(I hope some people get the reference to which the title refers to)
Rumors started a few months ago: Craig Steven Wright (CSW) was planning a comeback. The rumors became louder and started coming from multiple sources after the Satoshi Roundtable of this year.
Then the 12th of April came the news: nChain was acquired by High Tech Private Equity Fund SICAV plc
A company built around the research of Craig Wright, who has claimed to have invented the bitcoin cryptocurrency, has been sold to a private equity firm in a deal the company says is the biggest to date involving bitcoin’s underlying blockchain technology.
Be careful when going to the actual website (nchain.com) since apparently “ 60 world-class scientific research, engineering and other professionals” can’t create a simple and secure website.
They really seem to be in to patents for some reason:
Yesterday they announced that Jon Matonis, former Bitcoin Foundation director, was joining nChain as Vice President of Corporate Strategy. This shouldn’t really come as a big surprise since he was/is convinced that CSW is actually Satoshi.
Why is nChain relevant? It isn’t at this point.Then why write about it? Because I see a certain narrative being pushed and people involved with it have a lot of money and/or have been bamboozled before. It is better to spread some awareness about it.What if CSW actually signs an early block? From everything I’ve heard and read about interactions with Satoshi: for me there is no way it is him. If he signs an early block that only Satoshi could’ve signed I’m more concerned about how he got a hold of it.
This part would fall under pure speculation, however there are some interesting things that are surfacing.
I didn’t find a direct link with Bitmain (yet).
Game plan:
*Edit* Found an interesting post with potential CSW related shell companies.*/edit*
For a good laugh, be sure to check out hoaxchain.
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