104 Stories To Learn About Continuous Integrationby@learn
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104 Stories To Learn About Continuous Integration

by Learn RepoApril 18th, 2023
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Learn everything you need to know about Continuous Integration via these 104 free HackerNoon stories.

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Let's learn about Continuous Integration via these 104 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

A vital process in software development and delivery, where code changes from multiple contributors on a single software project are continuously integrated

1. How To Run Parallel RSpec Specs on GitLab CI In Ruby & Jest/Cypress Parallel Tests

How to run parallel jobs for RSpec tests on GitLab CI Pipeline and speed up Ruby & JavaScript testing

2. How to Automate Web Accessibility Testing

...and make it part of your continuous integration pipeline

3. The #1 Reason Jenkins Fails

Jenkins down? Pipelines broken? Hackers making off with your data? It often stems from one fatal flaw. While Jenkins has been both loved and hated for being DevOps duct tape, every user knows there are plenty of issues to deal with. Over the past three years, as part of my work at Codefresh I’ve been helping teams migrate from Jenkins and I’ve seen all of these issues over and over again. The biggest issue may surprise you because it creates a cascade effect.

4. How to Integrate ServiceNow and Azure DevOps

Integrate ServiceNow and Azure DevOps in a few clicks. Utilize smart automation to improve cross-team communication and resolve critical issues much faster.

5. Staging Environments are Too Important to be Overlooked: Here's Why

Many development teams skip having a staging environment for their applications. They often submit a PR, potentially run tests in a CI system, merge to master, and then deploy to production. This is a risky pipeline because there is no true integration environment or integration testing being performed. What’s worse is that if there is an issue they may engage in “cowboy coding” to try to resolve the issue on their live production environment.

6. Set up Jenkins CI in Docker Container & Run Your Tests Inside Their Own Container [A How-To Guide]

So you want to start testing your code? Good choice. Testing is a great way to make sure nothing breaks in deployment, and Jenkins makes it easy to automate this process.

7. 5 Most Effective Productivity Tools If You’re In Tech Or Software Engineering

Everyone wants to be more productive without burning out. So, how do you get more done without working more hours? And how do you help the rest of your team improve without taking on the role of taskmaster? The answer: use effective tools.

8. How to Integrate GitHub Actions and CI/CD With Your Next Python Project

We're going to create a CI/CD pipeline for a typical Python package. The text focuses on practical aspects and should be enough to get you started!

9. Azure DevOps: How to Build, Test And Deploy to Azure Kubernetes Service

I have been using Azure Devops for a while. Like most of the cloud products out there this is one which gets constant refresh. My plan is to document the steps for building, testing and deploying an app to Azure Kubernetes Service using Azure Devops. So let's start.

10. CI/CD Basics with Travis-CI

Automatically update GitHub pages for a repository as soon as the master branch is updated

11. Using Spinnaker with Kubernetes for CI/CD

Kubernetes is now the de-facto standard for container orchestration. With more and more organizations adopting Kubernetes, it is essential that we get our fundamental ops-infra in place before any migration. This post will focus on pushing out new releases of the application to our Kubernetes cluster i.e. Continuous Delivery.

12. ReactJS Continuous Deployment to Firebase Hosting using Circle CI

Doing the same thing is very bored. On this topic, the boring part is deploying our Web Application to Firebase Hosting. The steps that we do are:

13. Your CI System is a Terrible Compliance System of Record - Here are 5 Reasons Why

Jenkins, GitLab, Travis, Circle CI are great for DevOps but not so great for your compliance records - here's why.

14. What Is the Difference Between Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment?

Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment are two complementary practices that help teams get their software into the hands of users faster.

15. How to Get Started With Bamboo

In this post, I show you how to install Bamboo on a Windows Server, configure a Bamboo project, and more.

16. An Intro to QAOps in Continuous Delivery Systems

In the common paradigm, dedicated QA teams solely focus on product quality. QAOps enables an efficient quality assurance process.

17. Why Continuous Integration Is Essential in Agile Development

The agile software development model means releasing software faster, but that doesn't mean you can skip out on quality.

18. Why Your Team Needs to Add CM to Its CI/CD Pipeline

Learn about Continuous Merge and how it should be added to your CI/CD pipeline.

19. Streamline Your Python Backend Deployment with Automated Continuous Integration using Github Actions

Learn how to automate your python backend application deployment continuously with Github actions.

20. Continuous Integration (CI) Branching Strategies: What You Need to Know

When you have multiple developers working on the same code, you may face a lot of challenges when merging. That's where branches come in.

21. Buddy Vs Jenkins: Technical and Tactical Differences

Buddy and Jenkins find themselves on completely opposite ends of the CI/CD spectrum. So which one should you go for? It certainly is a question of context. There are some clear technical differences but how they relate to actual value is circumstantial and should be taken on a case by case basis. As such, this comparison will be broken down into two sections.

22. Continuous Integration: Best Practices To Follow

We think of bugs as being in code but that’s just the end of the story. Bugs are a human problem. You fix one bug in code but you prevent future bugs by helping humans to work better.

23. 8 Fallacies of Continuous Delivery

A quintessential piece for anyone working with distributed systems is the Fallacies of Distributed Computing by L Peter Deutsch. Even when working with modern platforms such as Kubernetes, the assertions made in the Fallacies of Distributed Computing prove to be very true around latency, bandwidth and system administration.

24. ModelOps Series: Deploying AI Models Into Production

In this installment of the ModelOps Blog Series, we will transition from what it takes to build AI models to the process of deploying into production.

25. Fear database changes? Get them under control with CI/CD

Developers often fear database changes because a mistake by anyone on your team can lead to a major outage and even data loss. The stakes are higher when changes are not backwards compatible, cannot be rolled back, or impact system performance. This can cause a lack of confidence and slow your team velocity. As a result, database changes are a common failure point in agile and DevOps.

26. How parallel Github Actions jobs can run your RSpec tests faster in Ruby on Rails application

Run efficiently parallel RSpec tests on GitHub Actions for Ruby on Rails application to save CI build time

27. ModelOps Series: Pushing Model Container Images to Production

Containerization is important for models to function properly once production begins. Leveraging continuous integration/deployment is will improve efficiency

28. On Creating the Right Test Strategy for Your Project: A Guide from the COO

A test strategy is a set of high-level definitions that determine how software testing processes are going to be performed, driving our decisions on how to invest our testing efforts. Creating a well-thought test strategy is crucial to understanding the overall scope of your project, and what testing approaches, tools and skills are required in order to develop a successful product that provides a great user experience.

29. Using CI/CD Pipelines to Increase the Speed and Quality of Software Development

Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery in the development process. How the CI/CD pipeline helps create products and implement new features better and fast

30. Jira – ServiceNow Integration Guide

Integrate Jira and ServiceNow in a few clicks to simplify your workflows and improve communication between teams and departments in your organization.

31. Trunk-based Development, Continuous Deployment and Why You Should Adopt Them

Article about trunk-based development and continuous integration, advantages and disadvantages and how to implement TBD

32. How To Configure And Run Cypress Tests using Jenkins Stages with Parallel Directives

How to run E2E tests in Cypress with Jenkins pipeline stages to get the shortest CI build time.

33. Why Your Project's 1st Commit Should Have a Working App & CI/CD Pipeline

Automating The Automation Behind DevOps

34. You don't do Continuous Integration!

Today I am going to talk about one misconception made by developers: Continuous Integration is about running automated integration pipelines…

35. Everything About the Best Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) Tools in 2022

DevOps practices are spreading , and many companies every day are implementing CI/CD process. The blog talks about the top 10 CI/CD tools. Learn more.

36. GitHub Actions CI config for MySQL, Redis, Elasticsearch in Ruby on Rails project with RSpec tests

How to run parallel tests with Github Actions jobs for Rails project with MySQL, Redis, Elasticsearch.

37. How to Manage Databases with CI/CD

If you’re still doing manual migrations on the database you’re doing it wrong. Databases are as much part of the application as the code.

38. How to Get the Most Out of Heroku CI

Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) are best practices in today’s software engineering development process.

39. API Integration in 2021 and a Look at Insights from 2020

What's next for API integration? Share your thoughts in Cloud Elements' industry survey to win prizes and contribute to the industry-renowned report.

40. What's the difference between Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery?

There is plenty of content out there describing what Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment are. But what are these processes for in the first place?

41. How To Start Using Microservices

Microservices are completely disrupting the way we build applications nowadays. This is one of the hottest trends when it comes to software architecture. More and more developers are adopting it.

42. CI for APIs with the Kong Insomnia CLI and GitHub Actions

Create a simple server with Node.js and Express, write API tests using Kong Insomnia, and then run these tests in our CI pipeline with Inso and GitHub Actions.

43. Automating Node.js Unit Testing With DroneCI Using Jest Framework

Unit testing is a crucial part of software development that has grown in popularity over the past few years.

44. How to Install Tekton Pipelines in the Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster

CI\CD with Tekton Pipelines in AKS serverless Virtual Nodes

45. How to Manage Credentials in Jenkins

In this post, I walk you through how to install the plugin and the different ways it's used.

46. Solving for Software Engineering's Unforced Errors

If you're playing a loser's game, a winning strategy is to simply try to avoid making mistakes and let your opponent beat himself.

47. Winning At Web Accessibility in 2021 With These Tools for Developers

The quality of the tools you use defines the speed with which you can diagnose and resolve problems.

48. How To Create a CD pipeline with Kubernetes, Ansible, and Jenkins

What does CI/CD try to solve?

49. Our Ancestors Could Have Solved Food Scarcity With AI - Noonies Nominee TRex

50. DevOps Fundamentals You Ever Wanted To Know

What Is DevOps & How Its Works?

51. The Next 11 Things You Should Do For CI/CD Pipeline Optimization

Many engineering teams are making the switch to a DevOps culture. This has a lot to do with the way the software development cycle has changed over the years. It used to take months to implement a new feature, get it through testing, fix any issues, and finally get it to production.

52. I have a confession to make… I commit to master.

I used to preach about Git Flow to keep my code releasable, rollback-able, and keep a clean history. But not anymore — now, bad code doesn’t make it into my codebase.

53. End to End API Testing with Docker

Testing is a pain in general. Some don't see the point. Some see it but think of it as an extra step slowing them down. Sometimes tests are there but very long to run or unstable. In this article you'll see how you can engineer tests for yourself with Docker.

54. How We Set Up a Production Ready CI Workflow Using GitHub Actions

Recently, we started a new project and it decided it was a good time to try GitHub’s newish CI/CD tools which became generally available in November last year.

55. GitLab vs GitHub: Repositories, CI, Deployment, DevOps, Pricing, and Documentation

Interested in understanding the debate of Gitlab vs Github? Which one is better in 2020? Which one should you pick?

56. The Results Of A Comparison Between Five CI/CD Services


57. 15 of the Best Continuous Delivery Tools

Continuous Delivery is one of the best practices for software development, but what are the best tools for it today? Here are my picks.

58. Automated Software Testing Using GitLab CI/CD And Selenium Grid

We will configure a CI/CD pipeline with GitLab CI/CD and execute Selenium testing over it through LambdaTest, an online Selenium Grid of 2000+ real browsers.

59. Implementing Blue/Green Deployments with Azure Web Apps for Containers

Using Deployment slots, we can perform Blue/Green deployments in Azure App Service to achieve zero-downtime deployments for our containerized workloads.

60. DevOps and Telco Sofwarisation - Part 1

In this series of articles, we will explore the convergence happening between the IT and Telecom industries, which is referred to as “Telco Softwarisation”.

61. Use GitLab's CI/CD Tool to Run Parallel Tests

How to run parallel jobs for RSpec tests on GitLab CI Pipeline and speed up Ruby & JavaScript testing

62. Closer Than You Think: Bridging the DevOps-Security Gap

The advantages of moving security into the DevOps lifecycle early are well-studied. For example, Puppet’s 2019 State of DevOps Report details numerous ways that both security and DevOps improve when security is integrated into DevOps earlier (aka: Shift Left).

63. Continuous Integration: An Essential Guide

Continuous integration (CI) is a process by which we verify our project upon every change that occurs in the codebase.

64. 5 Tools That Will Help You Improve Code Reviews on GitHub

In this article, we’ll consider five tools and integrations that can significantly improve your code review experience on GitHub.

65. Tips to Secure Your Jenkins Pipeline

In this post, we look at some of the methods and tools to keep your Jenkins instance safe, secure, and protect those using it.

66. Serverless Tekton Pipelines on AWS EKS Fargate

Building an on-demand, server less Continuous Delivery automation solution using Tekton and AWS EKS Fargate

67. The Importance of a Continuous Delivery Culture

Continuous Delivery is the ability to ship code quickly, safely, and consistently, and it’s a necessity for teams that wish to remain innovative and competitive. It’s focused on delivering value to the user and starting that feedback loop early — the ideal state of Continuous Delivery is one in which your code is always ready to be deployed.

Many engineering leaders think of CD as a workflow and focus on the tooling and processes necessary to keep code moving from commit to deploy.

But CD is more than just a process — it’s a culture. To effectively practice CD, you need to:

68. Publish NPM packages using GitHub Actions: A How-To Guide

NPM automation tokens allow us to publish 2FA-protected packages from automation workflows.

69. Improving the Working Environment for Developers - In 3 Stages Only

… and incidentally establishing DevOps.

70. How to Stop Developers from Writing Low-Quality Code

Developers tend to go for getting things working, ending up with a working program, lacking the quality you would like to see. In this article I will explain how to get quality code as well.

71. A-Z Of DevOps: Managing Multiple Environments With The Help Of These Tools

In most DevOps settings you’ll find that there are multiple environments in the pipeline. You might have conditions that change the environment based on which branch was merged or when a branch is tagged for release. There are a number of reasons you want to have more than just a production environment, the biggest reason being testing.

72. 7 DevOps Myths - Busted

There are plenty of DevOps myths circulating the developers’ community. This is no surprise, considering how much excitement the DevOps concept has brought over the recent years.

73. Measuring DevOps Metrics: A How-To Guide

DevOps is supposed to help streamline the process of taking code changes and getting them to production for users to enjoy. But what exactly does it mean for the process to be "streamlined"? One way to answer this is to start measuring metrics.

74. 6 Virtual DevOps Conferences to Attend in 2021

Free to distribute and use in any form

75. How to Improve Your CI/CD Workflow Using GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is one of the most powerful tools that you can use if you are storing our code on this service repository. The idea is simple, you can design a complex workflow using automated tasks (called actions) in order to be activated and run when a commit is done in your repository.

76. The Future Of DevOps: Continuous Design/Continuous Integration

The interaction among many tools in the design & development space all point to a new emerging category: “Continuous Design / Continuous Integration" or "CD/CI"

77. On Building A Development Pipeline With Kubernetes

A few years ago, digital transformation led to enterprises moving away from traditional monolithic architectures to microservices.

78. Easy Steps to Create Static Websites Using Hugo-Github Pages

How to create a static web sites using Hugo-Github Pages

79. DevOps Practices for Software Engineers to Learn

In this world of cross-functional teams and microservice architecture, DevOps skills become increasingly important, and that starts with understanding CI/CD

80. Project-as-Code: The Catalyst DevOps Needs

If you are familiar with Docker, Terraform, and the CI platforms (eg: Jenkins, CircleCI, Codeship), you already know the power of Declarative DevOps. It can make development easier by being repeatable, predictable, and fast. Supporting technologies both hide complexities and offer important reuse by supporting simple structured syntax in an easy to create and read file. Each technology has codified much of its domain allowing developers to author and instrument with nothing more than a text editor.

81. The CI/CD Model Development Process

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) are staples of a modern software development workflow that enable developers to release their code rapi

82. 5 Ways to Overcome CI/CD Challenges

5 Challenges of CI/CD - how you can solve them!

83. You Need to Make Better Code Reviews™

Code reviews and the pull request are the basic building blocks in many software engineers’ life (The Workflow). They prevent bugs, mistakes, and help distribute the knowledge around a code base in small units of changes. They are, also — and specially code reviews — more an art than a science, and so everyone makes mistakes here. Things as random as the relationship that different contributors have between them, influence whether something is approved, overlooked, ignored or requests changes.

84. Deep Dive Into DevSecOps: Heroku Flow Edition

An Overview of DevSecOps and How to Automate It

85. Guide To Pursue DevOps Agile Development Cycle And Develop a Better Software

The rise of DevOps and Agile methodologies is apparent to anyone closely following the business world. Just last year, there was an 18 percent increase in DevOps adoption. Most business owners see the benefits of embracing both DevOps and Agile. With these methodologies in place, developers are able to get projects done in a timely and efficient manner.

86. How Kubernetes Can Make Your High Load Project Viable in 2020

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system that is designed to help you build a scalable infrastructure using high load approaches on a weak server. In this article, we’ll show you why Kubernetes is worth using in 2020.

87. Automate JavaScript deployment of npm packages with Github actions

What does Factorio and CI/CD pipelines have in common?

88. All You Need to Know About Continuous Integration, GitHub Actions, & Sonar Cloud

When it is done badly, the CI process can turn this amazing tool into a nightmare. CI should make our lives easier, not the other way around.

89. Kubernetes Readiness Probes Implementation in Microservices

A great deal has already been written about readiness and liveness checks and I don’t intend to cover that ground again. Rather I want to cover, very specifically, their use in a large microservices architecture.

90. Learn How to Build a CI/CD Pipeline Using GitLab for your Website

We'll run through how to build and configure a CI/CD pipeline to deploy your business's website using AWS, Terraform & Gitlab.

91. Which CI is Best For My Team?

At the beginning of developing and building a new application or product, before writing any business logic, it's necessary to make some difficult decisions. These decisions can include which cloud hosting platform to use, which continuous integration (CI) tool to use, and various development configuration choices. These decisions can dictate the speed and success of your engineering efforts. Therefore, choosing the right CI tool can make or break the velocity and quality of a team's code production.

92. Automatic Cross-Platform Deployments with Electron on a Travis CI Server

This is a tutorial on how to setup an Electron app on Travis CI, so that new versions are deployed to Github Releases with a simple pull request.

93. How IoT is Transforming Digital Marketing Industry in 2021

By investing in IoT, you will have access to valuable information about end-user behavior. This will help develop better digital marketing strategies.

94. Github Actions and Puppeteer: Continuous Integration Tutorial

Lately I’ve added continuous integration to my blog using puppeteer for end to end testing. My main goal was to allow automatic dependency update using Dependabot.

95. 5 Best Microservices CI/CD Tools You Need to Check Out

The blog provides information on the build & deploy tools that are centred around microservices application delivery and are being used in the industry today.

96. Software Version Control for N00BS

Software configuration management is a complex issue to implement, where programmers do not document anything and the entire process is done "ad hoc".

97. DevOps and Telco Softwarisation - Part 2: A Simple CI/CD Example

Image courtesy of Pixabay

98. The Benefits of Automation Testing and How it Works

Benefits of Automation Testing, Strategies and Best Practices. Get unique insights on how to implement automation testing fast!

99. Configuring Parallel Tests with Semaphore CI 2.0, RSpec, Cypress and Jest

How to configure parallel jobs on Semaphore CI for RSpec, Cypress and Jest tests to get the optimal CI build time.

100. Setting Up Ruby on Rails On Github Using CircleCI [A How-To Guide]

This is the ultimate guide for your next Ruby on Rails project setup on Github with CircleCI for continuous integration in 2020.

101. With GitHub Actions, you don’t have to do boring tasks manually ever again

Check out this guide and spin up a GitHub Action for your favorite stack fast—like Stack Overflow copy & paste fast.

102. How to Use Platypush to Set Up Self-Hosted CI/CD Git Pipelines

How to use Platypush to set up self-hosted build and test pipelines for your Gitlab and Github projects.

103. Accelerate your Software Delivery With CI/CD Practices

Are you looking to transform your software development process? If yes, this blog post provides an introduces to orchestrating the CI-CD pipeline with AWS.

104. Flawless Releases with Continuous Deployment and Docker

Docker is a container technology that enables developers to run entire applications as a unit. It offers all the benefits of virtual machines, without the high overhead:

Thank you for checking out the 104 most read stories about Continuous Integration on HackerNoon.

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