Effortless 2D-Guided, 3D Gaussian Segmentation: Conclusion and Referencesby@escholar

Effortless 2D-Guided, 3D Gaussian Segmentation: Conclusion and References

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We propose a 3D Gaussian segmentation method guided by 2D segmentation maps. We employ KNN clustering to utilize the spatial continuity of objects. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on common NeRF datasets. This method has a wide range of potential applications in downstream tasks.
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(1) Kun Lan, University of Science and Technology of China;

(2) Haoran Li, University of Science and Technology of China;

(3) Haolin Shi, University of Science and Technology of China;

(4) Wenjun Wu, University of Science and Technology of China;

(5) Yong Liao, University of Science and Technology of China;

(6) Lin Wang, AI Thrust, HKUST(GZ);

(7) Pengyuan Zhou, University of Science and Technology of China.

Abstract and 1. Introduction

2. Related Work

3. Method and 3.1. Point-Based rendering and Semantic Information Learning

3.2. Gaussian Clustering and 3.3. Gaussian Filtering

4. Experiment

4.1. Setups, 4.2. Result and 4.3. Ablations

5. Conclusion and References


We propose a 3D Gaussian segmentation method guided by 2D segmentation maps, attaching a probability distribution vector for each 3D Gaussian on various categories to enable the segmentation of the majority of 3D Gaussians in the scene. Meanwhile, we employ KNN clustering to utilize the spatial continuity of objects, ensuring that nearby 3D Gaussians belong to the same category. Additionally, optional statistical filtering is used to help remove those 3D Gaussians that are incorrectly segmented. As an initial step in 3D understanding and editing, this method has a wide range of potential applications in downstream tasks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on common NeRF datasets.


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