Modelling common patterns with redux-sagaby@chanakyabhardwaj
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Modelling common patterns with redux-saga

by Chanakya BhardwajJuly 15th, 2017
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<em>This post assumes basic familiarity with </em><a href="" target="_blank"><em>redux-saga</em></a><em>. Here’s the introductory </em><a href="" target="_blank"><em>tutorial</em></a><em>.</em>

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This post assumes basic familiarity with redux-saga. Here’s the introductory tutorial.

In this post I will examine how redux-saga can be used to model some common patterns in application control-flow.

redux-saga is a library that aims to make side effects (i.e. asynchronous things like data fetching and impure things like accessing the browser cache) in React/Redux applications easier and better.


This is a pattern where the application is simply waiting for different kinds of actions. The first action to be received decides how the application proceeds. That is the application does not care for any actions after the first one.

For example, consider we are writing a saga for creating and sending an email. In this saga we are waiting for 2 actions

  • DISCARD_DRAFT if this action is received first, the saga will discard the current draft, clean up the editor state & finish.
  • SEND_EMAIL if this action is received first, then the saga will probably do some validations (e.g. valid email address etc.), send the email, clean up the editor state & then finish.

This flow of this saga is governed by which action (DISCARD_DRAFT or SEND_EMAIL) is received first. Such a situation can be modelled by simply using the [take]( effect creator.

function *emailSaga() {...

const action = yield take(\[ // (A)  

if (action.type === \``DISCARD_DRAFT`\`) { // (B)  
    //discard the draft  
} else {  
    //send the email  


  • (A) The take effect waits for any one of the 2 actions and the saga is suspended until one of them is received.
  • (B) The saga inspects the type of the received action & then proceeds accordingly.

NOTE: This situation could also be modelled using a [_race_]( effect as shown below

function *emailSaga() {const { discard, send } = yield race({ // (A)discard: take(`DISCARD_DRAFT`),send: take(`SEND_EMAIL`)})

if (discard) {  
    //discard the draft  
} else {  
    //send the email  


  • (A) We create a race between 2 take effects i.e. the race ends when either one of the 2 take effects is finished.

The important semantic distinction between take([...]) and race is that

  • take([...]) waits for the first matching action to arrive.
  • race waits for the first racing-effect to finish.


This again is a common pattern where we want to keep a task running until we receive a specific action to stop the task.

For example, consider we are writing a saga for adding songs to a playlist. The saga should let the user add as many songs as they like. However it should stop that task when a specific action has been received (like SAVE_PLAYLIST).

This situation can be modelled as shown below

function *addToPlaylist() {while (true) { //(A)const action = yield take([`ADD_SONG`,`SAVE_PLAYLIST`]);

    if (action.type === \`ADD\_SONG\`) {  
        //add the song to the playlist  
    } else {  
        break; //(B)  


  • (A) The while loop keeps the task running.
  • (B) As soon as SAVE_PLAYLIST is received, we break out of the loop, there by stopping the task.

NOTE: This situation could also be modelled using a [_takeEvery_]( effect as shown below

function *addToPlaylist() {const addTask = yield takeEvery(`ADD_SONG`, function*() { // (A)//add the song to the playlist});

yield take(\`SAVE\_PLAYLIST\`); // (B)  
yield cancel(addTask); // (C)  


  • (A) We start a continuously running task addTask (using takeEvery) that receives every ADD_SONG action & adds it to the playlist.
  • (B) The saga continues & now waits for the SAVE_PLAYLIST action.
  • (C ) Once SAVE_PLAYLIST is received the saga cancels the addTask i.e. it stops listening for ADD_SONG actions.

This way of modelling the situation is more concise, however the previous way is more explicit about its intentions.


This is a common pattern where a business flow is broken down into smaller steps. These steps are presented to the user in an ordered way, however at any time the user is allowed to go back.

For example, consider the process of booking a flight. It can be broken down into the following 3 steps

  • Choose Flight — this step is responsible for letting the user to choose a flight.
  • Fill Details — this step collects the necessary details from the user.
  • Payment — this step is responsible for collecting the payment from the user.

These steps are shown to the user in the following order

Choose Flight ---> Fill Details ---> Payment

However the use should also be able to go back to the previous step.

          --->              --->  

Choose Flight Fill Details Payment<--- <---

Such a requirement can be modelled using a parent-saga and multiple children-sagas corresponding to each step. In essence, the parent-saga controls the propagation of the process & executes the correct child-saga for the current step.

Consider we are writing a saga for the above mentioned process of booking a flight.

  • We assume we have the following children-sagas for the 3 steps.The contents of these children-sagas are not relevant for this discussion.

function *chooseFlight() { ... } // (A)function *fillDetails() { ... } // (B)function *paymentSaga() { ... } // (C)

  • We assume once a child-saga is finished, we automatically proceed to the next step.
  • We assume that every time the user wants to go back to the previous step, a BACK action is dispatched.
  • We will now create a parent-saga that controls the propagation & executes the correct child-saga based on the current step.

function *bookFlight() { // (A)let breakLoop = false;let step = 0; // (B)

const backTask = yield takeEvery(\`BACK\`, function\*() { // (C)  
    if (step > 0) {  

while (true) { // (D)  
    switch (step) { // (E)  
        case 0: {  
            yield call(selectFlight); // (F)  
            step++; // (G)  
        case 1: {  
            yield call(fillDetails);  
        case 2: {  
            yield call(paymentSaga);  
        case 3: {  
            breakLoop = true; // (H)  
            yield cancel(backTask); // (I)  

    if (breakLoop) { // (J)  


  • (A) The parent-saga is called bookFlight.
  • (B) Set the step to 0 i.e. start with the first child-saga selectFlight.
  • (C ) Start a task to listen for everyBACK action and decrement the step by 1.
  • (D) Start an infinite while loop to keep the parent-saga running continuously.
  • (E) The switch statement evaluates the current step and executes the correct child-saga.
  • (F) Execute selectFlight child-saga for step 0.
  • (G) Increment the step by 1 to move to the next step.
  • (H) If the value of step is 3 i.e. all the steps are completed, the parent-saga should finish.
  • (I) Cancel the task to listen for BACK actions.
  • (J) Evaluates if the parent-saga should finish or continue.

NOTE:This is a trivial example where we support only single-step propagation. However in a production app, we would want the user to jump from any step to any step (with some checks of course).

But this technique can be very easily extended to implement such a requirement (by explicitly providing the next value for _step_ variable, instead of incrementing or decrementing it).

In fact this is how we can build a finite state machine using sagas.

redux-saga is an interesting tool for modelling control-flows. I hope these patterns prove to be useful.