I like to split my time between working on my own software/hardware projects (https://medium.com/@bryanjordan/designing-streamplate-baeea2220f94) and building up my understanding of neuro-trauma — a tangent from perhaps one of my longest-standing interests: trauma surgery.
Over the past few weeks I’ve been trying to spend a few hours a day reading papers about the neural-correlations of consciousness. A subset of these authors have been trying to improve the metrics used in monitoring patients with severe brain-trauma at the point-of-care. The Glasgow Coma Scale is the most widely adopted but pertains to a highly-subjective assessment that can overlook the subtle and minor improvements that can be easily missed.
Across these papers a consistent theme emerged: the necessity for objective metrics in tracking patient progress. Patients in a deep-coma or even those possessing non-verbal skills can become further victims through misdiagnosis or mistreatment caused by the absence of some of these abilities.
It appears that constant and empirical-based recordings are needed albeit, without intruding on the patient’s state so as not to confound their persisting condition, and with an ease of use that makes it both affordable and non-distracting to practitioners.
As of early December, I’m pretty sure there isn’t this type of service available or at least in wide-spread use.
I’ve thought of a general blueprint for a simple implementation but haven’t had time to properly think about technical specifics. I’m hoping that by releasing these guidelines that either someone can develop this independently, or perhaps with the right person/people an open-source implementation can be made available.
Why an open-source is preferred will become more evident at the end of the guidelines. Here are my general thoughts:
I can’t think of any critical technical limitations with respect to implementations. Visual-audio recordings can be even as rudimentary as GoPros providing third-world nations or under-resourced hospitals/medical centres an entry-point into this database. An assumption made is internet access. Even if access is sporadic, recordings can be uploaded intermittently and similarly for downloads. As WI-FI becomes more persistent across the world (only 44% of the global population is connected to WI-FI), I assume this will become less of a problem.
Programming implementations are quite trivial thanks to the widespread interest in machine-learning, accomplishments of residual neural networks, the ever-growing capabilities and hence increasing return of investment for cloud computing (personally recommend Google Cloud Platform but have yet to use AWS or Azure).
I might begin developing this in the coming weeks depending on whether I come across other superior research options. Otherwise, feel free to use this guideline for whatever purpose you deem fit.
If it works, success. If it doesn’t, it’s better to actively fail then inactively succeed.