Comparing the Best TypeScript Alternatives [Part I]by@akankov
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Comparing the Best TypeScript Alternatives [Part I]

by Aleksei KankovJanuary 31st, 2023
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TypeScript was first developed and released by Microsoft in 2012. It was designed to be a typed superset of JavaScript. The latest version of TypeScript is 4.2, which was released in November 2021. CoffeeScript is a programming language that was first released in 2009. It is a more concise and expressive alternative to JavaScript.
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I believe you may already know how popular TypeScript is nowadays. But it was not like this ten years ago. Let's start with a bit of the history of TypeScript and its alternatives. And there were a lot of alternatives.

The History of TypeScript

TypeScript was first developed and released by Microsoft in 2012. It was created by Anders Hejlsberg, who also led the development of C#, and was designed to be a typed superset of JavaScript. This means that TypeScript is fully compatible with JavaScript, and any existing JavaScript code can be easily integrated into a TypeScript project.

The initial release of TypeScript included features such as static typing, classes, and interfaces. These features were intended to improve the development experience and make it easier to catch errors before they made it to production.

TypeScript gained popularity among developers, and the community quickly started contributing to the language's development. Over the years, TypeScript has been updated with new features such as decorators, async/await, and support for JSX.

In 2017, TypeScript reached version 2.0, which included new features such as non-nullable types and control flow based type analysis. This was a significant release that improved the type-checking capabilities of the language and made it more powerful.

In 2019, TypeScript 3.5 was released, and it brought support for JSX and improved type-checking for JSX. The latest version of TypeScript is 4.2, which was released in November 2021, and brings many features such as improved performance, better type-checking, and new features like template literal type and support for JSX fragment.

TypeScript continues to be actively developed and maintained by Microsoft and the community. With a growing number of developers using it and a wide range of libraries and frameworks supporting it, TypeScript is becoming increasingly popular as a language for building large-scale applications.

Alternatives to TypeScript

CoffeeScript CoffeeScript is a programming language that was first released in 2009 by Jeremy Ashkenas. It was designed as a more concise and expressive alternative to JavaScript, and it aimed to make the syntax of JavaScript more like Ruby or Python.

CoffeeScript was well-received by developers, and it quickly gained popularity as an alternative to JavaScript. One of the key benefits of CoffeeScript was its more concise syntax, which allowed developers to write less code to accomplish the same tasks. It also provided features such as list comprehension, destructuring assignments, and classes, which were not available in JavaScript at the time.

In the years following its release, CoffeeScript became widely used by developers, and it was included in many popular web development frameworks and libraries. However, as JavaScript evolved, many of the features that made CoffeeScript unique were added to JavaScript itself. This, combined with the rise of TypeScript, which provided a type system and other features that made large-scale development easier, led to a decline in CoffeeScript's popularity.

Despite this, CoffeeScript is still being maintained and is still used by some developers today. It remains a popular choice for those who prefer its concise syntax and simplicity, and it continues to have a dedicated community of users.

Overall, CoffeeScript has had an impact on the web development community and has played a role in the evolution of JavaScript. Its concise syntax and features have influenced the development of other programming languages, and its legacy can still be seen in the current state of web development.

CoffeeScript vs TypeScript

TypeScript and CoffeeScript are both programming languages that are used for building web applications, but they have some key differences.

TypeScript is a statically-typed language that was developed as a superset of JavaScript.

CoffeeScript, on the other hand, is a dynamically-typed language that was designed to provide a more concise and expressive alternative to JavaScript. CoffeeScript was designed to make the syntax of JavaScript more like Ruby or Python, and it provides features such as list comprehension and destructuring assignments that were not available in JavaScript at the time.

In terms of syntax, TypeScript has a syntax that is very similar to JavaScript, while CoffeeScript has a more concise syntax that is designed to be easier to read and write.

When it comes to community, TypeScript has a larger and more established community of users, as well as a wider range of third-party tools and libraries available. CoffeeScript has a smaller community of users, but it still has a dedicated group of users who prefer its concise syntax.

In conclusion, TypeScript and CoffeeScript are both great options for building web applications, and the choice between them will depend on the specific needs of the project and the developer's preference.

TypeScript may be a better choice for those who are looking for a statically-typed language with a syntax similar to JavaScript, while CoffeeScript may be a better choice for those who prefer a more concise syntax and a dynamically-typed language.


Dart is a general-purpose programming language developed by Google and was first released in 2011. The language was designed to be an alternative to JavaScript for developing web, mobile, and desktop applications. Dart was created with the goal of providing a more structured and predictable way to build applications, with a syntax that is similar to Java and C#.

One of the key features of Dart is its type system, which helps to catch errors before they make it to production. It also provides a unified object model, making it easier to build large-scale applications, and has built-in support for asynchronous programming.

When Dart was first released, it faced criticism from some in the web development community, who saw it as an unnecessary alternative to JavaScript. However, Dart's popularity has grown in recent years, and it is now widely used for building applications, particularly for the web and mobile platforms.

In 2021, Google announced that Dart 2.0, the latest version of the language, would now be able to compile to JavaScript, making it easier for developers to write Dart code that runs on the web. This change has made Dart even more accessible to developers and has helped to increase its popularity.

Today, Dart is widely used by developers and has a large community of users. It is used by many large organizations, including Google, and it is a popular choice for building applications for both the web and mobile platforms. The language continues to be developed and maintained by Google, and it is seen as a key player in the future of web development.

Dart vs TypeScript

TypeScript and Dart are both programming languages that are designed to be used for building large-scale applications. However, they have some key differences that set them apart.

Dart is a general-purpose programming language that was developed by Google. It provides a type system, a unified object model, and built-in support for asynchronous programming. Dart is used for building applications for the web, mobile, and desktop platforms, and it can be compiled to JavaScript for running in the browser.

In terms of syntax, TypeScript is very similar to JavaScript, making it easier for JavaScript developers to learn. Dart has a syntax that is similar to Java and C#, and it provides a more structured way of building applications.

When it comes to community, TypeScript has a larger and more established community of users, as well as a wider range of third-party tools and libraries available. Dart has a smaller community of users, but it is growing and is supported by Google.

In conclusion, TypeScript and Dart are both great options for building large-scale applications, and the choice between them will depend on the specific needs of the project and the developer's preference. TypeScript may be a better choice for those who are familiar with JavaScript and prefer a statically-typed language, while Dart may be a better choice for those who prefer a more structured language with a syntax similar to Java or C#.

Elm Elm is a functional programming language that was designed specifically for building web applications. It was created by Evan Czaplicki in 2012 as a way to address the complexity and reliability issues associated with building complex web applications.

Elm provides a number of features that make it well-suited for building web applications. It is a statically-typed language, which means that it provides type safety and reduces the risk of runtime errors.

It also provides a functional programming model, which makes it easier to reason about the behavior of applications and makes it easier to write code that is easy to maintain and debug.

In terms of syntax, Elm has a syntax that is inspired by Haskell and provides a number of features that make it easier to write and understand code, such as immutability, algebraic data types, and type inference.

Elm has a relatively small community of users compared to other web development languages, but it has a dedicated group of users who appreciate its focus on reliability and simplicity.

In conclusion, Elm is a great choice for building web applications for those who prefer a functional programming model and a statically-typed language. It provides a number of features that make it well-suited for building reliable and maintainable web applications, and its concise syntax makes it easier to read and write code.

Elm vs TypeScript

Elm and TypeScript are both programming languages used for building web applications, but they have some key differences.

Elm is a functional programming language that was designed specifically for building web applications. It is statically-typed, which means that it provides type safety and reduces the risk of runtime errors. Elm provides a functional programming model, which makes it easier to reason about the behavior of applications and makes it easier to write code that is easy to maintain and debug.

In terms of syntax, TypeScript has a syntax that is very similar to JavaScript, while Elm has a more concise syntax that is inspired by Haskell. Elm also provides a number of features that make it easier to write and understand code, such as immutability, algebraic data types, and type inference.

When it comes to community, TypeScript has a larger and more established community of developers, while Elm has a smaller but dedicated group of users who appreciate its focus on reliability and simplicity.

In conclusion, both Elm and TypeScript are great choices for building web applications, and the choice between them will depend on the specific needs of the project and the developer's preference. TypeScript may be a better choice for those who are looking for a statically-typed language with a syntax similar to JavaScript, while Elm may be a better choice for those who prefer a functional programming model and a more concise syntax.

Final Thoughts on Typescript Alternatives

In conclusion, TypeScript, Dart, CoffeeScript, and Elm are all programming languages used for building web applications, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

TypeScript is a statically-typed language that is a superset of JavaScript, making it a popular choice for building web applications. It provides type safety, reduces the risk of runtime errors, and has a syntax that is similar to JavaScript.

Dart is a statically-typed language that was created by Google to address the challenges of building large-scale web applications. It provides type safety and reduces the risk of runtime errors, and it has a syntax that is similar to Java.

CoffeeScript is a dynamically-typed language that provides a more concise syntax for writing JavaScript code. It provides an alternative to JavaScript that is easier to read and write, and it is widely used for building small- to medium-sized web applications.

Elm is a functional programming language that was designed specifically for building web applications. It provides type safety and reduces the risk of runtime errors, and it provides a functional programming model that makes it easier to reason about the behavior of applications and write code that is easy to maintain and debug.

In choosing between these languages, the specific needs of the project and the developer's preferences will play a significant role. TypeScript is a great choice for those who are looking for a statically-typed language with a syntax similar to JavaScript, Dart is a good choice for building large-scale web applications, CoffeeScript is a good choice for building small- to medium-sized web applications, and Elm is a good choice for those who prefer a functional programming model and a more concise syntax.

In the next part of this series, I'm going to compare TypeScript with other alternatives, so stay tuned!