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Since 2013
Computools shapes the future with products, services and solutions that businesses need to Unlock Tomorrow. We’re a worldwide company that generates world-changing ideas. Computools' philosophy is based on three principles: CONSTRUCTIVENESS With Computools, innovation comes standard. Clients trust us for our clarity, structure, high performance rate and intuitive functionality across every stage of the software development process. Because if it’s not worth making perfectly, it’s not worth making at all. FUTURISM The future is under control. We’re a company of visionaries—people who don’t just pay attention to what’s happening around the globe, but who also provide unique solutions that create real change. HUMANISM We’re digital humanists at heart. Our platforms, applications and other IT-products have a singular goal: to make it easy for our clients to take care of their clients. That starts with a human-centered approach to everything we do. Whether we’re designing customer experiences, dealing with our clients or managing our teams, we lead with empathy. Technology is for everyone, not just the geeks. That’s why we focus on using clear, intelligible language, treating every stakeholder with respect and providing support at all stages of development. By starting with a shared understanding of what makes us all human, we’re able to create the favorable conditions necessary to develop our best-in-class solutions. Computools is trusted by businesses all over the world. Get acquainted with client's testimonials: Clutch - GoodFirms -




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