Coindex price tracker on the App Store by@jashpetty
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Coindex price tracker on the App Store

by Josh PettyOctober 19th, 2017
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Coindex lets you stay up to date with the cryptocurrency markets you want to watch.

Click here to download Coindex📱

Cryptocurrency tracker on iOS.

To the Moon!

We are proud to announce that Coindex has launched on the App Store. The best part is, we are just getting started! Thanks to our great community, we are loaded with ideas on how to make the world’s best crypto app. 😎

body[data-twttr-rendered="true"] {background-color: transparent;}.twitter-tweet {margin: auto !important;}

@coinyeezy @crypto_flair @Crypto_God I love the UI for coindexapp 🙂

— @milkydev

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Simple Mission

Our goal is to provide a simple interface for tracking cryptocurrencies. We support Bittrex, Poloniex, and GDAX exchanges, giving access to 300+ markets. Users can build a custom watchlist, learn about new and existing markets, flip between day and night mode, and place paper trades with ease.

Seamlessly transition from day and night mode.

Click here to download Coindex📱

By the Numbers

  • 4,000 beta users
  • 300+ markets
  • 10+ countries
  • 3 exchanges
  • 1 great app

Get in Touch

Josh Petty

Email ✉️ | Twitter 🐣 | Website 🖥 | Community 💬

P.S. Please consider giving our ProductHunt post (link below) a upvote and share on social media. Our goal is 1,000 upvotes 😎

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