104 Stories To Learn About Programming Top Storyby@learn
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104 Stories To Learn About Programming Top Story

by Learn RepoMay 28th, 2023
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Learn everything you need to know about Programming Top Story via these 104 free HackerNoon stories.

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Let's learn about Programming Top Story via these 104 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

1. Running BF1942 on Windows 10 with Win32 APIs: The Programmer's Way

Fullscreen didn't work and window mode was bugged when trying to play Battlefield 1942. I decided to make a program to solve this issue using Win32 APIs.

2. I Built a Boxing Prediction Web App on Shiny, Here's How

As part of my data-science career track bootcamp, I had to complete a few personal capstones. For this particular capstone, I opted to focus on building something I personally care about - what better way to learn and possibly build something valuable than by working on a passion project.

3. Using JavaScript to Create and Generate UUIDs

Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) are used everywhere in software development for everything from identifying object elements to DOM elements on a web page

4. How Programming and Technology Are Changing the World

How Programming and Technology Are Changing the World

5. A Hacker's Guide to Competitive Programming

This blog post started with a personal search for such a post. I have a coding interview in an hour, and I was searching for a good medium post, which can point me out some basic concepts of Competitive Coding so that I can brush up just in time.

6. A Beginner's guide to Ruby on Rails MVC (Model View Controller) Pattern

In this article, we’re going to learn a little more about the MVC, the system Architecture at the core of the Rails Framework for Software Development. Hopefully, by the end of it, you’ll know why working with a system architecture can make all the difference when developing an app.

7. Executing a T-test in Python

In today’s data-driven world, data is generated and consumed on a daily basis. All this data holds countless hidden ideas and information that can be exhausting

8. Sending Files from a Remote Ubuntu Machine to Your Local Machine with SSH

This write-up is aimed at explaining how to transfer files between your remote system and your local machine, using ssh.

9. A Conversation with Roberto Ierusalimschy, Creator of Lua

Roberto Ierusalimschy, world-renowned creator of Lua, talks about creating the language and reflects on how it has affected the way he teaches his students.

10. Deploying a Terraform Remote State Backend with AWS S3 and DynamoDB

In this article, we are going to be deep diving into remote state management in terraform.

11. The Top 10 Benefits of Angular for Web Development

Angular was designed with performance in mind. It's fast and efficient, making it a great choice for high website traffic.

12. How Does Node.js Achieve Concurrency?

Ever wondered how Node.js handles multiple requests despite being single threaded? Find out the secret to concurrency in Node.js and how the event loop works

13. Why Ruby Shall Still Be Relevant in 2021

Ruby and the Rails framework are both under active development and regular updates are released for both all year round

14. Unix's LZW Compression Algorithm: How Does It Work?

We'll take a look at the algorithm behind Unix's compress utility. We'll implement Lempel Ziv Welch and learn all about it.

15. Why is the Swift Language Gaining Popularity? Is it Tailored Swift?

Swift combines decades of experience in building Apple platforms with the latest research in programming languages.

16. What You Didn't Know About React Version 16.8

Are you curious to decode unknown facts about React version 16.8? Yes! Read the complete article.

17. The Cost of Using Open Source Software as a Developer: A Tech Lawyer's Perspective

The Price You Pay As A Developer For Using Open Source Software - A Tech Lawyers View

18. Why Developers Should Take Coding Challenges Regularly

First of all, let me start by saying that the ability to solve coding challenges is not a measure of how good a web developer you are, but it can show that you are a great developer and make you stand out from the crowd. Nobody needs coding challenges to create an outstanding web page using HTML, CSS (or it’s frameworks), and maybe even a little JavaScript.

19. We Should Get Rid of "Hello, World!" Forever💩

Every tutorial I've read for the last 30 years starts with the infamous 'Hello World' example. This could be one of the reasons we write crappy software.

20. What are Generics in Java and How do they work? Explained with Examples

Generics were introduced in version J2SE 5.0 of Java in 2004. It is a pure compile-time concept.

21. How to Send Millions of Push Notifications with Go and Firebase Cloud Messaging

A Go service implementation that dispatches push messages via Firebase.

22. How I Overcame Imposter Syndrome While at Meta

My experience with Imposter Syndrome at Meta and how I overcame it

23. How to Setup Ubuntu 20.04 LTS on a Vagrant Virtual Box

This article will teach you how to set up Ubuntu 20.04 LTS on a Vagrant virtual box. It will also show how to configure the Virtual box to suit your preferences

24. 7 Tips For Becoming A Better JavaScript Developer

Sometimes I find myself going through the same steps when I work on different projects. These are just some of the things I've found helpful over the years.

25. Automating Invoice Creation with Chrome DevTools: A How-To Guide

How to automate a website from Chrome DevTools using JavaScript and DevTools Snippets. Learn more about DevTools by playing around with it.

26. Port Your Medium Articles to Your Personal Blog with a Simple Bash Script [A How To Guide]

As good as it is, having your own blog outside of Medium is still not a bad idea. It enables you to have another channel you can totally own to communicate with your readers. And who knows, no company can last forever, what if Medium got acquired by some other company or something even worse happen. You can still sleep well at night knowing you won’t lose all your articles.

27. Application Modernization: Breaking the God Service Using Heroku

Stop replacing your monolith with a God service and start doing things better. Let John Vester show you how to get started.

28. Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2022

A look at an average pay scale and the future demand for each of the programming languages available today and made a list of the top five languages.

29. The Array Every Method in JavaScript

Sometimes, with arrays, we want to test every element for a certain condition.

30. Managing the Spatial Data for My Wildfire Detection Dashboard

A look at how I manage the spatial data for a wildfire detection dashboard that I previously built.

31. How I Built a Budget Tracker with Jetpack Compose

Usually, I use Google Sheets to keep track of my income/expenses so I decided to build an app, using Compose, that would do the same.

32. The History of JSON and the People That Created It

Douglas Crockford and Chip Morngingstar created the data exchange format that is now known as JSON.

33. How to Isolate Vocals in a Song With Python

This article illustrates how to separate the vocals of a song from the instruments using my new favorite library, Librosa.

34. How to Use Multiple GitHub Accounts

GitHub allows you to create multiple accounts that can be used for different purposes, making you productive all the time.

35. How to Tame the “Async Void” in C#

Most intermediate dotnet devs writing async await code in C# will come across async void at some point. Here's a creative solution for avoiding the headaches.

36. 17 Metrics for Measuring DevOps Success

The metrics we choose can expose problems. But it can also hide them behind irrelevant data.

37. Make Any Webpage Responsive [A How-To Guide]

After a few weeks at Microverse, I was given a project to work on. I hoped on it expecting that it would be as simple as the first projects I had worked on as I learned. It was about responsive web design, a new topic I had never done before since I am a beginner in software development.

38. Microservice Architecture in Application Development: Advantages and Disadvantages

Microservice architecture is the optimal approach to software development.

39. Debug Your React App, But Don't Die Trying: A How-To Guide

Debugging is a daily part of every developer's life. I usually go through a process when I encounter a bug that helps me move pretty quickly through issues.

40. HTTP or IMAP: How To Prevent Headers From Getting Complicated

Why something so simple keeps bothering us?

41. Configuring HTTP Route Parameters in Azure Functions 2.x using Python

Overview of How HTTP Routing Works in Azure Functions

42. Leviathan Level 2 → Level 3 | Learn Basic Exploitation Techniques

Learn linux command by playing Leviathan wargame from OverTheWire. This wargame doesn’t require any knowledge about programming - just a bit of common sense and some knowledge about basic *nix commands.

43. Secrets of Reverse Programming: Learn Coding Faster

How to start Programming? Nope, there is a lot of articles on internet related with this topic, so I am not going to say same things to you because I will show you secrets of Reverse Programming

44. How to Code for Decades and STILL NOT become a Millionaire

Opportunities for making LOTS of money will present themselves over the years of a tech career.

45. 7 Node.JS Trends That Will Dominate in 2020

The popularity of Node.js has grown in recent years. With the developers going crazy over the technology, businesses are focusing on the potentialities of Node.JS. If we look at the statistics:

46. Create Scalable Interfaces With PostCSS-px-to-viewport Module

Most mobile and cross-platform web developers have encountered the problem at some point: you need your web app to scale neatly to the device screen size, regardless of which of the many thousands of devices there are out there, but your units only have one design layout width, mainly mobile. Or perhaps you need to create a per-device stylesheet for a truly scalable cross-platform UI, and want to use a scaled version of an original to base it upon. In either case, converting everything by hand is laborious and inconvenient.



48. Have We Reached the Age of Modularity Maturity?

while microservices come with their perks, the cons are so huge sometimes that they offset the pros. There are more manageable ways to achieve the same result.

49. Why You Should Always Avoid Encoding Type Into Names

The Rule: When naming a variable, don't encode it's type into its name, even in a dynamically typed language.

50. Demystifying SOLID Programming (Part 1): Single Responsibility Principle

We dive deep into the first principle of SOLID programming, the Single responsible principle. It states "A class should have one and only one reason to change"

51. How to Stay Healthy As a Programmer: Common Issues, and Tools to Help You Avoid Them

Programmers spend most of their time in front of the computer screen, mostly sitting. While their brain is actively working, their body does not. Even worse, IT emergencies happen quite often, and engineers usually have to monitor systems or code instant fixes far outside regular working hours. All these factors may cause any number of health issues, all of which every IT professional should be aware of.

52. Garbage Collection in Erlang Helps Create Scalable Applications

How garbage collection in Erlang can help you to create scalable applications

53. Javascript Array Concat Method

The concat method on arrays is used to take two arrays and concatenate them into one.

54. Understanding the Basic Concepts of Heap Data Structure in GoLang

We are trying to learn the basic concepts about heaps like inserting and extracting data from heaps and also the time complexity of heaps.

55. How to Deploy a Laravel App With the Debian 11 Vagrant Box

This article will serve as a guide for deploying a sample laravel app using the Debian 11 vagrant box.

56. Coding Does Not Need to Be A Curse

While having an ability to build things is definitely a blessing, sometimes, however, it can prove to be a curse as well. I realized it when I was building KnowyKnowy.

57. Less Dirty Code

Clean Code is a Lie and Nobody Writes it.

58. HTTP — PATCH Method! I’ve Been Thinking About It All Wrong

Today I learned, The Reality that People Never Told Me about HTTP-PATCH!

59. How to Give Your React Navbar Search Functionality

This article shows you how to configure the search input. How to show / hide it, change the caption, add an icon, handle callback and how to style it;

60. 5 Important Lessons I Learnt As A Software Engineer

Recently I completed 2 years as a full-time software engineer. I started working since December 2017 at a company name which was a small 10 people startup where I had to work on a multitude of things. In my first month, I had to write a Go server and dockerize it. My learning curve for the first month was something like this.

61. The Developer's Guide to Preparing Django Applications for Production

Configuration of production and development settings in Django. Can we read from different databases? What about getting notifications on view exceptions?

62. WTF are HL7 FHIR standards and How Do They Impact HealthTech?

Why HL7 FHIR standards are important in healthcare products development

63. How to Become a Backend Developer in 2020

Are you looking for a career in Backend Development? To build complete applications beyond the user-interface companies need rockstar back-end developers.

All the app data is stored and processed on the back-end. Back-end development is everything that happens behind the scenes. It is a variety of things like the databases, the business logic, the API layer and pretty much everything other than the user-interface.

The average salary for a back-end developer is $123,689 per year in the United States as of 2019. In this post, let’s learn about what it means to be a Backend Developer.

64. Generate a PDF from HTML [A How To Guide feat. Elixir]

By the end of this article, you should have a working mix project that can generate a PDF from an HTML template and json payload.

65. What is Deno? And Could it Actually Replace Node.js?

Deno is a hot new runtime that may replace Node.js. Everyone’s talking about it like it’s the next big thing. It likely is. Here’s why.

66. Coding 101: Programming Language Building Blocks

This article will introduce the concepts and topics common to all programming languages, that beginners and experts must know!

67. How to Manage ACLs in Symfony the Easy Peasy Way

It's no secret ACLs can be tricky. Since voters seem to be the alternative to ACLs recommended by Symfony, I recently decided that I'd write my own easy-to-use Symfony 5 bundle to manage access control lists (ACL) in my applications.

68. Make your Product Ready to Scale Using Laravel Queues

This guide is for all PHP developers that need a deeper understanding of how to introduce background Jobs in a Laravel application.

69. How to Manage ACLs in Symfony the Easy Peasy Way

It's no secret ACLs can be tricky. Since voters seem to be the alternative to ACLs recommended by Symfony, I recently decided that I'd write my own easy-to-use Symfony 5 bundle to manage access control lists (ACL) in my applications.

70. IBM’s proprietary RPG programming language: An Overview

The Report Program Generator (or RPG for short) is a high-level programming language serves a wide array of business applications and uses. It is an IBM proprietary programming module and a vast majority of its later versions can only be accessed on IBM i- or OS/400-based systems.

71. The Rational Software Engineer: How to Find a Dream Job

Rational Software Engineer: How to Find a Dream Job covers how to go through the job search process and identify whether a company is a good place to work.

72. Grouping Code with Eunice [Explained]

As software gets more complicated we need ways to structure code to make it easier to understand. For example, functions, classes, closures, files, directories, repositories, namespaces, packages and services. However, how code is grouped in these structures doesn't always fit well with how the pieces work together.

73. Leveraging Marqeta to Build a Payment Service in Spring Boot: A How-To Guide

After paying an Uber, John Vester decided to dig into the Marqeta API used for payment processing. Hours later, he created a fully functional Payment Service.

74. Getting to Know gRPC

Need a quick beginner's guide to gRPC? What is it? How do you set up a client and server, and make an RPC call? All your answers are here!

75. Build A Social Authentication dApp on Ethereum using Next.js and Next-Auth-js

Learn how to implement a Dapp for Ethereum using Next.js

76. Interview: Flask Creator Armin Ronacher


77. Exclusive Integrated Development Environments to Code The Best In 2020

Software development or programming is not easy until you are a hardcore programmer. A while back, programmers had to code on dull command prompt screens, run the code on a separate compiler then debug it on some third platform. Today, although, programming needs the same dedication and efforts, it has become easier to code, compile, and debug in the same environment. All thanks to IDE-Integrated Development Environment platforms, which enable coders to perform all the major functions of programming in one place.

78. Web Scraping And Data Extraction with Python: Upwork Series #1

Welcome to the first post of Upwork Series. In this series, we are going to work on gig requirements posted on UpWork.

79. Functor Applicative and Monads

I am putting my understanding about functor,Applicative and Monad after spending few days to find out what monad is . Here is what I found. I am using Kotlin to explain with examples

80. Using Java Executor framework for Multithreading [A How To Guide]

In my Previous Blog I covered the basics of Multithreading in Java. Click here to read that blog.

81. How To Boost Efficiency with Specialized Dictionary Implementations

How to create a dictionary with ordered and read-only items, returning default value with non-existent key, grouping multiple dictionaries into a single map and much more

82. The One Tool To Rule All The Text Manipulation Needs Of A Developer

I’m introducing a text / code generation tool that you will fall in love with. If you’re a developer or someone who works with text or tabulated data you need this tool.

83. Accessing Private Instances With An, Internet-Facing, Application Load Balancer in AWS

In this piece, I will be showing you how to deploy a simple python Flask application with an AWS application load balancer.

84. False positives Are Considered Enemies, But Can They Be Your Friends?

When writing a rule for static analysis, it’s possible that in some cases, the rule does not give the results that were expected. Unfortunately, naming a false positive is often far easier than fixing it. In this post, I’ll discuss how the different types of rules give rise to different types of false positives, which ones are easier to fix than others, and how you can help. I’ll end with insight into how issues that are false positives can still be true indicators that the code needs to change.

85. Building a Twitter Bot to Automate Posting Cryptocurrency News with Python [A Step-by-Step Guide]

Be kind.

86. Amazon Textract: Extract Text from PDF and Image Files [A How To Guide]

Amazon recently released Textract in the Asia Pacific (Sydney), thus i decided to write a javascript OCR demo using Amazon Textract.

87. Improving the Caching Game on Android in Kotlin

When we develop our applications we mostly have the best internet connections and we tend to not think about the number of requests the app will make to out back end server once it is live in production.

88. Going From Not Being Able To Code To Deep Learning Hero

A detailed plan for going from not being able to write code to being a deep learning expert. Advice based on personal experience.

89. An Interview With PowerShell Inventor Jeffrey Snover

Snover is the inventor of Windows PowerShell, an object-based distributed automation engine, scripting language, and command line shell.

90. How To Create React Apps From Scratch: [Part 1 - Setting Up]

Since React is currently one of the most in-demand front-end technology, I have decided to start a course series that intends to show you how to create the React js app from scratch to finish.

91. 6 Reasons to Know At least One Programming Language

When you start reading this, I’m assuming you don’t know much about programming and you’re highly curious about why you need to learn a new language when you’re not aware of why you actually need it. Here I’m giving you 6 reasons for you to learn a new programming language.

92. Create A Great Pull Request In Just 5 Steps [A How To Guide]

First of all, congratulations! You have come this far. Creating pull requests is the last step to propose your code to the code owners as well as other contributors. It is really important to have a great pull request as it would help the reviewers to understand and learn from your delivered code better. This article will show you how to make Pull Requests great again just in 5 steps.

93. Lists in Python: Mutability, Utility, and Accessibility

A list is a sequence in python. The dictionary meaning of list is “a number of connected items or names written or printed consecutively”. There is no much difference in its dictionary meaning and its uses in Python while writing a program.

94. The Difference Between Backend, Frontend, Full-stack and Super stack Development

I looked at and found a website I put live in 2001, which means I have been writing some code for 20 years. Of course, I am not going to give a link to that website still it will be safe to mention 20 years back in Kathmandu when people didn’t have an email I had built websites. I uploaded it over a 33.8k modem with a dial-up connection. Kids these days will not even know the sound of that modem (yes I am old).

95. 3 Best Ways To Import JSON To Google Sheets [Ultimate Guide]

3 ways to pull JSON data into a Google Spreadsheet

96. Vue Query Builder with Cube.js - A Tutorial

Quite commonly in our applications, we need to create interactive report builders to let users build custom reports and dashboards. This usually involves selecting the metrics, groupings, date ranges, filters, and chart types. To help developers build such interactive components, we've created a query builder component in Cube.js client libraries.

97. My Advice As an Ex-Tech Recruiter to Self-Taught Programmers

As a former tech recruiter for some of the hottest tech startups in the Bay Area and NYC, I’ve seen first-hand what companies look for in candidates for software engineering, machine learning, data science, tech management, directorship and the like.

98. I Found A Painless Way To Manage Secrets In Google Kubernetes Engine

When deploying complex SaaS platforms, secrets can quickly become the bane of one’s existence. I once wrote about how we ran out of space for our environment variables (in Elastic Beanstalk) because we had so many API keys and secrets. But those were the bad old days.

99. An Overview of Server Side and Isomorphic Async Rendering

This article is aimed at developers who are interested in Server Side Rendering (SSR) but don’t know where to start or developers who are familiar with SSR but want more info on using async code splitting with SSR. If you are interested in optimizations to achieve faster page load times and smoother UX experiences, this is for you too.

100. The Ultimate Guide to Blazing-Fast Performance in Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a tremendous framework when you want development speed for your project or startup. It’s useful right out of the box and comes with a plethora of behind-the-scenes magic to make your life easier. However, it’s not considered the fastest framework out there in terms of performance. You will find examples of individuals and companies drifting away from Rails in favour of something else. Despite this, there are many companies out there who have succeeded in scaling Rails and found success — just take a look at Airbnb, Github, Gitlab & Shopify.

101. “I Gave Up on Getting Developers to Act Against Their Instincts.” Yukihiro Matsumoto, Ruby Creator

Evrone spoke with Mr. Matsumoto about the new features in the latest major Ruby release. Mr. Matsumoto also shared details about his approach to improving Ruby

102. How To Avoid n00b Programming Mistakes?

To become a Senior Java Developer, I’ve been learning Java for many years and still I’m not gonna stop learning as actual coding never stops teaching. I’ve also been teaching it for over seven years now. Just fancy how many mistakes I’ve already made myself and how many I’ve watched my students doing. I am pretty sure now I know a hundred wrong ways of learning to code (as well as dozens of the right ones).

103. Can You Use FreeBSD for a Developer Machine in 2020?

FreeBSD is a solid choice on a server, and it’s ubiquitous in the infrastructure world, but how does it hold up as a desktop machine? As a developer workstation? I found out.

104. Functional Programming and Justice in a World Without Time

My grandfather was staring deeply into the television screen in the dimly lit living room. After his cataract had over matured, he swapped the newspaper he peeled through every morning for a news channel with as much depth as the flat screen it was served on.

Thank you for checking out the 104 most read stories about Programming Top Story on HackerNoon.

Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.