Zero-Knowledge-Proof-Based Anomaly Detection: Conclusion & Referencesby@quantification
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Zero-Knowledge-Proof-Based Anomaly Detection: Conclusion & References

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This conclusion introduces a pioneering anomaly detection technique designed for practical application in real-world Federated Learning systems. The method employs an early cross-round check and Zero-Knowledge Proofs to efficiently detect and remove anomaly client models during attacks, preserving the integrity of benign submissions. The approach is well-suited for real-world FL, with future plans extending its capabilities to asynchronous FL and vertical FL scenarios.

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(1) Shanshan Han & Qifan Zhang, UCI;

(2) Wenxuan Wu, Texas A&M University;

(3) Baturalp Buyukates, Yuhang Yao & Weizhao Jin, USC;

(4) Salman Avestimehr, USC & FedML.

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Abstract and Introduction

Problem Setting

The Proposed Two-Stages Anomaly Detection

Verifiable Anomaly Detection using ZKP


Related Works

Conclusion & References


We present a cutting-edge anomaly detection technique specifically designed for the real-world FL systems. Our approach utilizes an early cross-round check that activates subsequent anomaly detection exclusively in the presence of attacks. When attacks happen, our approach removes anomaly client models efficiently, ensuring that the local models submitted by benign clients remain unaffected. Further, by leveraging ZKPs, participating clients get to verify the integrity of the anomaly detection and removal performed by the server. The practical design and the inherent efficiency of our approach make it well-suited for real-world FL systems. Our plans for future works include extending our approach to asynchronous FL and vertical FL scenarios.


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In our implementation, we use the Groth16 (Groth, 2016) zkSNARK scheme implemented in the Circom library (Circom Contributors, 2022) for all the computations described above. We chose this ZKP scheme because its construction ensures constant proof size (128 bytes) and constant verification time. Because of this, Groth16 is popular for blockchain application due to small on-chain computation. There are other ZKP schemes based on different construction that can achieve faster prover time (Liu et al., 2021), but the proof size is too big and verification time is not constant, which is a problem if verifier lacks computational power. The construction of a ZKP scheme that is efficient for both prover and verifier is still an open research direction.


Figure 13: CNN layer sensitivity.

Figure 14: ResNet56 layer sensitivity.