One of the most widely used elements introduced in ES6 is the `let` variable initialization. Why is it better then `var`? Let's see.
The main similarity is that var and let allow you to initialize a variable without assigning a value. Afterwards, you can update and change that value.
let value;
value = 'string';
value = 1;
// 1
And that's where the similarities end.
function sayWhaaaat() {
for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
var value = i;
// 3
What's going on above? We declare using `var` a variable called value. And we can access it outside the block! If you try you will be able to console.log the `i` as well.
Initializing all variables using let will prevent similar issues as `let` is truly block scoped! When you replace the `var` with `let` and try to access it you will get `Uncaught ReferenceError: value is not defined`.
Why is it important?
function repeatedDeclaration() {
var a = 'test'
// some code
var a = 'something else';
return a;
// 'something else'
The above is a massive simplification, but I have seen functions 800 lines long, so by accident you can overwrite a variable.
And if you do not write unit tests (Why writing unit tests is important) you might end up introducing a bug.
If you use `let` you would get `Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'a' has already been declared` error.
In ECMAScript 6, accessing a let or const variable before its declaration (within its scope) causes a ReferenceError. The time span when that happens, between the creation of a variable’s binding and its declaration, is called the temporal dead zone.
console.log(x); // a ReferenceError
let x = 'a string';
The above code throws a Reference Error. It is an improvement as it is likely a bug to use a variable before it is defined. See code using `var`:
console.log(y) // undefined
var y = 'another string'
Above we just get undefined, but is it helpful at all?
After seeing the above examples one may presume that TDZ is related to using a variable before it is defined. But it is not entirely the case.
Below example is from the book "JavaScript: The New Toys".
function temporalExample() {
const f = () => {
let value = 42;
If you run it, you will get 42 logged.
The `f` function even though references `value` doesn't use it until it gets called. The call happens after `value` is initialized.
So you still can use a value before it is declared. The problem is not related to where a variable is placed in the code, but when it is used.
Hope the above will help you writing better code and finally understand the most common use cases for using `let` instead of `const`. Enjoy!