Personalized Soups: LLM Alignment Via Parameter Merging - Conclusion & Referencesby@escholar
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Personalized Soups: LLM Alignment Via Parameter Merging - Conclusion & References

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This paper introduces RLPHF, which aligns large language models with personalized human preferences via multi-objective RL and parameter merging.
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(1) Joel Jang, CarperAI,University of Washington & Allen Institute for AI;

(2) Seungone Kim, KAIST AI;

(3) Yizhong Wang, University of Washington;

(4) Jack Hessel, University of Washington;

(5) Luke Zettlemoyer, Aleph Alpha;

(6) Hannaneh Hajishirzi, University of Washington & Allen Institute for AI;

(7) Yejin Choi, UC San Diego.


Previous work has shown that adapting LLMs with RLHF helps them generate outputs that are preferred by humans over the supervised fine-tuned counterpart. However, recent work has also pointed out that simply training LLMs to abide by the preference of the general may result in ignoring individual preferences and values. In this work, we provide the first steps to tackle this issue by proposing Reinforcement Learning from Personalized Human Feedback as a multi-objective problem so that LLMs can be aligned to follow conflicting preferences. We propose a promising method called P-SOUPS that is able to composite models trained on single objectives on the fly during inference. We also highlight the scalability of P-SOUPS by showing that it scales linearly, instead of exponentially like the MORL baseline, with regards to the number of new preferences, which is required to provide true personalization to individual users.


Thanks to Minyoung Hwang, Sungdong Kim, Tim Dettmers, Yoonjoo Lee, and Margaret Li for helpful feedback and discussion.


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Simulated pairwise evaluation We use a modified version of the GPT4 annotation prompt used by Dubois et al. (2023). We modify the criteria to perform the pairwise evaluation from general to a single preference dimension. We also provide 3 demonstrations: one scenario where there is a tie because both responses do not contain any notion of the preference (e.g. both responses do not show any signs of friendliness), one scenario where there is a clear winner, and one scenario where they are both good, but one is better than the other.

We recruited 24 crowd workers for our human evaluation. Figure 5 shows the interface used for human evaluation. We consider both the ‘Tie’ and ‘Both are bad’ options to be Ties.


The criteria-wise win rate (%) across all the methods are shown in Figure 6. The criteria-wise win rate was calculated by getting the average win-rate of the preference combinations that contained the specific preference dimension. For example, when calculating the criteria-wise win rate of ‘Elementary’, we got the average win-rate of the preference combinations that contained the ‘Elementary’ preference, which includes AAA, AAB, ABA, and ABB.


The full list of evaluation prompts used in our experiments are provided in Table 5


We provide detailed results (win / loss / tie for each of the preference combinations for our main experimental results. Table 6 shows the GPT4 evaluation and Table 7 shows the human evaluation results.


Table 8 shows empirical examples of the text generated from each preference combination of the 16 preference combination experiments for the same prompt.