<a href="https://click.linksynergy.com/link?id=qt/jYwyHv8A&offerid=507388.1608944&type=2&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.udemy.com%2Flaravel-vuejs-fullstack-web-development%2F"><strong>Fullstack Web Development With Laravel and Vue.js</strong></a><strong><br></strong>Learn how to build fullstack web apps with Laravel 5, Laravel Mix, Vue js, Bootstrap 4 & Sass
for this series we going to learn how to create CRUD and some extra feature like Report, Log,Permission,Localization in Laravel with use some business logic like a Asset management and so what is Asset management system ? is app that use for track asset like computer, license software, physical hardware like table,TV or consumables like oil, ink in this post I’ve explained how this we start to end
if you have new for laravel learn from some project that has got many stars and contributors on Github that make your skill has grown quickly imagine your learn from many expert developers for free
snipe-it based on Laravel 5.4 and bootstrap 3 but in this series we use 5.7 and Bootstrap 4
for the current version has a lot of features and complicated structure has overwhelmed a newbiebecause of reason make I decide to use version 3 that release past 2 years
but for the initial version, we make it simple bitch
remember we not gonna copy paste we need to learn how many expert developers write code and select something that we understand in the newbie role
then we make small different from the demo just a version but core code it same
seriously we gonna learn with real life coder
they don’t watch more tutorial on Udemy or Many Tut site so much they jump in to code forest and try to understand using debugger with intercept code flow and watch how variable change when pass over over function
they learn the best practice from a thousand expert developer on Github
the intent of this post that make table of content post that detail post has add to later
in the start part 0, we prepare the environment for dev
I’huge fan of cloud9 but they have bought by AWS in 2017 that integrate to AWS service make that becomes complete Cloud Development Environment
we gonna learn how to use Cloud9 and setup necessary tool
Amazon account and credit card (if not use local alternative)
you gonna learn
basic linux command base on Ceontos
element of cloud9
how to change php version
part 1 we install and setup Laravel 5.7 and Github repository and deploy to Heroku
because keep project live on EC2 charge some cost in the free way I choose Heroku for make live demo
you gonna learn
how to setup Laravel 5.7 and Mysql on AWS linux base on CentOS
install AdminLTE that make your frontend life easier
basic git command
simple Github repository
how to deploy any commit to Heroku that make your app stand live
rely foundation for your app
and much more..
Part 2 we gonna create simple CRUD series
in this section you will learn
how to create model controller and migration with terminal
how to create rich table with jQuery Datable
how to naming route
how to create simple CRUD from scratch
in this section you will learn
how to create model controller and migration with terminal
how to create rich table with jQuery Datable
how to create table relation without touching DB
how to create simple CRUD from scratch
how to upload file in Laravel
Status Label
in this section you will learn
how to create model controller and migration with terminal
how to create rich table with jQuery Datable
how to create table relation without touching DB
how to create simple CRUD from scratch
Asset Model
in this section you will learn
how to create model controller and migration with terminal
how to create rich table with jQuery Datable
how to create table relation without touching DB
how to create simple CRUD from scratch
using scope for create specific query
how to upload image
how to query using relation on Laravel
in this section you will learn
how to create model controller and migration with terminal
how to create rich table with jQuery Datable
how to create table relation without touching DB
how to create simple CRUD from scratch
using scope for create specific query
how to upload image
how to query using relation on Laravel
in this section you will learn
how to create model controller and migration with terminal
how to create rich table with jQuery Datable
how to create table relation without touching DB
how to create simple CRUD from scratch
using scope for create specific query
how to upload image
how to query using relation on Laravel
in this section you will learn
how to create model controller and migration with terminal
how to create rich table with jQuery Datable
how to create table relation without touching DB
how to create simple CRUD from scratch
using scope for create specific query
how to upload image
how to query using relation on Laravel
how to use raw query
in this section you will learn
how to create model controller and migration with terminal
how to create rich table with jQuery Datable
how to create table relation without touching DB
how to create simple CRUD from scratch
using scope for create specific query
how to upload image
how to query using relation on Laravel
how to use raw query
in this section you will learn
how to create model controller and migration with terminal
how to create rich table with jQuery Datable
how to create table relation without touching DB
how to create simple CRUD from scratch
how to upload image
how to create model controller and migration with terminal
how to create rich table with jQuery Datable
how to create table relation without touching DB
how to create simple CRUD from scratch
in this section you will learn
how to create model controller and migration with terminal
how to create rich table with jQuery Datable
how to create table relation without touching DB
how to create simple CRUD from scratch
using scope for create specific query
how to upload image
how to query using relation on Laravel
how to check in and check out asset
how to send notification to User
in this section you will learn
how to create model controller and migration with terminal
how to create rich table with jQuery Datable
how to create table relation without touching DB
how to create simple CRUD from scratch
using scope for create specific query
how to upload image
how to query using relation on Laravel
how to check in and check out license
how to send notification to User
in this section you will learn
how to create model controller and migration with terminal
how to create rich table with jQuery Datable
how to create table relation without touching DB
how to create simple CRUD from scratch
using scope for create specific query
how to upload image
how to query using relation on Laravel
how to check in and check out
how to send notification to User
in this section you will learn
how to create model controller and migration with terminal
how to create rich table with jQuery Datable
how to create table relation without touching DB
how to create simple CRUD from scratch
using scope for create specific query
how to upload image
how to query using relation on Laravel
how to check in and check out
how to send notification to User
in this section you will learn
how to create model controller and migration with terminal
how to create rich table with jQuery Datable
how to create table relation without touching DB
how to create simple CRUD from scratch
using scope for create specific query
how to upload image
how to query using relation on Laravel
how to check in and check out
how to send notification to User
Extra feature
Simple report
so simple because is sum up of many data from table that you want
Permission management
so hard part but Larave handle this with Gate class
we gonna create permission management with Group of action that user can perform .
in this section you will learn
how to perform CRUD on complex data
how to use Laravel Gate class in action
Action Log
in this section your gonna add Log to existing app
how they handle log
how they using log for audit
another interesting part we gonna update all static message all exist app to dynamic with Laravel localization class
in this section you will learn
understand how app translation work?
make static message become dynamic with Lang class