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In this blog post you’ll learn how to implement the Client-side UI composition design pattern using Angular Libraries.
Angular Libraries and Microservices_We live in a Microservices world, and this world is there to stay. Back-end developers need to dive into Domain Driven…_antoniogoncalves.org
One of the most important questions to answer while designing microservices is: How to choose the right data store(s) for each microservice? You should incorporate performance, reliability and data modeling requirements into your selection process…
Selecting the Right Database for Your Microservices - The New Stack_Microservices are in the spotlight as infrastructure building blocks because they offer benefits such as the decoupling…_thenewstack.io
Some bugs will show themselves only when the app itself is containerized as well. In these cases, it is very helpful to know how to attach a debugger to the service.
How to Debug a Node.js app in a Docker Container | @RisingStack_In this post, we'll take a look at how you can debug a Node.js app in a Docker container. In case you're wondering…_blog.risingstack.com
In this post you can learn how to move long running tasks such as PDF/report generation from your MVC website to their own Micro Service using Azure Functions.
Micro Services with Azure Functions — PDF Download — DotNet Core_Allowing you to Generate PDF from your website whilst keeping it responsive_medium.com
New tools are being developed that can help with your microservices debugging efforts and that allow you to remain in your local environment to perform runtime debugging. Let’s take a look a Squash and Telepresence.
Debugging microservices - Squash vs. Telepresence_Debugging distributed applications is challenging. Learn the pros and cons of Squash and Telepresence._medium.com
You’ll read the best practices that show you how to deal with unknown errors in Microservices archictecture.
Microservices Logging Best Practices - Scalyr Blog_Microservice architecture is an application structure that fosters the use of a loosely coupled system to allow you to…_blog.scalyr.com