10 Tips to Take Your ChatGPT Prompts to the Next Levelby@morganmsk
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10 Tips to Take Your ChatGPT Prompts to the Next Level

by Vitaly KukharenkoJanuary 30th, 2024
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Unlock the full potential of AI chats with our top 10 tips for prompt engineering. Learn to ask ChatGPT smarter questions, turning routine interactions into dynamic conversations. This guide is your shortcut to becoming an AI whisperer, where every prompt you craft opens doors to richer, more insightful exchanges. Ready to transform how you communicate with AI? Let's dive in!
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Vitaly Kukharenko HackerNoon profile picture

Welcome to the awesome world of AI, where chatting with a computer program like ChatGPT isn't just cool; it's like unlocking a superpower! As we zoom through 2024, there's this super trendy skill everyone's talking about: prompt engineering. Sounds fancy, right? But it's basically about getting really good at asking ChatGPT questions in a way that gets you the best answers. It's like knowing the secret handshake to make AI your best buddy in solving problems, doing homework, or just exploring crazy ideas.

So, what's the big deal with a "prompt"? Think of it as your opening line when texting someone. But here, your "someone" is ChatGPT, a super-smart AI. In the old days of AI, you'd ask your question, and whatever the AI answered, you'd roll with it. But with prompts, it's a whole new ball game. You get to jazz up your questions, tweak them, and turn ChatGPT into more of a chat partner than a know-it-all machine. It's like moving from being a solo player to being part of a team where you're in the game, calling the shots.

And here's where it gets epic: This article isn't just a bunch of tips; it's your secret playbook to becoming an AI whisperer. We're diving into 10 mind-blowing tips that'll take your ChatGPT chats from "meh" to "whoa"! You'll learn how to craft your prompts to not just get answers but to spark a conversation, uncover insights, and maybe even outsmart the AI (in a friendly way, of course).

So, are you ready to level up your AI chat game and make every prompt you send a stepping stone to something amazing? Buckle up because we're about to dive into a world where your words wield the power to shape the future of AI chats. Let's get this adventure started!

1. Keep it Short and Sweet

When you're chatting with AI like ChatGPT, remember that it's not about manners; it's about getting straight to the point. You don't need to dress up your questions with "please," "thank you," or "could you." Just ask directly, and you'll get the info you need without the extra fluff.


No: I was wondering if you could possibly tell me what the capital of France is?

Yes: What is the capital of France?

No: Could you please provide me with some information on how photosynthesis works, if it's not too much trouble?

Yes: How does photosynthesis work?

No: I would be really grateful if you could explain the Pythagorean theorem to me.

Yes: Explain the Pythagorean theorem.

No: If you don't mind, could you list the main characters in "Romeo and Juliet" for me?

Yes: List the main characters in "Romeo and Juliet."

No: I'd appreciate it if you could kindly tell me the steps involved in the water cycle, please.

Yes: What are the steps in the water cycle?

Long polite prompt

The Same result

By cutting out the extra words, you make your prompts more efficient and easier for the AI to understand. This way, you're more likely to get the quick, clear answers you're looking for.

2. Tackle It Step-by-Step

When you're dealing with tricky questions or complex problems, don't try to tackle everything at once. Break it down into smaller, easier pieces, and take it one step at a time. This approach makes it simpler for both you and the AI to handle, leading to clearer answers.


Complex Task: Solve the equation 3x^2 - 12x + 9 = 0.

  • Step 1: What is the value of a, b, and c in the equation 3x^2 - 12x + 9 = 0?
  • Step 2: Calculate the discriminant of the equation using the values of a, b, and c.
  • Step 3: Use the discriminant to determine if the equation has real, one, or two solutions.
  • Step 4: Find the roots of the equation using the quadratic formula.

Complex Task: Explain the process of cellular respiration.

  • Step 1: What is cellular respiration?
  • Step 2: Describe the first stage of cellular respiration and where it occurs.
  • Step 3: Explain the Krebs cycle.
  • Step 4: Detail the electron transport chain and its role in cellular respiration.
  • Step 5: Summarize how ATP is produced in cellular respiration.

Complex Task: Write a program to check if a number is prime.

  • Step 1: Define what a prime number is.
  • Step 2: Write a function to check if a number is divisible by any number other than 1 and itself.
  • Step 3: Implement a loop to test the number against all possible divisors.
  • Step 4: Provide a final check to determine if the number is prime based on the loop's findings.

Complex Task: Plan a week-long trip to Paris.

  • Step 1: What are the must-visit attractions in Paris?
  • Step 2: Recommend accommodations in central Paris.
  • Step 3: Suggest a daily itinerary for a 7-day trip.
  • Step 4: Provide a list of French phrases useful for tourists.
  • Step 5: What are the transportation options within Paris?

Complex Task: Explain the theory of evolution by natural selection.

  • Step 1: Who proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection?
  • Step 2: Define natural selection.
  • Step 3: Describe how variations in species occur.
  • Step 4: Explain how these variations affect survival and reproduction.
  • Step 5: Summarize the impact of natural selection on the evolution of species over time.

By breaking down complex tasks into a sequence of simpler prompts, you can navigate through complicated topics with ease, making your interaction with the AI more productive and insightful.

3. Know Your Audience

Tailoring your prompts to fit the audience you're aiming for can make a world of difference. Whether you're explaining something to a total newbie or diving deep with an expert, adjusting your questions helps ensure the answers hit the right note.


Task: Explain the internet to someone from the 19th century.

Prompt: Describe how the internet allows instant communication across the globe as if explaining to someone from the 1800s.

Task: Discuss the impact of quantum computing on encryption, intended for high school students.

Prompt: Explain how quantum computing could change the way we keep information safe online, in a way that a high schooler could understand.

Task: Describe the concept of black holes to children.

Prompt: Imagine you're telling a story to a group of 8-year-olds. How would you explain a black hole in space?

Complicated explanation

Simple and clear explanation

4. Learn by Example

Using examples in your prompts, also known as few-shot prompting, can be super effective. It's like showing a picture instead of just describing it – it makes things clearer and helps the AI understand exactly what you're looking for.


Task: Convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit.

Prompt: Example 1: Convert 0°C to Fahrenheit. (Response: 32°F) Example 2: Convert 100°C to Fahrenheit. (Response: 212°F) Now, convert 25°C to Fahrenheit.

Task: Simplify fractions to their lowest terms.

Prompt: Example 1: Simplify the fraction 4/8. (Response: 1/2) Example 2: Simplify the fraction 6/9. (Response: 2/3) Now, simplify the fraction 10/15.

Result in defined format

Specifying the exact format of model output in JSON can be quite useful when you want to seamlessly integrate the model's results into your applications or workflows.

5. Play the Role

When you chat with AI, you can actually ask it to play a role, like an expert in any field. This way, the AI adapts its answers to fit the part, giving you insights or explanations as if it were a pro in that area.


Task: Explain the importance of bees in the ecosystem.

Prompt: If you were a biologist, how would you describe the role of bees in maintaining healthy ecosystems?

Task: Discuss the latest trends in renewable energy.

Prompt: As an environmental scientist, what are the cutting-edge developments in renewable energy sources?

By assigning a specific role to the AI, like asking it to think like an economist or a scientist, you get responses that are tailored to that perspective, making complex topics more accessible and interesting.

Simple prompt

Prompt with specific role

6. Think Step by Step

When tackling tasks, especially coding, it helps to break things down. By using leading phrases like "think step by step," you guide the process, making it easier to understand and execute.


Task: Create a list of even numbers from 2 to 20.

Prompt: Let's think step by step. Start by initializing an empty list. Then, use a loop to go through numbers 2 to 20. Inside the loop, check if a number is even. If it is, add it to the list.

Task: Find the factorial of a number.

Prompt: Think step by step. First, define a Python function that takes a number as an input. Initialize a variable for the result inside the function. Use a loop to multiply the numbers from 1 to the input number. Return the result.

Basic solution

Clear explanation step by step

7. Interactive Clarification

Encouraging the AI to ask you questions for clarity ensures that the final output is tailored precisely to your needs. This interactive approach helps refine the details and requirements, making the AI's assistance more personalized and effective.


Task: Plan a personalized diet.

Prompt: From now on, I would like you to ask me questions about my dietary preferences, restrictions, and goals until you have enough information to suggest a customized meal plan.

Task: Develop a study schedule.

Prompt: Please ask me about my current study habits, subjects I'm focusing on, and my exam dates until you can draft a personalized study timetable for me.

Step 2: Added clarification

8. Guide the Response

Using output primers involves giving the AI a nudge on how to start its answer. It's like drawing the starting line for a race, showing the AI exactly where to begin, which can help ensure the response is structured just the way you want it.


Task: Explain how photosynthesis works in plants.

Prompt: Describe the process of photosynthesis in plants. Begin with: "Photosynthesis is a crucial process where plants convert..."

Task: Summarize the plot of "Romeo and Juliet."

Prompt: Provide a brief summary of "Romeo and Juliet." Start with: "Romeo and Juliet is a tragic tale of..."

Task: Discuss the impacts of global warming.

Prompt: Elaborate on the consequences of global warming on our planet. Initiate your explanation with: "Global warming leads to a variety of impacts, including..."

Task: Outline the steps to bake a chocolate cake.

Prompt: List the steps involved in baking a chocolate cake. Begin your instructions with: "To bake a chocolate cake, the first step is to..."

Task: Describe the function of the heart in the human body.

Prompt: Explain the role of the heart in the human circulatory system. Start your explanation with: "The heart is essential in the circulatory system as it..."

By ending your prompt with the start of the desired response, you help set the tone and direction for the AI's reply, making it more likely that the information provided will align with your expectations.

9. Continue the Story

Starting a text with specific words sets the stage for the AI to continue in the same style or theme. It's like passing the baton in a relay race; you give the AI a running start, and it keeps the momentum going.


Task: Expand on a poetic verse about the ocean.

Prompt: "The ocean's whispers to the moon create a melody of mysteries untold." I'm providing you with the beginning of a poem. Continue it, keeping the mystical and serene tone.

Task: Continue a suspenseful short story.

Prompt: "Under the cloak of night, she vanished into the shadowy alley, leaving no trace behind." I'm providing you with the start of a suspense story. Continue from here, maintaining the suspense and mystery.

Task: Elaborate on a sci-fi setting.

Prompt: "Beyond the stars, in a galaxy where time bends and reality shifts, lies the planet of Zentari." I'm providing you with the opening of a science fiction story. Expand on this universe, keeping the wonder and vastness of space exploration in mind.

By specifying the beginning of the text, you guide the AI in the direction you want the narrative to go, ensuring consistency in tone, style, and theme as it unfolds the story or message.

10. Positive Instructions and Clear Tasks

Crafting your prompts with positive commands and clear directives makes your requests straightforward and easy to follow. Using affirmative language and specifying tasks ensures that the AI understands exactly what you're asking for, leading to more focused and relevant responses.


Affirmative Directives:

Task: Explain the concept of supply and demand in economics.

Prompt: Your task is to demystify the economic principle of supply and demand. You MUST use real-world examples to illustrate how they affect prices.

Task: Discuss the benefits of regular exercise. Prompt: Your task is to outline the key benefits of maintaining a regular exercise routine. You MUST cover aspects such as physical health, mental well-being, and longevity.

Incorporate "You will be penalized":

Task: Write a summary of the novel "1984" by George Orwell. Prompt: Your task is to provide a concise summary of George Orwell's "1984," focusing on its dystopian themes and societal implications. You will be penalized for including spoilers or detailed plot points.

Task: Provide tips for effective public speaking.

Prompt: Your task is to offer five actionable tips for improving public speaking skills. You will be penalized for suggesting common clichés or unproven methods.

As we wrap up this section, it's crucial to remember that the strategies we've explored are just the beginning. These ideas serve as a foundation, a launching pad for your own creativity and innovation in prompt crafting. The true magic happens when you start experimenting, mixing, and matching different techniques and tailoring them to fit your unique needs and objectives. So, take these concepts as your toolkit, but don't stop here.

Challenge yourself to push the boundaries, to refine and develop your own prompt techniques. Your interactions with AI can become even more effective and insightful as you hone your skills and discover new ways to communicate your ideas and questions.

The journey of mastering prompt engineering is ongoing, and every conversation with the AI is an opportunity to learn and improve. So go ahead, experiment, and see how far your curiosity and creativity can take you in this exciting world of AI communication.


Big thanks for sticking with me till the end of this article! It's been a wild ride through the world of AI and those quirky myths floating around. Heard the one about AI working faster for cash? Well, the folks behind the scenes claim they've fixed that - but hey, why not try it out for yourself? Drop your findings or any cool experiments in the comments; it's always fun to see what you come up with.

And, just for kicks, imagine saying, "I'll give $300K for a better solution." Sounds crazy, right? But that's the spirit of diving deep into stuff like dynamic programming. It's all about finding smarter, slicker ways to solve problems. If you've got a neat trick up your sleeve, don't be shy - share it!

If you dug this piece, don't be a stranger! Hit me up on LinkedIn. I've got more AI tales and insights coming your way. Who knows what we'll uncover next about how neural networks are changing the game? Stay tuned, and let's keep pushing the envelope together. Peace out!
