Using Scanned Mesh Data for Auto-Digitized 3D Modeling: Conclusion & Future Work and Referencesby@rendering
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Using Scanned Mesh Data for Auto-Digitized 3D Modeling: Conclusion & Future Work and References

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A paper regarding the automatic generation of accurate floor plans and 3D models from scanned mesh data for interior design and navigation.
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(1) Ritesh Sharma, University Of California, Merced, USA [email protected];

(2) Eric Bier, Palo Alto Research Center, USA [email protected];

(3) Lester Nelson, Palo Alto Research Center, USA [email protected];

(4) Mahabir Bhandari, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA [email protected];

(5) Niraj Kunwar, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA [email protected].

Abstract and Intro

Related Work



Conclusion & Future work and References

5 Conclusion & Future work

In summary, our new approach for generating floor plans from triangle mesh data collected by augmented reality (AR) headsets produces two styles: a detailed pen-and-ink style and a simplified drafting style. Our algorithms align the mesh data with primary coordinate axes to produce tidy floor plans with vertical and horizontal walls, while also allowing for the removal of ceilings and floors and the separation of multi-story buildings into individual stories. Our approach integrates with AR, supporting the addition of synthetic objects to physical geometry and providing a detailed 3D model and floor plan.

Potential applications include navigation, interior design, furniture placement, facility management, building construction, and HVAC design. Moving forward, we plan to enable support for sloping ceilings, automate wall and door detection, and integrate with other tools such as energy simulators. Finally, we plan to compare our approach with existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy and computational time. We also plan to explore the applicability of block-based DBScan for 3D reconstruction from incomplete scans. Our approach has the potential to revolutionize the way we generate and visualize floor plans.


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