Elon Musk has already done so much ! Paypal, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyperloop, The Boring Factory…
The first argument to prove my point : he’s already done so much ! why not add a small line to his curriculum !
The second argument is : he is the founder of Paypal. In “Zero To One”, Peter Thiel stated that everyone in Paypal was working to provide an alternative to the dollar… And they failed actually ! It was good business though. They all became very rich. Yet, the dollar is still alive and Paypal is closer to making some dollars (88 billions actually) than replacing it. And Elon is not the guy who likes to fail.
The third argument is : his life goal is “making mankind a multiplanetary species” and very notably bringing people to mars. Yet, there is an issue with that. Let’s assume I live on Mars. What property should have a currency on Mars ?
That’s why Elon Musk invented bitcoins. He needed a currency the first people to go to Mars would trust and use ! A currency that’s practical, that’s earning value over time, which can be more trusted than gold (I wonder which of you can recognize true gold…) and would make the information delay between Earth and Mars no disadvantage for marsians.
In addition to that, it has the benefits of making him the owner of one million bitcoins (enough to motivate people to go to Mars and finance it).
Then the question is : “Why is he hiding it ?” Because he sold Paypal to Ebay in 2002 and does not have the right to launch a competitor. That’s why he kept it a secret. And I have to say the secrecy of the launch makes it easier for the community to adopt the technology, without a leader and american billionaire to work on it. Would China have accepted Bitcoins, had it known it was a Silicon Valley new endeavour ?
Will Bitcoin survive ? Probably ! Anyway, its goal should be the one of its founder ! Making Bitcoin a multiplanetary currency !