How to Waste $5000 on Personal Growthby@jroseland
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How to Waste $5000 on Personal Growth

by Jonathan RoselandAugust 21st, 2024
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You can waste a lot of money on personal development offers. Instead, focus your personal development investments on things that yield broad benefits; Nootropics, healthy food, fitness, hormonal blood testing, and networking.
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The story of how I met the disciple of the most hated man in the world is illustrative of how to (NOT) spend money on personal development.

I Had Just Arrived in an Exotic, New (to Me) City.

I knew nobody there. I started by requesting to join the local Real Social Dynamics' wingman Facebook group. My lifehack to forming intimate relationships fast is devoting my time socializing to high-affinity groups with deeply shared values; RSD-trained pickup artists are actually one of the best such groups. In the Facebook group, a cool-looking local guy had posted that he was offering free introductory pickup artist boot camps, which is infield dating coaching. I've never taken a boot camp but have always been interested, if I had several thousand dollars just burning a hole in my pocket I would do a boot camp.

He had posted a couple of indicators that he knew what he was doing, and it was a novel application of the freemium model so I thought why not? What do I have to lose?

I contacted him and made what I thought was a generous offer of buying him dinner, and then we could go out at night and do the free coaching.

If he turned out to be an effective coach, I might purchase one of his coaching packages. If he sucked, then at least I would have explored the city some and had a stimulating conversation over a succulent meal.

I met him and he had gravitas, swagger, and style.

He spoke three languages fluently. I picked his brain about the nuances of seducing the sexy local girls. We talked about meditation, fitness, Entrepreneurship, Biohacking, supplements, and Colombia. Overall, a pretty cool guy.

Interestingly, he had worked directly with, at the time, the official most hated man in the world. Weirdly, the most hated man in the world was not some tyrannical dictator or murderous narco boss but was a douchebaggey pickup artist guru that had pissed off a bunch of feminists and the politically correct mainstream media. My new friend had coached with him and had the photos to prove it. He emphasized how much of an influence this guy was on him.

I was a bit disappointed when he announced a change of plans that we were NOT going to be doing the free boot camp that night. He was instead going to pick up a girl who he knew that night and sleep with her. He offered to drop me off where I was staying. We took his car which was a pretty nice car in that country. We did indeed pick up a cute girl from a decrepit old soviet style apartment building who giggled at my poor attempts at their language.

The next day we met up to discuss smart drugs which he was interested in (who isn't!) and hung out in his nice apartment.

Then he pitched me; he had a weekend boot camp program that was $600. We would...

  • Do coaching at nightlife spots.
  • Talk to girls during the daytime.
    And... He evenguaranteed I would get laid in the boot camp! Guaranteed!

I didn't go for it for a few reasons...

$600 was a lot of money in that country. It seemed pretty steep for a weekend of coaching. Yes, world-class dating coaches (like the most hated man in the world) charge thousands of dollars for a weekend, but they have tons of credibility and evidence for their coaching expertise. He had almost none.

He didn't get into a lot of specifics about what the coaching would entail other than that I would definitely get laid. His pitch was long on benefits but very short on features.

But more importantly, he was dishonest; he didn't do the free boot camp we discussed.

How was I to know that he wasn't going to just take my money and pay a local working girl to sleep with me?

I'll add that this guy followed A LOT of popular personal development and entrepreneurship content, and it showed: he threw around a lot of the platitudes and parlance that are common here in the online personal development/Biohacking sphere.

I was tempted...

He had a pretty good hook; offering the free boot camp, then showing me the nice car, the pretty girl, and the nice apartment. I can see how through a different cultural filter, he might think it was acceptable to bait-switch me like that, but I didn't want to pay $600 to sleep with a hooker even if it was packaged with some great coaching! Not to mention, in that country, I could sleep with about ten hookers for $600. It just wasn't a good deal!

As you can see from the story above, I'm skeptical about spending money on the types of offerings that are so common in the personal development world...

  • Coaching packages
  • Weekend retreats
  • Seminars
  • Mastermind groups
  • Social dynamics boot camps
  • "Infoproducts" - those downloadable PDFs and video courses on how to make money online, pick up chicks, or whatever

The Past 10 years of my Personal Development Have Been Quite Fruitful.

My wife distracting me a bit from work

  • I make pretty good money doing what I love.
  • I have financial freedom.
  • I have abundance with my relationships.
  • I make friends pretty easily. I stay in touch with old friends. I enjoy time spent with family. I'm loved in every way.
  • I've lived abroad as a digital nomad and ex-pat for a decade now. Tasting and savoring myriad cultures. My world is borderless.

I bet I'm within the top 10% or 5% of the happiest people in my demographic because I live consistently with the three values I hold most dear: freedom, adventure, and novelty. I've grown up to be what I always wanted to be: an adventuring philosopher.

So, it's pretty fair to say that the time and resources I've spent on personal development have yielded a successful result.

$5000 Wasted

There's a lady I've known for a long while who recently wasted $5,000 on a coaching package.
John C. Maxwell offers this super-premium, intensive seminar weekend, life coach certification, and follow-up package where they coach your leadership skills for five grand. I suspect it's one of those things where they life coach you to be a life coach.

I saw this lady last time I was home in Denver, Colorado. We'll chat online from time to time about health and fitness, so I was pretty shocked to see her casually eating potato chips and a large Pepsi. I don't want to be too judgmental but anyone who casually consumes that sort of food is just really not taking their personal development seriously.

That kind of food puts your biology on a blood sugar roller coaster to hell. There's just no way you're going to be consistently productive, creative, or happy if you regularly snack on that sort of poison.

She's also one of these nice ladies who's always stopping to help other people. She has a hard time prioritizing her own projects.
Unsurprisingly, my most recent communications confirmed that a few years later, she had indeed done nothing with her John C. Maxwell training.

So, that's how to NOT spend money on personal development.

How to Spend Money on Personal Development

As a principal when it comes to personal development, spend money on things that yield a return on investment in multiple ways, as opposed to making a bet on something that is just going to benefit a single domain.

Smart Drugs

I think that Nootropics are the best gateway drug to personal development.

If you have a "Blue Pilled" friend or loved one whose life is just a downward spiral of mediocrity, what I would NOT recommend is giving them a Tony Robins book or telling them to download the Headspace app.

I would give them smart drugs. Smart drugs will give them, for a few hours, a winner's mind; they will be focused, disciplined, productive, and happy and once the exotic molecules leave their system they'll want more of that. They'll come back for more smart drugs, and then they may start to wonder what else they can do to empower their mind:

  • They'll start exercising more consistently.
  • They'll take up meditation, brain training, or another mindfulness practice.
  • They'll start to read more books and watch less television or shallow YouTube videos.
  • They may even go to therapy.

Smart drugs have disparate effects on our neurobiology that work in ways obvious and not so obvious to empower our lives...

  • They make us more focused and less susceptible to distractions.
  • They improve our discipline so we will do more of what we know we should be doing.
  • They improve our stress response so that stressors internal and external have a whole lot less of a capacity to hamstring our happiness and productivity.
  • They make extracting semantic information from our long-term memory less like searching for a book in a library and more like doing a Google Search.

I could make a very long list of benefits of Nootropics (or a giant infographic!), but anyone who has tried them will quickly discover that they do positively affect a multiplicity of measures of performance.

I think well-researched smart drugs are one of the best ways to NOT waste money on personal development.

High-Quality Food

We are what we eat. On a profound level, the quantity and quality of the food we consume limit or empower our capacity to reach our goals.

I can combine all the greatest lifehacks I know of...

  • I can be dosed on my Racetam-rich Nootropic stack, Adaptogenic tea, and a drop of Nicotine.
  • I can listen to my focus-promoting music.
  • I can be on day 25 of no fap.
  • I can have just finished my 20-minute meditation protocol.

...But if I eat two slices of pizza and drink a sugary, fizzy soda I'm still going to have a pretty mediocre day.

In one of Elliott Hulse's videos (I forget which one, there are SO many), he talks about how as a younger man, he spent a lot of his money on his diet, eating high-quality organic food. An investment that has paid off in his life of gargantuan proportions.

If you listen to podcasts or read books by elite performers (athletic or otherwise), a commonality is that they seem to spend a lot of money on high-quality food. So, don't feel guilty about spending a little more on...

  • Ordering the grass-fed steak
  • Lunch at a fancy vegan restaurant
  • Toxin-free coffee
  • Shopping at an organic grocery store
  • A healthy food delivery service
  • A bottle of delicious biodynamic wine

I'm not a diet guru, so I'm not going to tell you what exactly you want to drop your coin on. I'd encourage you to read some of the newer books on Ketogenic or Paleo diets.

Hormonal Blood Tests

Modern life conspires in a myriad of insidious ways to unbalance and deplete our hormones. To paraphrase something quite insightful Dave Asprey said about managing relationships...

If you're seeing a therapist for marital problems, you're really wasting money if you haven't first had a hormonal blood test done.

The same logic applies to most of our endeavors. Detrimental hormonal imbalance can really rob you of motivation, discipline, happiness, and energy. You can try all sorts of lifehacks and Biohacks to restore gusto and mojo, but if they don't address the hormonal issue, you're going to be held back.

A simple hormonal blood test that's likely not going to cost more than a hundred bucks will let you know if you have an issue that needs to be addressed.


Exercise has numerous positives ranging from balancing our hormones and relieving stress to neuroplasticity.

Unless your day job is being an acrobat or stripper, you're held back in every other domain of your personal development if you're not breaking a good sweat a couple of times a week. Spending money on a gym membership, personal training, classes, or fitness gear is not a 100% effective motivational mechanism as the fine purveyors of these things would like to have you believe but it does improve the likelihood that you'll exercise more consistently.


I've been a voracious consumer of new media content formats for a long time - I spent a good chunk of my very first paycheck ever on CD-ROM audiobooks and was printing out pickup artist PDF ebooks to read before I even hit puberty. But the truth is that reading the old-fashioned way (or on Kindle) is the most effective way to absorb knowledge.

I went through a phase where I stopped reading books and just listened to podcasts, YouTube lectures, documentary films, or downloaded torrents of info-product courses, and I stagnated in my career and personal life. When I canceled my Netflix membership and started buying books again and reading every day my horizons did broaden, not overnight but it did give me momentum. Books have an unequaled capacity to grow your wisdom and income.

Unlike blog articles, podcasts, and YouTube videos, books cost money so you have that sunk-cost motivational mechanism with what you glean from them. Check out some of the over 50 books I reviewed and summarized, or you could read my books; one is for people with conspicuous physical imperfections and one is a dating guide for helping men navigate the minefield...


Success rarely, if ever occurs in isolation. As I explain in the Secret Society Infiltration Model:

The fundamental lifehack to networking more effectively is to focus your networking efforts on those who are within groups that you have a high affinity with. This means finding groups that have very strong shared values, interests or philosophies. So likely NOT those awkward mixer events of random strangers exchanging business cards in bars.

Effective networking a lot of times entails spending a bit of coin to ingratiate yourself with such a group, so...

  • A donation to a political cause you believe in
  • Supporting a charitable organization
  • Tithing at church or supporting a religious community
  • Paying membership dues to Toastmasters, a hobbyist group, or a fraternal order

...can often allow you to make friends with people above your pay grade!

I would spend my personal development buck on these sorts of things first - habituate, quantify, and optimize in the areas above - before I moved on to spending money on...

  • Coaching and mentorship packages
  • Online courses
  • Motivational summits, retreats, seminars, and conferences
  • Mastermind groups

My Personal Development Philosophy Is Biased Toward Habituation As Opposed to Transformation

There's this pervasive marketing message we hear constantly that something we spend money on...

  • A high-energy event
  • An exhaustive online course
  • An intensive training boot camp
  • wuwu spiritual retreat

...will transform our mindset overnight or finally get some issues resolved for us. But it seems to me, that regardless of how inspired people get, sporadically, there is a regression to the mean of the baseline quality of life that their habits and decisions afford them.

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And let me know what personal development things you've spent money on that actually ROI'd for you.

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Originally published at I’m not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I’m a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinking. You should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health.