We are wrapping up with DeveloperWeek winners and in this blog post, we will have a look at the rest of the companies that were chosen as industry front-runners. In case if you missed part 1 and part 2.
Developing APIs is hard, Postman makes it easy
Postman is a toolchain that includes a unique platform designed specifically for API- first development, a variety of tools for each stage of the API lifecycle and many more features. By supporting every stage of API lifecycle, Postman allows you to develop easier and faster. It offer API Development Environment with collections, workspaces, and built-in tools: everything that an organization needs to boost its efficiency and productivity.
With Postman API you will be able to add new and update existing collections, add and run monitors and update environments. The company is focusing on the current and future development trends, keeping in mind that everything will be connected together — and therefore, creating corresponding products.
Continuous testing cloud
We’ve already mentioned the fact that quality of the product plays a crucial role in its success. With this concept in mind, Sauce Labs developed a solution that allows to keep the quality of the app and at the same time work faster and with increased efficiency.
The Automated Testing Platform by Sauce Labs offers cross-browser testing, mobile simulators and live web testing. All these features are designed to save on testing time and focus more on development. Being the biggest testing cloud in the world, Sauce Labs offers its users over 800 browser combinations and about 200 mobile emulators and simulators. With such impressive numbers no wonder the company got its award — it’s recognized by millions of users all over the world.
Messaging SDK and chat API for mobile apps and websites
SendBird offers incredibly simple and efficient messaging solution. It offers 1-on-1 direct messaging, group chat and open channel and all that comes with advanced features. The product is considered to be the simplest messaging API for an app and it offers full package, from the front-end UI to back-end.
The features that SendBird has are all aimed at increase of app efficiency and user engagement. It has moderation tools for chat rooms, track of the message read status, smart throttling of message speed, protection from spam flood and many more. The way messaging goes is as following: SendBird — API — SDK — mobile app. Four stages only and such simplicity managed to gain thousands of product admirers.
Complete Deployment flexibility across all clouds
Solace offers its users to connect apps and micro-services across multi-cloud environments. As a user, you can pick any clouds that are right for you and migrate your apps. As well you can share data and workloads and also configure and monitor data movements across all your clouds.
Sounds like a great tool for organizations and it is great indeed. In addition to the features described above, Solace also enables users to build IoT applications, stream data and connect your web (or app) streaming.
Solace Cloud allows you to use open APIs and also standard protocols and is already beloved by a great amount of companies for its performance, 100% transparency, DevOps automation and much more. Try it yourself and see why Solace got its award.
Spend time building products instead of tools
What’s awesome about Varick is the fact that it transforms REST or JSON APIs into the admin panels. With the use of API models, Varick builds dashboards and the user receives full control over collaborators. As well the product guarantees your data won’t be lost or corrupted, which is a really important factor these days, considering the numerous security issues related to data.
With Varick you will get a powerful and clear admin interface. It’s also incredibly easy and efficient: for example, instead of teaching pull requests, you can simply set permissions that give you control over which user sees what. The product has already won international recognition and it offers different solutions for teams of different size, thus satisfying the most strict demands of modern IT industry.
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DeveloperWeek 2018: Biggest Names in Development Industry — Part 1
DeveloperWeek 2018: Biggest Names in Development Industry — Part 2