Machine Learning is at the forefront of advancements in Artificial Intelligence. It’s moving fast with new research coming out each and every day. This Series, along with the other posts includes some of the important concepts and notes right from the basics to advance, from the book Machine Learning, by Tom M. Mitchell. And will be updated for each chapter of the book.
“A computer is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of task T and performance measure P, if it’s performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.”
A checkers learning problem:
A handwritten recognition learning problem:
1.2.1 Choosing the training experience
Type of training experience from which our system will learn.
The type of training experience plays an important role in the success or failure of the learner.
In order to define the training experience, we must choose
1.2.2 Choosing the target function
To determine the exact what type of knowledge will be learned and how this will be used by the performance program.
Let’s begin with the legal moves a bot can take. Legal moves are the moves our bot( the model ) can take which are correct. Now the bot needs to learn to choose the best moves among these legal moves in situations.
Let’s call this function ChooseMove, which chooses the best moves for the bot.
ChooseMove : M→B
which takes input, set of legal moves M and outputs the best moves B
To make ChooseMove performance P better with experience E, we set a numerical score as TargetFunction(V).
TargetFunction (V): B → R
V maps any best move to some real value R, and intend for this target V to assign higher scores to better board states.
where b’ is still the best state that can still be achieved.
1.2.3 Choosing representation for the target function
We can represent V using a collection of rules that match against features of legal moves or a quadratic polynomial function of predefined moves or an artificial neural network.
Thus our learning program can represent V^(b) as a linear function:
w = numerical coefficient
x = legal moves
1.2.4 Choosing a function Approximation Algorithm
Each training example is an ordered pair of the form < b,V train 7(b)>
1.2.5 Estimating training values
Assign the training values of <V train (b)> for any intermediate board state b to be <V^(successor(b))>, where V^ is bot’s correct approximation to V.
successor(b), next move following b.
which can be summarised as :
V train(b) ← V^(successor(b))
1.2.6 Adjusting the weights
To define the best hypothesis, or set of weights, or approach, is to adjust the weights to minimise the squared error E between the training value and the values predicted by the hypothesis V^.
1.3.1 Perspective:
It involves searching a very large space of possible hypothesis to determine the one that best fits the observed data.
1.3.2 Issues:
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