Extraordinary things can happen from a simple face-to-face chat. Australian businesswoman Anna McAfee understood this very well when she posted a status to her LinkedIn calling for others in the area to meet her for coffee. That May afternoon in 2017, just 15 people showed up — but they sparked a global movement.
Accompanying her status post with the hashtag #LinkedInLocal, it didn’t take long for others to catch on to the idea; 100,000 others caught on, to be exact. Reaching 80 countries and 500 cities within, the idea of LinkedIn Local brought forward thinking businesspeople of every industry together to meet as people, not resumes. During these meetups, participants put their profiles on the proverbial back burner, and instead speak for themselves through their passion for their work and personalities. Of participants, 90% walk away with not only new connections, but new friends as well.
LinkedIn Local encourages a more personal approach to our connections through collaboration and inclusivity — it might just be the right place for you. This infographic details the incredible growth of the LinkedIn Local movement, how far its come in just one year, and why it brings a fresh perspective to businesspeople of any industry.