. :param profile_type: One of the following profile types: HEA, HEB or IPE. :param profile: Profile name, eg IPE80 (IPE was given as profile_type) :param steel_class: The steel class, eg S235 :return: A dict with the moment of inertia, profile height, yield strength and allowable bending moment. """ file_path = ( Path(__file__).parent / "profiles" / f"steel-profiles-{profile_type}.csv" ) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, header=[2], skiprows=[3, 4, 5]) Depth = df.loc[df["Profile"] == profile, "Depth"].item() Width = df.loc[df["Profile"] == profile, "Width"].item() Thickeness_of_web = df.loc[df["Profile"] == profile, "Web thickness"].item() Thickeness_of_flange = df.loc[df["Profile"] == profile, "Flange thickness"].item() Area_col = df.loc[df["Profile"] == profile, "Area"].item() Perimeter_col = df.loc[df["Profile"] == profile, "Perimeter"].item() Perimeter_col = Perimeter_col * 1000 return { "Depth": Depth, "Width": Width, "Thickeness_of_web": Thickeness_of_web, "Thickeness_of_flange": Thickeness_of_flange, "Area_col": Area_col, "Perimeter_col": Perimeter_col }
Siempre me encuentro con el problema de comprobar el espesor de la placa base y el área efectiva necesaria que se debe proporcionar para que las cargas de la columna puedan transmitirse eficazmente a la cimentación.
Utilizar un script de Python que puede ayudarme con dichas comprobaciones y convertir el script en una aplicación web compartible y de fácil acceso utilizando el SDK de Viktor fue fácil y aportó más eficiencia al flujo de trabajo del diseño de la placa base.
La creación de este tipo de aplicación de ingeniería puede darle confianza en el sitio de trabajo de construcción solo con su teléfono móvil y poder verificar la precisión del diseño de miembros estructurales como placas base antes de fabricarlos y colocarlos.