Check out what the GitHub community is most excited about this month.
Language: C
8 519 Stars
754 Forks
It’s a repository for those, who want to know how to create an OS from scratch. This course is a code tutorial aimed at people who are comfortable with low-level computing. For example, programmers who have curiosity on how an OS works but don’t have the time or willpower to start reading the Linux kernel top to bottom. It has a is little theory, only practice. The author suggests you to google your theory lecturer. The lessons are tiny and may take 5–15 minutes to complete.
The project got 6,744 stars this month.
cfenollosa/os-tutorial_How to create an OS from scratch. Contribute to cfenollosa/os-tutorial development by creating an account on
13 311 Stars
1 039 Forks
This repository contains tools of the trade, from Hacker News. You can find a list of self-hosted as well as hosted services. Each line has a name of the service, connected twitter account, pricing, and a small description. The repository is opened for contribution.
cjbarber/ToolsOfTheTrade_Tools of The Trade, from Hacker News. Contribute to cjbarber/ToolsOfTheTrade development by creating an account on…
Language: Python
48 275 Stars
6 605 Forks
The repository should help you to learn how to design large-scale systems and to prepare for the system design interview. It includes Anki flashcards and is available in 17 languages. This repository is open source project continually updated.
donnemartin/system-design-primer_Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards. …
Language: JavaScript
5 534 Stars
107 Forks
If you are working on a performance sensitive web application, it might cause a huge performance overhead because of its complex APIs and large bundle size. This repository is a list of date-fns or native functions which you can use to replace moment.js + ESLint Plugin.
— Dan Abramov, Author of Redux and co-author of Create React App. Building tools for humans.
you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-Momentjs_List of date-fns or native functions which you can use to replace moment.js + ESLint Plugin …
Language: JavaScript
12 830 Stars
718 Forks
The repository is Windows 95 in Electron. Runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows. The author says it should not be used for anything other than personal amusement. As it only works well by accident and was mostly a joke and the code quality is accordingly. This project is provided for educational purposes only. And it is not affiliated with and has not been approved by Microsoft.
felixrieseberg/windows95_💩🚀 Windows 95 in Electron. Runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows. - felixrieseberg/
Language: Python
11 050 Stars
3 313 Forks
The repository contains all algorithms implemented in Python, which are for demonstration purposes only.
TheAlgorithms/Python_All Algorithms implemented in Python. Contribute to TheAlgorithms/Python development by creating an account on
Language: Rust
8 559 Stars
144 Forks
Bat is a cat clone with wings. Bat provides beautiful, advanced syntax highlighting and integrates with Git to show file modifications. It also offers a user-friendly command-line interface and works his should work with Debian/Ubuntu, ARM (eg. Raspberry PI), Arch Linux, Void Linux, FreeBSD and MacOS.
sharkdp/bat_A cat(1) clone with wings. Contribute to sharkdp/bat development by creating an account on
Language: Java
5 836 Stars
441 Forks
Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library. Tink provides secure APIs that are easy to use correctly and hard(er) to misuse. It reduces common crypto pitfalls with user-centered design, careful implementation and code reviews, and extensive testing. At Google, Tink is already being used to secure data of many products such as AdMob, Google Pay, Google Assistant, Firebase, the Android Search App, etc.
google/tink_Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides cryptographic APIs that are secure, easy to use…
15 083 Stars
2 833 Forks
The repository is a tutorial of 100 Days of Machine Learning Coding. You can find a dataset, video materials and infographic s— one task per each day.
Avik-Jain/100-Days-Of-ML-Code_100 Days of ML Coding. Contribute to Avik-Jain/100-Days-Of-ML-Code development by creating an account on
4 773 Stars
396 Forks
The repository is a collection of *nix Sysadmin Test Questions and Answers for Interview/Exam (2018 Edition). You can test your knowledge in different fields with these questions. The total number is 230 questions. The answers are only examples and do not exhaust the whole topic. Most of them contains useful resources for a deeper understanding of the answer.
trimstray/test-your-sysadmin-skills_A collection of *nix Sysadmin Test Questions and Answers for Interview/Exam (2018 Edition). Test your knowledge in…
Language: JavaScript
5 244 Stars
283 Forks
f2 is an elegant, interactive and flexible charting library for mobile. What’s make it outstanding? F2 is developed for developers as well as designers. It is Html5 Canvas-based, and is also compatible with Node.js, Weex and React Native. Based on the grammar of graphics, F2 provides all the chart types you’ll need.
antvis/f2_📱📈An elegant, interactive and flexible charting library for mobile. - antvis/
4 340 Stars
245 Forks
The repository is a collection of papers with code sorted by stars. It is weekly updated. You can tweet the author @fvzaur and use this thread to request your favorite conference to be added to our watchlist and to PWC list.
zziz/pwc_Papers with code. Sorted by stars. Updated weekly. - zziz/
36 720 Stars
10 894 Forks
This repository is a warehouse of computer science mainly based on computer classic books and official technical documents. Study notes are not pieced together from the Internet, except for a small number of references and original texts of technical documents, the rest is the author’s original. All notes are in Chinese.
CyC2018/CS-Notes_books: Computer Science Learning Notes. Contribute to CyC2018/CS-Notes development by creating an account on
Language: Java
6 411 Stars
1 596 Forks
This repository is a warehouse of Java guidelines. In Chinese.
Snailclimb/JavaGuide_A core knowledge that most Java programmers need to master - Snailclimb/
Language: Java
3 758 Stars
534 Forks
Arthas help developers in troubleshooting production issues for Java applications without modifying code or restarting servers. The repository has documentation in Chinese.
Some key features:
alibaba/arthas_Alibaba Java Diagnostic Tool Arthas/Alibaba Java诊断利器Arthas - alibaba/
Language: JavaScript
3 842 Stars
97 Forks
The repository is the next-gen database for powerful React and React Native apps that scales to 10,000s of records and remains fast. Watermelon fixes it by being lazy. Nothing is loaded unless requested. And since all querying is performed directly on the rock-solid SQLite database on a separate native thread, most queries resolve in an instant. But unlike using SQLite directly, Watermelon is fully observable. So whenever you change a record, all UI that depends on it will automatically re-render.
Nozbe/WatermelonDB_🍉 Next-gen database for powerful React and React Native apps that scales to 10,000s of records and remains fast ⚡️ …
Language: JavaScript
114 966 Stars
16 180 Forks
A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
vuejs/vue_🖖 A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web. - vuejs/
Language: Python
3 761 Stars
534 Forks
The repository is a leetcode solution (following ideas step by step to extract code) and classic algorithm implementation.
apachecn/awesome-algorithm_Leetcode 题解 (跟随思路一步一步撸出代码) 及经典算法实现. Contribute to apachecn/awesome-algorithm development by creating an account on…
Language: C++
3 384 Stars
250 Forks
MMKV is an efficient, small, easy-to-use mobile key-value storage framework used in the WeChat application. It’s currently available on both iOS and Android. Framework uses mmap to keep memory synced with file, and protobuf to encode/decode values, making the most of iOS to achieve best performance. You can use it as you go, no configurations needed. All changes are saved immediately, no synchronize
calls needed. MMKV contains encode/decode helpers and mmap logics and nothing more. It alsp adds less than 30K per architecture on App size, and much less when zipped (ipa)
Tencent/MMKV_An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on iOS and Android. - Tencent/
3 332 Stars
834 Forks
The repository is science Internet, free ss account sharing, ssr feed, free VPN download. Author claims this project only for overseas Chinese users and only for scientific study purposes, not for other purposes.
loremwalker/WebSiteUseful_🍅 翻墙!科学上网,免费ss帐号分享、ssr订阅源,免费VPN下载,获取及使用教程请看: - loremwalker/
Language: C++
110 556 Stars
67 948 Forks
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone.
tensorflow/tensorflow_An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone - tensorflow/
Language: JavaScript
112 050 Stars
20 060 Forks
A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
facebook/react_A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. - facebook/
Language: Java
13 911 Stars
3 406 Forks
The repository contains the Java core knowledge base in its infancy. In Chinese.
crossoverJie/JCSprout_👨🎓 Java Core Sprout : basic, concurrent, algorithm - crossoverJie/
9 109 Stars
531 Forks
This repository is a cheat-sheet for mathematical notation in code form. This is a reference to ease developers into mathematical notation by showing comparisons with JavaScript code. Project is opened for contribution.
Jam3/math-as-code_a cheat-sheet for mathematical notation in code form - Jam3/
Language: Rust
2 724 Stars
75 Forks
Py-Spy is a sampling profiler for Python programs. It lets you visualize what your Python program is spending time on without restarting the program or modifying the code in any way. Py-Spy is extremely low overhead: it is written in Rust for speed and doesn’t run in the same process as the profiled Python program, nor does it interrupt the running program in any way. This means Py-Spy is safe to use against production Python code.
Py-Spy works on Linux, OSX and Windows, and supports profiling all recent versions of the CPython interpreter (versions 2.3–2.7 and 3.3–3.7).
benfred/py-spy_Sampling profiler for Python programs. Contribute to benfred/py-spy development by creating an account on