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In Java world, Spring Framework provides several tools and framework to develop microservices e.g. Spring Boot and Spring Cloud and in this article, I’ll share a couple of good courses you can use to learn how to develop Microservices using Spring framework.
Top 5 Spring + Microservice Courses for Advanced Java Developers_Microservices is the new buzzword in software development word, particularly on Java side, but it’s been in practice…_hackernoon.com
In this article we will learn what are some operational challenges in microservices architecture and how consul helps to overcome it. With this we will learn what a service mesh is and how consul helps to overcome the challenges it creates.
Operational challenges in Microservices and how to overcome it using Consul_In this article we will learn what are some operational challenges in microservices architecture and how consul helps…_devopsideas.com
See how the structure of microservice architecture and their communication affects the way we need to run load testing.
The Impact of Microservice Architecture on Load Testing - DZone Microservices_Microservice architecture (or, "microservices") has slowly emerged in recent years as a go-to method for development…_dzone.com
A microservice can be misconstrued as simply an endpoint to provide an API. But microservices have much more flexibility and capabilities than that. This article will speak on the differences between APIs and microservices, plus detail some of the benefits a microservice can provide.
API vs. Microservices: A Microservice Is More Than Just an API_When writing software, consider both the implementation and the architecture of the code. The software you write is…_blog.scalyr.com
Architects currently or formerly at Best Buy, Cloud Elements, and Wix.com share some of the world’s most advanced microservices design escapades — horror stories and best practices from the microservices trenches.
From monolith to microservices: Horror stories and best practices | TechBeacon_They say software is getting smaller-micro, in fact. Microservices are the latest software architecture trend, and its…_techbeacon.com
As microservices, serverless, and other distributed systems architectures become even more prevalent in the industry, it’s critical that we internalize their problems and strategies for solving them. In this article, we’ll look at one example of the many tricky issues that network boundaries can introduce: timeouts.
Microservices Aren't Magic: Handling Timeouts | 8th Light_Microservices are a big deal. They can give us some pretty big wins for our architectures and teams, but microservices…_8thlight.com
Thinking about microservices, especially their communication patterns, can be a bit of a mind-bending experience for developers. The idea of splitting an application into several (if not hundreds of) independent services, can leave even the most experienced developer scratching their head and questioning their choices.
An Introduction to Serverless Microservices - Jeremy Daly_Thinking about microservices, especially their communication patterns, can be a bit of a mind-bending experience for…_www.jeremydaly.com
Let us see how we can create a microservice stack using JHipster. We will build an e-commerce store today.
Create full Microservice stack using JHipster Domain Language under 30 minutes_It’s been quite a while since I wrote a blog, I did a few some years ago but never really continued writing. So when I…_medium.com
During the course of these two days, we will cover a high-level architectural overview of what is needed to design, develop and maintain an application built with microservices.
Designing Microservice Architectures - Barcelona_Two days of training to master microservices. _ Delivered by the expert instructors of RisingStack. Peter Czibik, Tamas…_ti.to