Simulating Photon-Triggered Jets in Quark-Gluon Plasma: Using JETSCAPE frameworkby@nomadism

Simulating Photon-Triggered Jets in Quark-Gluon Plasma: Using JETSCAPE framework

by NomadismSeptember 4th, 2024
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JETSCAPE is the first framework that supports multistage evolution. Multiple modules can be employed to simulate the partonic shower within a QGP medium, depending on the virtuality of each shower parton. The same set of parameters used in previous p-p2 and Pb-Pb studies is applied in this study without further parameter tuning.
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(1) Chathuranga Sirimanna, Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Wayne State University, Detroit, and for the JETSCAPE Collaboration;

(2) Yasuki Tachibana, Akita International University, Yuwa, Akita-city 010-1292, Japan and for the JETSCAPE Collaboration.

Abstract and 1 Introduction

2 Simulating photon triggered jets using JETSCAPE framework

3 Results and Discussion, Acknowledgments, and References

2 Simulating photon triggered jets using JETSCAPE framework

JETSCAPE is the first framework that supports multistage evolution, where multiple modules can be employed to simulate the partonic shower within a QGP medium, depending on the virtuality of each shower parton. This multistage evolution capability enables the JETSCAPE framework to simultaneously describe numerous experimental observables across different center-of-mass energies and centralities using a single parameter tune.

In the simulation of p-p collisions, partons produced in the initial hard scattering in PYTHIA are fed into the MATTER energy loss module for vacuum partonic showers. Subsequently, all final state partons from MATTER are transferred back to PYTHIA for string hadronization. For Pb-Pb collisions, pre-generated event-by-event hydro profiles with initial conditions are utilized. Similar to p-p collisions, partons produced in the initial hard scattering in PYTHIA are transferred into MATTER and LBT energy loss modules based on their virtuality. Final state hadrons are generated using PYTHIA’s string hadronization, following the partonic shower. The same set of parameters used in previous p-p[2] and Pb-Pb[3] studies is applied in this study without further parameter tuning.

This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY 4.0 DEED license.