Fixing Your B2B Sales Funnel To Generate Leadsby@miraanamae
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Fixing Your B2B Sales Funnel To Generate Leads

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Most B2B sales funnels aren't properly set up or optimized to make sales or create a smooth buyer's journey & experience. The underlying problem is that the funnel doesn’t start with the buyer’s experience or needs in mind. When you research your ideal client to find out what they need from your solution, you’ll know what to say that gets them to convert… and how to optimize your offer so it’�s irresistible to them. You need to know how they feel about their current situation, the transformation they desire, and how they think about your solution.

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Mira ANAMAE - B2B SaaS Email Copy & Strategy HackerNoon profile picture

Have you ever thought, “My sales funnel isn’t working”?

Here’s the thing: Most B2B sales funnels aren't properly set up or optimized to make sales or create a smooth buyer's journey & experience.

Some people think creating funnels involves mapping a couple of boxes in Flowchart and calling five of them [email].

Then they get stuck trying to figure out what actually goes into those emails.

Others get practical and create landing pages & emails, but then fall back on the old “hope and pray strategy” that someone will convert.

My point is that this kind of “build it and they’ll come” approach not only waste your time, money, and energy, but it’s also not sustainable.

In this article, we’ll cover three steps to get clearer on your funnel and get better results:

  • Creating an ideal client profile that loves your solution (this isn’t your average buyer persona)
  • Writing copy they can’t disagree with
  • Optimizing your offer so it’s irresistible

It’s time to stop guessing about what converts and start writing copy that joins the conversation in your customer’s heads.

And gets them to say yes to your solution.

How can you know if your funnels don’t work?

Photo by olia danilevich on

You’re neither writing copy for your ideal client nor controlling the customer journey.

If you’ve ever felt like your copy isn’t relevant to your ideal client, or that your messaging isn’t connecting with them, then you’re in the right place.

Many sales funnels don’t work because:

  • They go on for AGES and eventually bore the buyer outta there
  • The messaging doesn’t resonate with the target buyer
  • The offer isn’t interesting enough to buy

The underlying problem is that the funnel doesn’t start with the buyer’s experience or needs in mind. It’s all about the company getting as many leads as possible or forcing the customer through steps to get the solution.

This strategy blows up eventually when the stats show low numbers and leads keep dropping off.

Now, instead of creating content or copy you’re not sure will convert, take some time to evaluate who your ideal client is, what they need from your solution, and what they think about your business.

When you research your ideal customer to find out what they need from your solution, you’ll know what to say that gets them to convert…and how to optimize your offer so it’s irresistible to them.

I’ll take you through this in three steps…

How you can start fixing your B2B sales funnel

macbook air on grey wooden table. Photo by Caio on

#1 Research your ideal client profile

This isn’t your average “Debbie the Demand Gen Marketer with 3.5 kids” persona (lmao!?)

This is the person who’s ready to buy from you and will fall in love with your offer.

Before you show them that…

  • You understand their problem, and

  • You have the solution to their problem,

You need to know how they feel about their current situation, the transformation they desire, and how to communicate your solution’s promise.

It’s simple.

Their Desired Outcome:

What is the most important outcome they need to get right now, that will help them overcome their problem?

For example, a busy marketer juggling multiple projects needs one platform to track & manage each project efficiently.

How does your solution improve their:

  • Quality of life, e.g their health?
  • Social standing among their peers/family/colleagues?
  • Business workflows or revenue?
  • Finances?

Their Attitude Toward Your Solution:

What primary emotion do they feel when they learn about your solution? Are they skeptical of your solution? Do they approve of your solution?

If they don’t trust your solution, your funnel should build trust. If they trust your solution, your funnel should prove that it will solve their problem.

What Your Solution Helps Them Overcome:

In the simplest words, what does your solution promise to solve for them?

For example:

  • LinkedIn helps you connect with professionals and find jobs
  • Publer helps you schedule your social media content
  • A recipe book shows you how to cook delicious food

This is the first step to creating messaging that connects with people who want what you sell.

The next one? It’s right below.

2# Change how they see your solution

You’re looking for that A-ha moment, or the moment your prospect realizes your solution is perfect for them.

When they’re at the end of your funnel, your prospects should convert their pre-existing beliefs to what you want them to believe.

Life should look better for them as they adopt your solution. When they’re done with your solution, they should achieve (or soon achieve) their desired outcome.

Time for a little research & discovery.

Start asking your customers what they think about your solution & industry. You can also research social media, turn to your past interviews, analytics & surveys, or audit your competitors to see what they think.

  • If your industry is known for sleazy practices, how can you show that you’re different?

  • If they believe that [alternative solution] is good for them but it’s actually not, how can you show that your is better and safer?

You can also ask yourself these questions to understand what they believe:

  • What other solutions have they already tried?
  • What do they need to do to finally achieve their desired outcome?
  • What changes do they want to experience or see?
  • How does your solution solve their number one problem?

Before they reach that A-ha moment, understand what they need to think and feel first.

#3 Optimize Your Offer

You can’t do all this work, only for your customers to see your offer, think “I’ve seen it before,” and hop over to your competitors.

What makes your solution a no-brainer and a priority?

Here are a few brainstorming tips:

  • What unique feature or process helps your customers solve their problems faster/more efficiently?

  • What specific problem does your solution solve?

  • Do you have proof that your solution works? This includes but isn’t limited to testimonials, studies, or statistics.

  • What benefits of your solution help them reach their desired outcome?

Here are two ways to optimize your offers:

  • Make it easily accessible! When funnels are too long, they remove the urgency that buyers need to act quickly.
  • Add a guarantee to remove risks. For example, if you offer a free trial, tell your prospects that they can cancel after X days and not be charged. Be transparent.

Your funnel should always start (and end) with your customers in mind.


  • Create an ideal client profile
  • Build your customer’s trust in your solution
  • Optimize your offer to be irresistible

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Also published here.