I’ve previously written how you on Azure App Services itself can build and deploy your web applications and functions utilizing Cake build scripts and the Cake.Kudu addin.
While it’s fairly easy to get going, just add a build script and connect it to your source code repository of choice, for some scenarios it makes more sense to ship your application prebuilt.
A few of those scenarios can be
Kudu the “engine” behind Azure web and function apps provides and http-based API, which deploy is one of the features it offers. And it’s this API the “Cake Kudu Client” provides a typed C# API which makes it close to a one-liner to deploy from a directory or zip file.
What the above does is essentially
alias.A real world example using this with the static site generator WYAM could look something like this:
Deployments is only one of the features the Cake Kudu Client addin handles
and more features are planned.
You can find the complete list of available methods with examples are available on the Cake web site at:https://cakebuild.net/dsl/kudu/
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