Proposing A Novel Framework Called LieBN: A Conclusionby@batching
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Proposing A Novel Framework Called LieBN: A Conclusion

by BatchingFebruary 27th, 2025
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This paper proposes a novel framework called LieBN, enabling batch normalization over Lie groups. Our LieBN can effectively normalize both the sample and population statistics.

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Abstract and 1 Introduction

2 Preliminaries

3. Revisiting Normalization

3.1 Revisiting Euclidean Normalization

3.2 Revisiting Existing RBN

4 Riemannian Normalization on Lie Groups

5 LieBN on the Lie Groups of SPD Manifolds and 5.1 Deformed Lie Groups of SPD Manifolds

5.2 LieBN on SPD Manifolds

6 Experiments

6.1 Experimental Results

7 Conclusions, Acknowledgments, and References


A Notations

B Basic layes in SPDnet and TSMNet

C Statistical Results of Scaling in the LieBN

D LieBN as a Natural Generalization of Euclidean BN

E Domain-specific Momentum LieBN for EEG Classification

F Backpropagation of Matrix Functions

G Additional Details and Experiments of LieBN on SPD manifolds

H Preliminary Experiments on Rotation Matrices

I Proofs of the Lemmas and Theories in the Main Paper


This paper proposes a novel framework called LieBN, enabling batch normalization over Lie groups. Our LieBN can effectively normalize both the sample and population statistics. Besides, we generalize the existing Lie groups on SPD manifolds and showcase our framework on the parameterized Lie groups of SPD manifolds. Extensive experiments demonstrate the advantage of our LieBN.

There are several other types of Lie groups in machine learning, such as special Euclidean groups. As a future avenue, we shall extend our LieBN to other Lie groups.


This work was partly supported by the MUR PNRR project FAIR (PE00000013) funded by the NextGenerationEU, by the EU Horizon project ELIAS (No. 101120237), and by a gift donation from Cisco. The authors also gratefully acknowledge financial support from the China Scholarship Council (CSC).


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(1) Ziheng Chen, University of Trento;

(2) Yue Song, University of Trento and a Corresponding author;

(3) Yunmei Liu, University of Louisville;

(4) Nicu Sebe, University of Trento.