One of the hottest topics among many parents and teachers is coding for kids and methods of making them interested in coding and computer science.
If you’re a parent, you’re probably wondering how your child can benefit from learning the language of the future.
In this quick write-up, I'll explain the benefits of learning to code at a young age, along with some tips on how to get your child started.
First, let's quickly define what coding is.
Coding (or programming) is the act of making computer programs.
A computer program is a sequence of instructions for a computer to do a job. A computer job can be drawing a circle on the screen or landing astronauts on the moon.
There are plenty of programming languages in the market. Some are great for creating mobile apps and websites. Some work better with AI, and some are used in robotics.
If you know how to code today, you can get into almost any industry as a coder; Engineering, medical, and aerospace are just a few examples.
Children are curious beings; From a young age, they are easily entertained by tackling obstacles and solving puzzles.
While keeping them entertained, coding teaches them various thinking styles, such as critical and creative thinking.
In addition to thinking skills, children learn soft skills such as creativity, problem-solving, and persistence too.
Based on a 2013 study on problem-solving by kindergarten children in a coding environment, children will have opportunities to develop "mathematical concepts, problem-solving, and social skills."
Anyone can learn to code, from 5-year-old kids to 60-year-old folks. However, there are many advantages to learning it at a young age.
According to StackOverflow’s 2021 survey, around 68% of software developers learned to code before they turned 17!
Kids can learn the basics of coding with simplified programming languages or activities that don’t require screens.
They don’t have to start with a text-based programming language, though. Block-based coding tools provide a beginner-friendly environment for young programmers.
In block-based coding, the programmer drags and drops blocks onto a canvas to create programs. Each block represents a language feature, like a function (move, stop, walk), a "loop,” or an "if" block.
A block-based language enables children to focus on learning programming concepts and see instant results - without being distracted by syntax mistakes commonly made by beginners.
One of the most popular and intuitive block-based programming languages is Scratch, a great educational tool for programming developed at MIT.
Other options include, CodeCombat, and CodeMonkey.
If you're worried about your child spending too much time on screens, you can try unplugged activities.
You can find many coding games you can play with just paper and pens. It could be a perfect way to make yourself spend more quality time with your children.
Alright, I hope you found this quick guide helpful!
Thanks for reading.
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