As i work with Ansible (or I try to learn Ansible) sometimes i want to test little j2 snippets (Used in templates/when conditions / others within Ansible). You can ipython (or your fav repl ) and do it manually or you can use (and contribute) to this little tool i built yesterday.
I’ve called jinrepl (lack of a better name) , and it basically evals strings into j2.template and renders it , nothing major, but with a few neat features.
To install:
pip install termcolorpip install jinja2git clone jinreplpython
That’s pretty much everything you need so far (with the current set of features)
In line jinja rendering
Filter autocompletion
But my favourite is , embedded Vim! (haha just os.system(“vim”))
It does a fair bit more , but you can find all about it on the github repo.