Configuring TypeScript compilerby@maxim.koretskyi
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Configuring TypeScript compiler

by Maxim KoretskyiJanuary 31st, 2017
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TypeScript files are compiled into JavaScript using TypeScript compiler. The compiler can be installed as typescript package through npm. As with any npm package, you can install it locally or globally, or both, and compile the TS files by running tsc on the command line for global installations or $(npm bin)/tsc for local installations.

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A detailed manual for essential TypeScript configuration options

Setting up tools

TypeScript files are compiled into JavaScript using TypeScript compiler. The compiler can be installed as typescript package through npm. As with any npm package, you can install it locally or globally, or both, and compile the TS files by running tsc on the command line for global installations or $(npm bin)/tsc for local installations.

All compiler options described in this article are listed here.

Input files location

TS compiler accepts a list of files to compile as parameters. For example:

$ tsc main.ts router/index.ts

However, most of the time, we don’t specify files list manually. TS automatically compiles all files in a project directory and its sub-directories. It treats every directory with tsconfig.json file in the root as a project directory. When we run tsc on the command line, it searches for tsconfig.json starting in the current directory and continuing up the parent directory chain.

tsconfig.json can be created by the compiler automatically using init flag:

tsc --init

But it generates the configuration file with a few predefined options. For our purposes we will create the empty tsconfig.json manually and run tsc compiler inside this folder:

$ echo {} > tsconfig.json && tsc

Or we can use -pcompiler option with the path to the project directory, i.e. the directory with the tsconfig.json file in the root.

$ tsc -p /path/to/folder/with/tsconfig

At the moment, TS compiles recursively searches for all files in the root directory and sub-directories and compiles them. However, we can control, where the the compiler will be looking for the files. This is done through files configuration option.

So, we can tell the compiler to only compile files main.ts and router/b.ts and leave everything else out.

  "files": [

Note: TS compiler will also compile files that are referenced inside any file from the files list. For example, if main.ts imports exports from a.ts, this file will also be compiled.

Instead of listing each file manually, we can use include option to specify directories using glob-like file patterns. For example, we can compile all files inside router directory like this:

  "include": [

Note: There is rootDir compiler option, which is not used to specify input to a compiler. It’s used to control the output directory structure alongside with outDir.

If you want to exclude some files or folders from the compilation, you can use exclude option, which takes a glob-like file patterns. Suppose, we want to compile all files in the project directory except for files inside navigation folder. In this case, we can use the configuration like this:

  "exclude": [

In the case of conflicts, the priority is set in the following order:

  1. Files
  2. Exclude
  3. Include

This means that if a file listed in the files option it’s included regardless of the configuration in the exclude option. If a file is listed in both exclude and include option, the file is excluded. By default, tsc excludes files in node_modules, bower_components, jspm_packages and <outDir>.We’ll talk about outDir option in the next section.

Output location

By default, TS compiler outputs transpiled files to the same directory where the original TS files is found. However, this can be changed using outDir compiler option.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "dist"

Now, when we run tsc all output will copied into dist folder preserving the original directory structure.

Note: the options described in this and the following sections go under compilerOptions as opposed to the options in the previous section that were defined in the root

But TS can also concatenate all files into one file if we specify outFile compiler option. So, with the following configuration defined:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "outFile": "dist/bundle"

All output will be concatenated into bundle.js file and put inside dist folder.

Note: outFile option is only supported if resulting modules are either `amd` or ‘system’. We’ll talk about module systems later.

If both outDir and outFile options are specified, the latter takes precedence and the outDir option is ignored.

By default, TS compiler produces output even if there are errors during compilation. This behavior can be changed using noEmitOnError option:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "noEmitOnError": true

Output files types

Using the default configuration, the compiler only emits .js files. To be able to debug TS files during runtime we need source maps. To enable source maps generation we can use sourceMap option:

"compilerOptions": {
  "sourceMap": true

When you run the compiler, you will see that mapping files will be emitted by the compiler alongside their corresponding ts files. So, if you have main.ts file, after the compilation you will have 3 files:


Inside the main.js file, you will see the URL to the source map file:


You can modify the generated URL that is added to map files like this:

"compilerOptions": {
  "mapRoot": "/sourcemap/directory/on/webserver",

Which produces the following path:

//# sourceMappingURL=/sourcemap/directory/on/webserver/

The map file references the source using these two keys:

"sourceRoot": "",
"sources": [

You can modify the root for the source file using sourceRoots option:

"sourceRoot": "/path/to/sources",

which produces the following output:

"sourceRoot": "/path/to/sources",
"sources": [

If you wish to put sources inside a mapping file (either because you want to save a browser a request to your webserver or your production doesn’t serve sources as separate files), you can use the following option:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "sourceMap": true,
    "inlineSources": true

In this way the compiler will put original TS sources into sourcesContent property:

  "version": 3,
  "file": "main.js",
  "sourceRoot": "",
  "sources": [
  "names": [],
  "mappings": ";AAAA;IAAA;IAAgB,CAAC;...",
  "sourcesContent": [
    "export class Main {}"

Also, TS allows putting the source map files content inside .js files using:

"compilerOptions": {
  "inlineSourceMap": true

In this way, instead of having a separate file, the contents of that file will be included into the main.js file like this:

//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,eyJ2ZXJza...

Where sourceMappingURL is Data URI.

Note: You can specify either sourceMap to produce a separate map file or inlineSourceMap to inline map file into the transpiled .js file, but not both. inlineSources can be used with either option.

You might have guessed that by combining inlineSourceMap and inlineSources you can have only js file with source maps and sources included into it.


TypeScript is a superset of ES6, so you’re essentially writing TS code using ES6 version of JavaScript. However, when compiled, the resulting JS code can be in ES5 or earlier. You need to define which version of JS the compiler should transpile into. This can be set using target option:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es6"

At the time of this writing, all browsers support more than 90% of the spec, so es6 may be a good option with some shims. Since the default target is ES3, you probably will want to set target to the most recent supported version, which is at least es5.

You write TS sources using ES6 modules, however as of January 2016 no browser natively supports this module system. So you may want to transpile ES6 modules into a different module system: CommonJS, AMD, SystemJS. This can be done using module option. There are build-time or run-time transpilers that transpile the ES6 module system into one of the module systems supported by a build system (Webpack) or a module loader (SystemJS). If not specified, the module defaults to ES6 if target is ES6, or CommonJS otherwise. I prefer to set target to CommonJS explicitly:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "module": "CommonJS"

TS supports decorators from the ES7 proposal. For example, they are heavily used during Angular2 TS development. In order to be able to use decorators in the TS sources, the following option should be set:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "experimentalDecorators": true

Angular2 DI also uses metadata information to understand what type of dependency to inject. To have this metadata present in the output, use the emitDecoratorMetadata option:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true

To be able to use classes from the ES standard libraries in your TS sources, you should use lib option and specify all standard ES6 libraries interfaces used in your sources. For example, to use Reflect object or Array.from from ES6 and DOM configure the following:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "lib": ["es6", "dom"],

By default, TS includes DOM,ES5,ScriptHost for the ES5 target and DOM,ES6,DOM.Iterable,ScriptHost for ES6. If you set lib option, the default libraries are not injected by the compiler automatically and have to be listed manually.

Note: By specifying lib you simply tell TS compiler to not throw error if classes or API’s from those libraries are encountered during transpilation process. This option has no effect on the output since a library is simply ad.ts file with lib API interfaces.

Module resolution

As with node’s require in ES6 modules there are relative and absolute/non-relative module references. Modules are resolved differently based on whether the module reference is relative or non-relative. A relative module reference starts with /, ./ or ../ and such module references are resolved relative to the importing file.

Non-relative modules resolution algorithm can be defined using moduleResolution option and is described in great details here. If not specified, it’s set to node for module===CommonJS and classic for other module systems.

With module resolution strategy set to node , TS compiler looks up modules in node_modules folder. But if your module is located in another folder, you can use paths option to add a custom folder to the list of folders to look up modules in. Suppose, in your TS code you reference a module like this:

import { jQuery} from 'jquery';

And your jquery folder is placed inside libs folder. So you can use the following configurations:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "jquery": [

which tells to the compiler that when jquery module is referenced, it should go look inside libs/jquery. The compiler will look for jquery.[ts|d.ts]inside lib directory first, and if not found, will proceed to looking inside libs/jquery directory. It will first try to locate package.json file with typings property specifying the main file, and if not found will default to index.[ts|d.ts].

But what you’re specifying in paths is actually a pattern and you can use * to match any module. So the above configuration can be replaced with the following:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "*": [

If you use --traceResolution you will see the following:

Module name 'jquery', matched pattern '*'.
Trying substitution 'libs/*', candidate module location: 'libs/jquery'.

You can see that the compiler replaces the asterisk in the path with the matched pattern. This gives us great flexibility as we can match part of the module name. A common use case is when the module name doesn’t match the directory structure. For example, you reference libraries inside your code like this:

import { jQuery } from 'package/vendors/jquery';

But in your directory structure the jquery library is placed inside libs folder. With the following configuration, the compiler will be able to locate jquery library:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "package/vendors/*": [

In this case, the compiler assigns jquery to *, and so libs/* becomes libs/jquery when resolving modules.

Note: If you set paths option, baseUrl is required. It specifies the base directory to resolve non-relative modules in.

If paths option is set, the compiler goes through folders defined in paths and only checks node_modules folder if nothing is found. The first resolved module is used and no other paths are checked. So if you have a module placed inside both node_modules and you custom folder, the module in your custom folder will be picked up by the compiler. If you need the compiler to use the module inside node_modules folder, add it to paths before your custom folder:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "*": [

Note: the typeRoots option is not used when resolving external modules (ES6 modules).

Working with declaration files

TypeScript provides a mechanism to define a member (variable/class) that is not transpiled into JavaScript and the actual implementation is expected to be available during runtime. This feature was designed to enable integration with the existing JavaScript code, for example a browser API or open-source libraries like jQuery.

When you use an object that is not defined in TS project files the compiler reports and error:

Error:(2, 1) TS2304:Cannot find name 'logger'.

To fix the problem, you can write the following:

declare var logger: {log: () => void};

This is called ambient declaration and ambient declarations do not have any output and are only used during compilation. Ambient declarations are created using declare keyword. It’s a good practice to have a common place for such declarations and so TS provides a special file type to group them — declaration files that have .d.ts extension. Such files can only contain ambient declaration and are heavily used during development. For example, when you use console.log() in your code, TS doesn’t report an error because the console object has already been defined in lib.d.ts file that comes with typescript npm package.

You will most likely need to generate and consume declaration files yourself. I’ve shown an example of their usage here. As mentioned earlier, these files do not contain actual implementations, but define classes API and values available during runtime. To have the compiler emit .d.ts files, use the declaration option:

"compilerOptions": {
  "declaration": true

It is sometime convenient to output declaration files into separate directory or event concatenate them all into one file. Their location can be defined using declarationDir option:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "declaration": true,
    "declarationDir": "declarations"

and concatenated using outFile option (same as for generated .js files):

  "compilerOptions": {
    "declaration": true,
    "outFile": "declarations/index.d.ts"

When inspecting the generated .d.ts file you may see the following:

declare module "module1" { ... }
declare module "module2" { ... }

This is actually a syntax used before 1.5 for external/ES6 modules. It’s used now to support declaring multiple ES6 modules in one file and can only be used in declaration files.

Do not confuse this quoted module declaration with the unquoted module declarations:

declare module module1 { ... }
declare module module2 { ... }

This unquoted name format was used before 1.5 to declare namespaces. Starting with 1.5 this format usage is discouraged and is recommended to be replaced with namespace keyword:

declare namespace module1 { ... }
declare namespace module2 { ... }

Unlike quoted modules names, namespaces can be used both in ts and d.ts files.

WebStorm typescript integration

WebStorm provides integration with TypeScript either through built-in compiler or integrated TypeScript Language Service.

Note: It’s important to have the same version of TypeScript used by WebStorm and used during build process (for example, used by Webpack loaders). Otherwise, you may gets confused why your build passes while IDE reports errors, or vice verse.

By default WebStorm uses TS compiler from the typescript package located inside node_modules in the project root, or the package bundled with the IDE. You need to put the same version of typescript package which is used during build process in the node_modules in the project root.

However, a better way may be to use custom directory option to specify path to typescriptServices.js and lib.d.ts. These files are placed inside typescript/lib npm package. So you can tell the IDE to pick up global typescript version by putting /path/to/nodejs/node_modules/typescript/lib.