Improving Text Embeddings with Large Language Models: Abstract and Introductionby@autoencoder

Improving Text Embeddings with Large Language Models: Abstract and Introduction

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This paper introduces a novel method for generating high-quality text embeddings using synthetic data, achieving state-of-the-art results with minimal training
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Large Language Models: Abstract and Introduction
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(1) Liang Wang, Microsoft Corporation, and Correspondence to ([email protected]);

(2) Nan Yang, Microsoft Corporation, and correspondence to ([email protected]);

(3) Xiaolong Huang, Microsoft Corporation;

(4) Linjun Yang, Microsoft Corporation;

(5) Rangan Majumder, Microsoft Corporation;

(6) Furu Wei, Microsoft Corporation and Correspondence to ([email protected]).

Abstract and 1 Introduction

2 Related Work

3 Method

3.1 Synthetic Data Generation

3.2 Training

4 Experiments

4.1 Statistics of the Synthetic Data

4.2 Model Fine-tuning and Evaluation

4.3 Main Results

4.4 Multilingual Retrieval

5 Analysis

5.1 Is Contrastive Pre-training Necessary?

5.2 Extending to Long Text Embeddings and 5.3 Analysis of Training Hyperparameters

6 Conclusion and References

A Implementation Details

B Test Set Contamination Analysis

C Prompts for Synthetic Data Generation

D Instructions for Training and Evaluation


In this paper, we introduce a novel and simple method for obtaining high-quality text embeddings using only synthetic data and less than 1k training steps. Unlike existing methods that often depend on multi-stage intermediate pre-training with billions of weakly-supervised text pairs, followed by fine-tuning with a few labeled datasets, our method does not require building complex training pipelines or relying on manually collected datasets that are often constrained by task diversity and language coverage. We leverage proprietary LLMs to generate diverse synthetic data for hundreds of thousands of text embedding tasks across nearly 100 languages. We then fine-tune open-source decoder-only LLMs on the synthetic data using standard contrastive loss. Experiments demonstrate that our method achieves strong performance on highly competitive text embedding benchmarks without using any labeled data. Furthermore, when fine-tuned with a mixture of synthetic and labeled data, our model sets new state-of-the-art results on the BEIR and MTEB benchmarks.

1 Introduction

Text embeddings are vector representations of natural language that encode its semantic information. They are widely used in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as information retrieval (IR), question answering, semantic textual similarity, bitext mining, item recommendation, etc. In the field of IR, the first-stage retrieval often relies on text embeddings to efficiently recall a small set of candidate documents from a large-scale corpus using approximate nearest neighbor search techniques. Embedding-based retrieval is also a crucial component of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) [21], which is an emerging paradigm that enables large language models (LLMs) to access dynamic external knowledge without modifying the model parameters. Source attribution of generated text is another important application of text embeddings [14] that can improve the interpretability and trustworthiness of LLMs.

Previous studies have demonstrated that weighted average of pre-trained word embeddings [35, 1] is a strong baseline for measuring semantic similarity. However, these methods fail to capture the rich contextual information of natural language. With the advent of pre-trained language models [11], Sentence-BERT [37] and SimCSE [13] have been proposed to learn text embeddings by finetuning BERT on natural language inference (NLI) datasets. To further enhance the performance and robustness of text embeddings, state-of-the-art methods like E5 [46] and BGE [48] employ a more complex multi-stage training paradigm that first pre-trains on billions of weakly-supervised text pairs, and then fine-tunes on several labeled datasets.

Existing multi-stage approaches suffer from several drawbacks. Firstly, they entail a complex multi-stage training pipeline that demands substantial engineering efforts to curate large amounts of relevance pairs. Secondly, they rely on manually collected datasets that are often constrained by the diversity of tasks and the coverage of languages. For instance, Instructor [40] is only trained on instructions from 330 English datasets, whereas BGE [48] only focuses on high-resource languages such as English and Chinese. Moreover, most existing methods employ BERT-style encoders as the backbone, neglecting the recent advances of training better LLMs and related techniques such as context length extension [38].

In this paper, we propose a novel method for text embeddings that leverages LLMs to overcome the limitations of existing approaches. We use proprietary LLMs to generate synthetic data for a diverse range of text embedding tasks in 93 languages, covering hundreds of thousands of embedding tasks. Specifically, we use a two-step prompting strategy that first prompts the LLMs to brainstorm a pool of candidate tasks, and then prompts the LLMs to generate data conditioned on a given task from the pool. To cover various application scenarios, we design multiple prompt templates for each task type and combine the generated data from different templates to boost diversity. For the text embedding models, we opt for fine-tuning powerful open-source LLMs rather than small BERT-style models. Since LLMs such as Mistral [19] have been extensively pre-trained on web-scale data, contrastive pre-training offers little additional benefit.

We demonstrate that Mistral-7B, when fine-tuned solely on synthetic data, attains competitive performance on the BEIR [42] and MTEB [28] benchmarks. This is particularly intriguing considering that this setting does not involve any labeled data. When fine-tuned on a mixture of synthetic and labeled data, our model achieves new state-of-the-art results, surpassing previous methods by a significant margin (+2%). The entire training process requires less than 1k steps.

Moreover, we empirically validate that our model can effectively perform personalized passkey retrieval for inputs up to 32k tokens by altering the rotation base of the position embeddings, extending the context length beyond the conventional 512 token limit. Regarding its multilinguality, our model excels on high-resource languages. However, for low-resource languages, there is still room for improvement as current open-source LLMs are not adequately pre-trained on them.

This paper is available on arxiv under CC0 1.0 DEED license.