Performance of Best of N Baseline for Various N and Sample Responses and GPT-4 Judgmentsby@textmodels
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Performance of Best of N Baseline for Various N and Sample Responses and GPT-4 Judgments

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This article presents additional empirical results, including the performance of the Best of N baseline for various values of N. It also provides sample responses and GPT-4 judgments to illustrate the quality of generated text.
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(1) Rafael Rafailo, Stanford University and Equal contribution; more junior authors listed earlier;

(2) Archit Sharma, Stanford University and Equal contribution; more junior authors listed earlier;

(3) Eric Mitchel, Stanford University and Equal contribution; more junior authors listed earlier;

(4) Stefano Ermon, CZ Biohub;

(5) Christopher D. Manning, Stanford University;

(6) Chelsea Finn, Stanford University.

Abstract and 1. Introduction

2 Related Work

3 Preliminaries

4 Direct Preference Optimization

5 Theoretical Analysis of DPO

6 Experiments

7 Discussion, Acknowledgements, and References

Author Contributions

A Mathematical Derivations

A.1 Deriving the Optimum of the KL-Constrained Reward Maximization Objective

A.2 Deriving the DPO Objective Under the Bradley-Terry Model

A.3 Deriving the DPO Objective Under the Plackett-Luce Model

A.4 Deriving the Gradient of the DPO Objective and A.5 Proof of Lemma 1 and 2

A.6 Proof of Theorem 1

B DPO Implementation Details and Hyperparameters

C Further Details on the Experimental Set-Up and C.1 IMDb Sentiment Experiment and Baseline Details

C.2 GPT-4 prompts for computing summarization and dialogue win rates

C.3 Unlikelihood baseline

D Additional Empirical Results

D.1 Performance of Best of N baseline for Various N and D.2 Sample Responses and GPT-4 Judgments

D.3 Human study details

Additional Empirical Results

D.1 Performance of Best of N baseline for Various N

We find that the Best of N baseline is a strong (although computationally expensive, requiring sampling many times) baseline in our experiments. We include an evaluation of the Best of N baseline for various N for the Anthropic-HH dialogue and TL;DR summarization; the results are shown in Figure 4.

D.2 Sample Responses and GPT-4 Judgments

In this section, we present examples of comparisons between DPO and the baseline (PPO temp 0. for summarization, and the ground truth chosen response for dialogue). See Tables 4-6 for summarization examples, and Tables 7-10 for dialogue examples.

Figure 4: Best of N baseline for N = {1, 4, 16, 64, 128}. Performance plateaus after roughly 64-128 samples.

Table 4: Sample summaries to a post from the TL;DR test set. DPO sample generated with a temperature 0.25; PPO sample generated at a temperature of 0. The order in which summaries are presented in randomized when evaluating with GPT-4, so the order in the Judgment may not correspond to the order in the table. For clarity, post-hoc annotations are included in bold, formatted as [annotation]. These annotations are not part of the model generations.

Table 5: Sample summaries to a post from the TL;DR test set. DPO sample generated with a temperature 0.25; PPO sample generated at a temperature of 0. The order in which summaries are presented in randomized when evaluating with GPT-4, so the order in the Judgment may not correspond to the order in the table. For clarity, post-hoc annotations are included in bold, formatted as [annotation]. These annotations are not part of the model generations.

Table 6: Sample summaries to a post from the TL;DR test set. DPO sample generated with a temperature 0.25; PPO sample generated at a temperature of 0. The order in which summaries are presented in randomized when evaluating with GPT-4, so the order in the Judgment may not correspond to the order in the table. For clarity, post-hoc annotations are included in bold, formatted as [annotation]. These annotations are not part of the model generations.

Table 7: GPT-4 chooses DPO over GT. Sample responses to a prompt from the Anthropic-HH test set. DPO sample generated with temperature 0.7; GT is the chosen completion in the dataset of preferences. For clarity, post-hoc annotations are included in bold, formatted as [annotation]. These annotations are not part of the model generations.

Table 8: GPT-4 chooses DPO over GT. Sample responses to a prompt from the Anthropic-HH test set. DPO sample generated with temperature 1.0; GT is the chosen completion in the dataset of preferences. For clarity, post-hoc annotations are included in bold, formatted as [annotation]. These annotations are not part of the model generations.

Table 9: GPT-4 chooses GT over DPO. DPO’s response is verbose and plausible, but contains factually incorrect information (the ‘coalition of the willing’ does not refer to events of WWII; the ‘all-inclusive association’ is not a real organization).

Table 10: GPT-4 chooses GT over DPO. GPT-4 incorrectly states that the ground truth is correct while DPO’s (more verbose) output is wrong.

This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED license.