139 Stories To Learn About Cicdby@learn
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139 Stories To Learn About Cicd

by Learn RepoApril 11th, 2023
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Learn everything you need to know about Cicd via these 139 free HackerNoon stories.

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Let's learn about Cicd via these 139 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

1. RSpec, Capybara, CircleCI And Chrome Headless Webdriver Configuration

How to configure Capybara with Chrome headless webdriver using CircleCI and Ruby on Rails project. Selenium webdriver.

2. GitLab Runners in EKS with AWS IAM

When we started with Kubernetes, around June 2018, the most popular choice on AWS was kops. But later down the road we migrated to the managed solution provided by AWS: EKS. I think it happened around the time when AWS announced PCI and ISO compliance and it also helped that meanwhile the managed platform was becoming available in more and more regions (because in the summer of 2018 you could use it only in very few locations).

3. How to Deploy Vlocity Components with Vlocity Build Tool

A guide on how to deploy Salesforce Vlocity components using Vlocity Build tool and integrate it with your CI/CD pipeline.

4. Telegram Bot In Scala 3 With Bot4s + http4s + Doobie for CI notifications

Scala 3 is finally here, but have you seen many real-world applications written in it? In this article, I will show you an example of such an application!

5. Continuous Integration: Best Practices To Follow

We think of bugs as being in code but that’s just the end of the story. Bugs are a human problem. You fix one bug in code but you prevent future bugs by helping humans to work better.

6. Understand The Basic Concepts of CI/CD

Today’s enterprises are under increasing pressure to deliver software faster than their competitors, differentiated solely by the quality of their applications and the developers who build them.

7. The #1 Reason Jenkins Fails

Jenkins down? Pipelines broken? Hackers making off with your data? It often stems from one fatal flaw. While Jenkins has been both loved and hated for being DevOps duct tape, every user knows there are plenty of issues to deal with. Over the past three years, as part of my work at Codefresh I’ve been helping teams migrate from Jenkins and I’ve seen all of these issues over and over again. The biggest issue may surprise you because it creates a cascade effect.

8. CI CD Pipeline: How to Setup a CI CD Pipeline From Scratch with GitHub Actions.

Setup your CI CD Pipeline with GitHub Actions.

9. DevOps 101: CI/CD [Explained]

[This is part of a DevOps 101 Series written by Kat Cosgrove, Developer Advocate at JFrog.]

10. CI/CD Pipelines on GitLab and AWS: Speed Up Your Deployments

Brief guide how to deploy websites with Gitlab CI to AWS S3

11. Moving from CircleCI to Buildkite: Everything You Need to Know

Buildkite is gaining momentum as an excellent CI tool, and I recently was involved in such a migration from CircleCI and wanted to share my experience.

12. How to Integrate GitHub Actions and CI/CD With Your Next Python Project

We're going to create a CI/CD pipeline for a typical Python package. The text focuses on practical aspects and should be enough to get you started!

13. The Cloud-Native & DevOps Approach in Regulated Industries

The DevOps practices are helping companies build software that will function properly in a more automated world & this is what building cloud-native software is all about. While the cloud-native approach is becoming more critical and making life easier for everyone involved in software development, there are still industries that are laggards and kind of scared to move out of their legacy practices. Yes, we are talking about the highly regulated industries like Healthcare, Financial corporations, government agencies, etc. When it comes to adopting new technologies of building software, these industries have always remained slow because of the limitations they carry with them. But recently we have seen so many traditional banks and hospitals moving towards DevOps and cloud-native practices.

14. Tips to Secure Your Jenkins Pipeline

In this post, we look at some of the methods and tools to keep your Jenkins instance safe, secure, and protect those using it.

15. Generating Unique Values for Test Data in MySQL

Generating unique values for test data in MySQL

16. Android CI/CD Boilerplate for Publishing via Fastlane

Stop publishing your Android apps manually and start doing this fully automated at any stage with the boilerplate for building a CI/CD pipeline for Android.

17. The CI/CD Model Development Process

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) are staples of a modern software development workflow that enable developers to release their code rapi

18. Creating a Successful DevOps Strategy for Web3

Exploring the tools that bring DevOps methodologies and practices to web3 development.

19. How to Manage Databases with CI/CD

If you’re still doing manual migrations on the database you’re doing it wrong. Databases are as much part of the application as the code.

20. Introducing the World’s First Mobile DevOps Assessment: MODAS

The world’s first Mobile DevOps, Performance, Productivity, and Maturity Assessment.

21. How to Fail at DevOps

22. Are Your CICD and DevOps Tools Really Helping Developers?

If you are responsible for your team’s CICD and DevOps tools, have you ever asked yourself if the tools you built are really making developers’ lives easier?

23. The Easiest Way To Deploy With Gradle

How to easily deploy on Gradle for your Linux server without needing an entire development pipeline that the process normally requires you to have on hand.

24. Everything Wrong About Deno as a Runtime System for Enterprise Applications

Hey there! In this article, I'm sharing my thoughts about Deno as a bad runtime system for enterprise applications. At least for now.

25. How Continuous Delivery Helps Startups to Deliver Value

The continuous model implies the frequent and predictable release of quality products. Let's understand the business benefits of Continuous Delivery.

26. A Handy Guide to Migrating Terraform State to GitLab CI/CD

Migrating Terraform state to GitLab CI/CD is a GitOps best practice that allows multiple engineers to work together to develop infrastructure.

27. Managing NPM Dependency as A Professional

Why do we talk about project quality and technical debt so much? Because this directly or indirectly affects the speed of development, the complexity of support, the time to implement new functionality, and the possibility of extending the current one.

28. How to Setup Different Environments for Dockerized Angular App with Nginx

Here I’m going to suggest to you a very simple deployment practice that we can follow in regards to deploy an Angular-based front-end app.

29. Automatically Scan Your Project Dependencies for Vulnerabilities Using Docker, Jenkins (Part 2/2)

The OWASP Dependency-Check tool is a popular tool to check dependencies. We will discuss how we can run it standalone or integrate it into CI/CD Pipeline.

30. Guide To Pursue DevOps Agile Development Cycle And Develop a Better Software

The rise of DevOps and Agile methodologies is apparent to anyone closely following the business world. Just last year, there was an 18 percent increase in DevOps adoption. Most business owners see the benefits of embracing both DevOps and Agile. With these methodologies in place, developers are able to get projects done in a timely and efficient manner.

31. How to Create a Conditional Workflow With Advanced GitHub Actions

How can I create one GitHub workflow which uses different secrets based on a triggered branch? The conditional workflow will solve this problem.

32. DevOps Testing Strategy: A Detailed Guide for Agile Teams

Continuity is simply a “must” in the development and deployment process to adhere to DevOps’ aim of quality-at-speed deliveries.

33. Everything About the Best Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) Tools in 2022

DevOps practices are spreading , and many companies every day are implementing CI/CD process. The blog talks about the top 10 CI/CD tools. Learn more.

34. Automated Testing with GitHub Actions

Hands-on tutorial on automating your unit tests using the CI/CD platform GitHub Actions.

35. API Testing Tools: 15 Quality Tools to Look Into

The number of API testing tools on the market for you and your team to try out and select will probably take forever.

36. How CI/CD and Microservices Led to Kubernetes: Kube Explained Part 1

Engineering teams have always had constant pressure to deliver software faster, cheaper, and more reliably. As a result, many of the recent trends in backend infrastructure have been driven by these factors.

37. The Comparison of Top 10 Automated Mobile Testing Tools

Mobile testing is the process of testing mobile applications for functionality, usability or performance through the use of tools or open-source frameworks.

38. 80% of Issues Aren't Caught by Testing Alone: Build Your Data Reliability Stack to Reduce Downtime

After speaking to hundreds of teams, I discovered ~80% of data issues aren’t covered by testing alone. Here are 4 layers to building a data reliability stack.

39. Release Driven Development: Building a Minimalistic Release Pipeline with Github Actions

Building a minimalistic release pipeline with a Spring Boot app, Github Actions, and DigitalOcean.

40. Flutter Guide to Building Apps and Deploying them to iOS (without Mac)

It's now possible to develop and distribute iOS apps without using macOS. Learn how to build ios apps on Linux.

41. ModelOps Series: Pushing Model Container Images to Production

Containerization is important for models to function properly once production begins. Leveraging continuous integration/deployment is will improve efficiency

42. DevOps Shouldn't Be Hard!

About those GitHub Actions

43. How to Create an Extension Pack for VSCode & Code Server

This guide outlines and explains the process for creating an extension pack for VS Code & Code Server before publishing it on GitHub release using Travis CI.

44. Artifactory: A Great DevOps Tool That Will Help You Release At The Speed Of Light

When it comes to DevOps, releasing fast is very important. Today, we will see how Artifactory is going to help companies release fast and efficient.

45. CI/CD Best Practices for Salesforce DX

With digital transformation and the move to online operations, companies are increasingly relying on Salesforce to manage many of their operations. New business needs and opportunities constantly increase the workload of Salesforce teams. In this context, teams are turning to Salesforce CI/CD to automate manual workflows, which help them handle these growing workloads and quickly deliver quality work to their end-users. This article gives you a short overview of how to implement CI-CD in Salesforce DX.

46. Streamline Your Python Backend Deployment with Automated Continuous Integration using Github Actions

Learn how to automate your python backend application deployment continuously with Github actions.

47. DevOps and Telco Sofwarisation - Part 1

In this series of articles, we will explore the convergence happening between the IT and Telecom industries, which is referred to as “Telco Softwarisation”.

48. How Agile Teams Shorten SDLC Using DevTestOps

Moreover, the duty of code quality can slowly be forgotten in the developers’ minds as they know their work would be tested either way.

49. DevOps Shouldn't be Hard: Configurating CD Server

I wanted to write this guide for a while because DevOps is one of the things that is not discussed much yet there are a few straightforward actions that you can integrate into your workflow that will make your developer life much easier.

50. IT Operations: Holiday Season is NOT the Right Time to Implement Change Freezes

Why IT Operations Shouldn't Implement Change Freezes During the Holidays. The info you need to make sure your CI/CD systems run smoothly and avoid mistakes.

51. Serverless Playbook For Enterprises

We discuss quite a bit about going serverless for SMEs and startups, however it’s often those with an already huge infrastructure, such as enterprises, that can find the move and change daunting. We see many companies from the likes of Coca-Cola to Netflix managing it but what does it look like in action? In this article, we share some best practices and insights on the serverless designs that can scale massively and represent enterprise models. For a real life example, you can also check out how Shamrock Trading Corp migrated to serverless from a traditional cluster - psst, they’re also giving away their winning strategy for a smooth transition.

52. Why Open Source Conquers The Telecommunications Industry

open source invading telco industry

53. How to Create Release Pipelines in Azure Devops in 7 Simple Steps

This article will explain how to create release pipelines in Azure Devops in seven simple steps.

54. Never Worry About Cloud-Native Tech Security Again

If you have embraced the concept of cloud-native computing and principles, you are ahead; you are on the right path in today’s advanced and competitive IT environment. But we need to understand one thing that, moving your development environment and processes to a cloud-native environment can be daunting and challenging. Anybody can merely advise you to move from a monolithic application to a microservices architecture, but from where and how are the questions that need critical analysis.

55. Simplified Spinnaker is Possible: I Never Thought About it

Getting Spinnaker running is not an easy feat. Armory's Minnaker open source application gets you started in 10 minutes, so you can focus on Armory's value.

56. Using Codeship to Deploy a Dotnet app on Oracle Kubernetes

So, I was looking at an alternative to Azure DevOps and Jenkins to build a CI CD pipeline for a new project. A friend had asked me for a recommendation. His wanted to host microservices in Oracle Kubernetes Service.

57. Power-up: Machine Learning and Data Engineering (R)evolution for Optimizing Marketing Efforts

This blog covers real-world use cases of businesses embracing machine learning and data engineering revolution to optimize their marketing efforts.

58. DevOps Shouldn't be Hard: Deployment Reports

Previously, we managed to make our app redeploy on each commit. As you can remember, we get the status of deployment by processing script execution results. So let's use it to send a notification to ourselves each time we deploy our code.

59. Let's Compare Top 15 Automation Testing Tools

Automation testing tools are applications designed to verify function and/or non-functional requirements via automated test scripts.

60. The Benefits of Automation Testing and How it Works

Benefits of Automation Testing, Strategies and Best Practices. Get unique insights on how to implement automation testing fast!

61. Mobile DevOps: Code Signing iOS Apps Automatically

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Xcode Archive & Export for iOS step to manage your iOS code signing assets, archives and export an .ipa.

62. Shifting Containers Left: On the Quest for Reproducible Development Environments

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

63. DevOps and Telco Softwarisation - Part 3: A CI/CD setup for a 5G Telco project

Image courtesy of Pexels: Troy Squillaci

64. How To Localize Your Android App: A Step by Step Guide

This example project has everything you need to localize your native Android application on Smartcat platform, using a fully automated continuous localization approach.

65. DevOps and Telco Softwarisation - Part 2: A Simple CI/CD Example

Image courtesy of Pixabay

66. Accelerate your Software Delivery With CI/CD Practices

Are you looking to transform your software development process? If yes, this blog post provides an introduces to orchestrating the CI-CD pipeline with AWS.

67. Benchmarking Xcode Availability Across Hosted CICD Services

Xcode versions are the drumbeat iOS teams all around the world march to. Rapid access to Xcode versions ensures that apps are submitted, and updated on time

68. Using CI/CD Pipelines to Increase the Speed and Quality of Software Development

Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery in the development process. How the CI/CD pipeline helps create products and implement new features better and fast

69. Hosting an Angular application on GitHub Pages using Travis CI

Application example built with Angular 15 and hosted on GitHub Pages using Travis CI.

70. We Built a Project Generator Because DevOps Needs One

We, realMethods, are a small System Integrator. As a small SI with limited resources, we needed an advantage to compete for large engagements. We needed a lever we could pull that the bigger SIs could not. Before plowing head first into developing something, it was important to reflect on what we actually needed, had tried and experienced, what worked and did not work, and what mattered today that would still be relevant tomorrow.

71. Build Your First API Server From Scratch With JAVA and Minikube

With this article, you may build your simple API server on JAVA without super-knowledge,  and deploy it on minikube automatically with scripts.

72. How To Run Cloud Tests From the Command Line

This CLI has been designed to perform any command that you would do on the Rungutan platform directly in your terminal!

73. How to Build a DevOps Culture Within Engineering Teams

74. 9 Best DevOps Practices for a successful DevOps Journey

The success of DevOps lies in the right way of implementation. Here, are some best DevOps practices for successful DevOps transformation in 2022 and beyond.

75. How To Improve Your Software Documentation by Connecting Gitlab with Mkdocs

Producing documentation may be painful and need a lot of time to write and operate. In this story, i will share with you, my way of generating docs using the devops approach. To make life easier, we will explore the art of automation 😃.

76. How to Localize your Native iOS and macOS Applications on Smartcat

How to localize your native iOS and macOS applications on Smartcat platform, using a fully automated continuous localization approach.

77. Staging Environments are Too Important to be Overlooked: Here's Why

Many development teams skip having a staging environment for their applications. They often submit a PR, potentially run tests in a CI system, merge to master, and then deploy to production. This is a risky pipeline because there is no true integration environment or integration testing being performed. What’s worse is that if there is an issue they may engage in “cowboy coding” to try to resolve the issue on their live production environment.

78. Buddy Vs Jenkins: Technical and Tactical Differences

Buddy and Jenkins find themselves on completely opposite ends of the CI/CD spectrum. So which one should you go for? It certainly is a question of context. There are some clear technical differences but how they relate to actual value is circumstantial and should be taken on a case by case basis. As such, this comparison will be broken down into two sections.

79. How to Handle Kubernetes Secrets with ArgoCD and Sops

In this article, we will look into common ways to secure secrets in a Kubernetes application and how to manage them in a GitOps workflow based on ArgoCD with the help of Sops.

80. The Difference Between CI and CD in DevOps

The software development life-cycle has a lot of moving parts. A huge problem many large companies have is maintaining a consistent deployment process. Written steps sometimes get skipped; manual deploys are error prone, and home-grown deploy scripts are usually only understood by the person that wrote them. Companies like Netflix, Etsy, and Amazon need to make sure that deployment cycles are smooth and errors are caught as early in the process as possible.

81. CI/CD Pipeline for NodeJS Lambdas on AWS using Jest, Serverless Framework, Github, and TravisCI

I wanted to start a serverless project, and one of the primary headaches aside from architecting the workflow and deciding which lambda functions need to be created is a simple and yet effective CICD workflow.

82. Deployment Automation via SSH With Python Fabric: How It Works

One of the most basic ways in which a project gets deployed is by SSHing into a remote host followed by executing a few basic commmands. In this article I'll be taking a look on how to deploy a basic project to a remote server through Gitlab CI using Python Fabric.

83. Fixing The ClickHouse Node Failure On Distributed Systems - A How-To Guide

Part One: ClickHouse Failures, by Marcel Birkner

84. How To Stay On Top Of Your Dependency Management

Dependencies are exactly what it sounds like - things that you depend on. But take that undeniable statement into your software project and you soon find out that it’s not just you who depends on them. It’s entire teams, processes, projects, infrastructure, and, most important of all, your clients.

85. Turns out those years mastering Jenkins weren't in waste

Over 200 ex-Jenkins engineers shared their experience of migration to cloud CI. We look into their happiness, productivity and more.

86. Key Concepts About Docker And Containerization

Whenever you are learning some new technology, I believe that you should start from very basics.

87. Approaching Unit Testing in iOS Correctly

Why does my application get so buggy after each release?

88. How To Improve Your Docker Build Time in GitLab CI

Make your containerized CI environments truly useful by accelerating your Docker builds

89. Using Lambdas in Production

I have been using Lambda in production for about four years now personally, and three years professionally at Volta. Initially, I shipped Lambdas because it was easier than managing servers. At Volta, we now exclusively use server-less services because they are the smartest option for our workloads if we remember to support them correctly. This is a cheat sheet, a checklist of all the things you might want to remember when shipping something new to ensure it runs successfully.

90. Building a Custom Solution for Financial Analytics

The success of financial services is highly dependent on data accuracy and analytics. Creating a custom solution helps to overcome this challenge.

91. How To Build CI/CD Pipelines Behind Your Firewall Using Codefresh Runner

Continuous Integration/Delivery (CI/CD) is one of the most obvious candidates for moving to a Kubernetes cluster, as you automatically enjoy all the benefits of Kubernetes scalability. In traditional CI solutions, companies employ a fixed set of build nodes that teams must manually monitor and upgrade.

92. Automate JavaScript deployment of npm packages with Github actions

What does Factorio and CI/CD pipelines have in common?

93. Where is DevOps Going in 2021?

Efficiency, speed, transparency — all of this is possible with DevOps. In 2021, AI, data security, assembly lines, and more will take over as DevOps trends.

94. CI for APIs with the Kong Insomnia CLI and GitHub Actions

Create a simple server with Node.js and Express, write API tests using Kong Insomnia, and then run these tests in our CI pipeline with Inso and GitHub Actions.

95. Launch a Website Within 2 Days For 1M Users With 0 Costs

All the magic began on 26th Jan, 2020. The original idea started with a simple question. “Why don’t we build a website that gathers ALL information about the coronavirus in Hong Kong?” together with a list of bullet points of how to achieve an MVP. Shortly after, a telegram group was formed and some of us from the group spent their Chinese New Year holiday with the stacks of Gatsby and Kintohub, at 11 pm, on 28th Jan 2020 our site went online… Within 24 hours we reached almost 1M users (983k to be exact) and our stack didn’t crash and was completely free!!!

96. Kubernetes Readiness Probes Implementation in Microservices

A great deal has already been written about readiness and liveness checks and I don’t intend to cover that ground again. Rather I want to cover, very specifically, their use in a large microservices architecture.

97. CICD Pipeline Guide: How to Include Load Testing in Your Workflow

In software engineering, CI/CD or CICD generally refers to the combined practices of continuous integration and either continuous delivery deployment.

98. Deploy a React App to Heroku with Bitbucket pipelines

Hello world!

99. How to Improve Your CI/CD Workflow Using GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is one of the most powerful tools that you can use if you are storing our code on this service repository. The idea is simple, you can design a complex workflow using automated tasks (called actions) in order to be activated and run when a commit is done in your repository.

100. Automating Security in DevOps: Top 15 Tools

Cybersecurity is a big concern for many companies. With data breaches happening more and more as attacks increase in sophistication, teams are looking at all of the options they have to prevent them.

[101. Getting Started with GitOps 2.0

Using ArgoCD & Codefresh]( GitOps is the practice of deploying applications by using Git Operations only (and not clicking UI buttons). The paradigm already existed in one form or another but was officially named as “GitOps” in 2017 by Weaveworks and has since become very popular for Kubernetes deployments.

102. How to Ensure DevOps Security in CI/CD Environments

Security is a product feature, and everyone involved in the DevOps workflow is responsible for it. Here are some key measures to ensure greater security.

103. How to Make a DevOps Strategy

DevOps is a deployment process that helps automate a lot of processes that used to take a team hours to days to get through. When you are trying to get that process going, you need to know that everyone is on-board or else it won't work. Switching from Waterfall deployments to DevOps is a huge organizational change.

104. Azure DevOps: How to Build, Test And Deploy to Azure Kubernetes Service

I have been using Azure Devops for a while. Like most of the cloud products out there this is one which gets constant refresh. My plan is to document the steps for building, testing and deploying an app to Azure Kubernetes Service using Azure Devops. So let's start.

105. On Building A Development Pipeline With Kubernetes

A few years ago, digital transformation led to enterprises moving away from traditional monolithic architectures to microservices.

106. TestProject 2.0 Next-Gen: Test Automation Without Limitations

Hello Folks, I'm back with my article on TestProject but this time with their 2.0 release.

107. DevOps Practices for Software Engineers to Learn

In this world of cross-functional teams and microservice architecture, DevOps skills become increasingly important, and that starts with understanding CI/CD

108. 15 of the Best Continuous Delivery Tools

Continuous Delivery is one of the best practices for software development, but what are the best tools for it today? Here are my picks.

109. 5 Best Microservices CI/CD Tools You Need to Check Out

The blog provides information on the build & deploy tools that are centred around microservices application delivery and are being used in the industry today.

110. Modern C and C++: Important Facts To Know

C was developed and promoted by Dennis Ritchie in the years between 1969 and 1973 at AT&T Bell Labs. C++ came into existence around 1979 by Bjarne Stroustrup. C++ was created as an enrichment to the C programming language, and initially, it was named "C with Classes."

111. Using Spinnaker with Kubernetes for CI/CD

Kubernetes is now the de-facto standard for container orchestration. With more and more organizations adopting Kubernetes, it is essential that we get our fundamental ops-infra in place before any migration. This post will focus on pushing out new releases of the application to our Kubernetes cluster i.e. Continuous Delivery.

112. How To Create a CD pipeline with Kubernetes, Ansible, and Jenkins

What does CI/CD try to solve?

113. DevOps Fundamentals You Ever Wanted To Know

What Is DevOps & How Its Works?

114. Set up Jenkins CI in Docker Container & Run Your Tests Inside Their Own Container [A How-To Guide]

So you want to start testing your code? Good choice. Testing is a great way to make sure nothing breaks in deployment, and Jenkins makes it easy to automate this process.

115. Manual Testing is Not Dead

Love it or hate it, manual testing is still the most widely used form of QA.

116. Circle CI: How To Run Ruby and JavaScript Tests in Parallel

Configure the CI server to run parallel tests in the shortest CI build time. Ruby and JavaScript examples of parallel testing.

117. Automatic Cross-Platform Deployments with Electron on a Travis CI Server

This is a tutorial on how to setup an Electron app on Travis CI, so that new versions are deployed to Github Releases with a simple pull request.

118. Learn How to Build a CI/CD Pipeline Using GitLab for your Website

We'll run through how to build and configure a CI/CD pipeline to deploy your business's website using AWS, Terraform & Gitlab.

119. DevOps Automation Tools For Continuous Improvement

DevOps, the term seems a buzz word for many from the last few years, but this buzzword is the most searched term on the internet by IT recruiters, software firms, and agencies. When it comes to DevOps, the pro enthusiasts argue saying it is never about the tools or automation, but they miss to see that, in fact, tools are the ones that take over the culture ones the DevOps culture is set in any firm. We all agree DevOps is not only about the tools, nor even an individual role, perhaps, it should be a group effort, DevOps is a trinity of people, process and tools. But to enable DevOps, in any organization, DevOps tools play a vital role.

120. Building a “Maintenance Mode” with Terraform and Github Pages

As you may have seen, we just launched our public beta of env0 last month. As part of the run-up to the launch, our dev team had to go through and make sure everything about our infrastructure was ready for ongoing public use: one element being creating a maintenance mode for both our Application and our public API.

121. KubeMQ Build & Deploy Test Drive: My First Impressions

Meta: KubeMQ, makers of the eponymous Kubernetes-native message queue, has a new web-based tool that promises to make setup a breeze. Let's try it out!

122. How To Set Up Azure DevOps CI/CD Pipelines for Android

Learn how to enable CI CD Pipelines to automatically deploy your Android App Bundle (.aab) build to the Google Play Console.

123. DevOps Implementation: Is it Really Worth an IT Company's Investment?

DevOps has emerged as the future of the software delivery process. Companies are shifting their focus on optimizing software quality and time through DevOps.

124. Fear database changes? Get them under control with CI/CD

Developers often fear database changes because a mistake by anyone on your team can lead to a major outage and even data loss. The stakes are higher when changes are not backwards compatible, cannot be rolled back, or impact system performance. This can cause a lack of confidence and slow your team velocity. As a result, database changes are a common failure point in agile and DevOps.

125. Start To Take Actions with Buddy

Buddy is the underdog of the CI/CD world. It's a frustrating world, filled with broken Jenkins servers and exhausting CodeBuild UIs. I discovered Buddy about a year ago and I've been raving about it ever since. It offers a different approach to a complex, difficult problem.

126. How To Start Using Microservices

Microservices are completely disrupting the way we build applications nowadays. This is one of the hottest trends when it comes to software architecture. More and more developers are adopting it.

127. Do You Really Need Staging Environment?

A couple of months ago, our feature flagging platform suffered a 44 minute API outage.

128. Connecting Your Old Jenkins Pipelines With The New Ones [A How-To Guide]

As a software producer, you need to keep releases moving, even as you need to move your technology ahead. Transitioning your Jenkins continuous integration (CI) pipelines to a newer, optimized system can’t be a roadblock, and your enterprise can’t afford the work stoppage a rip-and-replace rework would require.

129. Making a Static Website with C#, Blazor, AWS And GitHub Actions

If you follow the Microsoft development community at all, you’ve most likely already heard of the new web development framework called Blazor. If you haven’t heard of it, here’s an overview from the product site:

130. GitHub Actions: How To Deploy To Google Kubernetes Engine

GitHub actions and workflows are great. We use them to deploy a web app to different cluster environments and I want to show you how we did it. Hopefully, this helps to simplify your deployment process as well. I’ve also written a companion article that describes our GitHub workflows for continuous integration.

131. Flawless Releases with Continuous Deployment and Docker

Docker is a container technology that enables developers to run entire applications as a unit. It offers all the benefits of virtual machines, without the high overhead:

132. Deep Dive Into DevSecOps: Heroku Flow Edition

An Overview of DevSecOps and How to Automate It

133. CI/CD for Android Guide: Bitbucket Pipelines and Gradle Play Publisher

Automation doesn’t just save time, it also makes the process more reliable, less error-prone (to human error) and encourages to deploy/publish more often

134. Top 6 CI/CD Practices for End-to-End Development Pipelines

Maximizing efficiency is about knowing how the data science puzzles fit together and then executing them.

135. Automated Software Testing Using GitLab CI/CD And Selenium Grid

We will configure a CI/CD pipeline with GitLab CI/CD and execute Selenium testing over it through LambdaTest, an online Selenium Grid of 2000+ real browsers.

136. How We Set Up a Production Ready CI Workflow Using GitHub Actions

Recently, we started a new project and it decided it was a good time to try GitHub’s newish CI/CD tools which became generally available in November last year.

137. I Got a New EKS Cluster Running And Terraform Code in 2 minutes

AWS EKS + Terraform + Cloudskiff do the job

138. The DevOps Mindset: A Step-by-Step Plan to Implement DevOps

Discover what DevOps exactly is, five DevOps best practices, essential DevOps benefits like faster software releases, and nine key steps to implement DevOps.

139. The Results Of A Comparison Between Five CI/CD Services


Thank you for checking out the 139 most read stories about Cicd on HackerNoon.

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