Build a Clubhouse Clone App with Android and ZEGOCLOUDby@davidrelo
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Build a Clubhouse Clone App with Android and ZEGOCLOUD

by David ReloJuly 5th, 2022
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How to use ZEGOCLOUD's ZEGOLiveAudioRoom SDK to quickly build a Social Audio App in 10 minutes. ClubHouse caught fire worldwide and reached a staggering 9.6 million monthly downloads. How to quickly clone Clubhouse's social gameplay. Enrich the interaction form of your own application. How to build a social audio app with a live audio room. How-to-use the zegoliveaudioroom SDK and how-to integrate the SDK.

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Because of a conversation with Musk, ClubHouse caught fire worldwide and reached a staggering 9.6 million monthly downloads.

Faced with a new social model, how to quickly clone Clubhouse's social gameplay. Enrich the interaction form of your own application.

Today we will introduce how to use ZEGOCLOUD's ZEGOLiveAudioRoom SDK to quickly build a Social Audio App in 10 minutes.



Understand The Process

The following diagram shows the basic process of creating a live audio room and taking speaker seats to speak: process

Integrate The Zegoliveaudioroom SDK

To integrate the SDK, do the following:

  1. Download the Sample codes, copy the zegoliveaudioroom module to your project (if you have no project, create a new one).

  2. Add the following code to the settings.gradle file:

    include ':zegoliveaudioroom'

  3. Modify the build.gradle file of your application, add the following code to the dependencies node:

    implementation project(':zegoliveaudioroom')


  1. Modify the build.gradle file of your project, add the following code to the repositories node:

    maven { url '' }


  1. Click sync now.

Add Permissions

Permissions can be set as needed. Open the file app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml, and add the following code:

<!-- Permissions required by the SDK -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

        android:required="true" />

Note: For Android 6.0 or later, some important permissions must be requested at runtime rather than declared statically in the file AndroidMainfest.xml, therefore, you need to add the following code to do so (requestPermissions is a method of an Android Activity).

String[] permissionNeeded = {

    if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, "android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO") != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
        requestPermissions(permissionNeeded, 101);

Prevent Class Name Obfuscation

To prevent the ZEGOCLOUD SDK public class names from being obfuscated, you can add the following code in the file

-keep class **.zego.**{*;}

Initialize The ZegoLiveAudioRoom SDK

To initialize the zegoliveaudioroom SDK, get the ZegoRoomManager instance, pass the AppIDof your project.

long appID = 214124124L;  // The AppID you get from ZEGO Admin Console. 

// Initialize the SDK. We recommend you call this method when the application starts.
// The last parameter refers to the Application object of the app.
ZegoRoomManager.getInstance().init(appID, this);

To receive event callbacks, call the setListener to listen for and handle various events as needed.

ZegoGiftService giftService = ZegoRoomManager.getInstance().giftService;
giftService.setListener(new ZegoGiftServiceListener() -> {
            // Implement the callback handling logic as needed.
ZegoMessageService messageService = ZegoRoomManager.getInstance().messageService;
messageService.setListener(new ZegoMessageServiceListener() -> {
            // Implement the callback handling logic as needed.
ZegoUserService userService = ZegoRoomManager.getInstance().userService;
userService.setListener(new ZegoUserServiceListener() {
 // Implement the callback handling logic as needed.        
ZegoSpeakerSeatService seatService = ZegoRoomManager.getInstance().speakerSeatService;
seatService.setListener(new ZegoSpeakerSeatServiceListener(){
           // Implement the callback handling logic as needed. 
ZegoRoomService roomService = ZegoRoomManager.getInstance().roomService;
roomService.setListener(new ZegoRoomServiceListener() {
           // Implement the callback handling logic as needed. 

Log In

To access the signaling service of Live Audio Room with the zegoliveaudioroom SDK, you must log in first.

ZegoUserInfo user  = new ZegoUserInfo();
// Set the user related properties. 
String token = "xxx";  // The token you get from your app server. 

 * User to log in.
 * @param userInfo refers to the user information. You only need to enter the user ID and username.
 * @param token    refers to the authentication token. 
 * @param callback refers to the callback for log in.
ZegoRoomManager.getInstance().userService.login(user, token, new ZegoRoomCallback() {
    public void roomCallback(int errorCode) {
        // Callback for the login result. 

Create/Join a Live Audio Room

  • You become a Host after creating a live audio room, and you owe more permissions, such as closing untaken speaker seats, removing a specified listener from the speaker seat, etc.

  • You become a Listener after joining a live audio room, you can take a speaker seat to be a speaker or leave the speaker seat to become a listener again.

To create a live audio room, call the createRoom method:

String roomID = "YOUR_ROOM_ID";
String roomName = "YOUR_ROOM_NAME";

 * Create a room.
 * @param roomID   roomID refers to the room ID, the unique identifier of the room. This is required to join a room and cannot be null.
 * @param roomName roomName refers to the room name. This is used for display in the room and cannot be null.
 * @param token    token refers to the authentication token. 
 * @param callback callback refers to the callback for create a room.
ZegoRoomManager.getInstance().roomService.createRoom(roomID, roomName, token, new ZegoRoomCallback() {
    public void roomCallback(int errorCode) {
        // Callback for the result of create a live audio room. 

To join a live audio room, call the joinRoom method:

String roomID = "ROOM_ID";

 * Join a room.
 * @param roomID   refers to the ID of the room you want to join, and cannot be null.
 * @param token    token refers to the authentication token.
 * @param callback callback refers to the callback for join a room.
ZegoRoomManager.getInstance().roomService.joinRoom(roomID,token,new ZegoRoomCallback() {
    public void roomCallback(int errorCode) {
        // Callback for the result of join a live audio room. 

Send/Receive Messages In The Room

In a live audio room, both Host and Listeners can send and receive messages.

To send messages, call the sendTextMessage method with message content.

 * Send IM text message.
 * <p>Description: This method can be used to send IM text message, and all users in the room will receive the
 * message notification.</>
 * <p>Call this method at:  After joining the room</>
 * @param text     refers to the text message content, which is limited to 1kb.
 * @param callback refers to the callback for send text messages.
ZegoRoomManager.getInstance().messageService.sendTextMessage("YOUR_MESSAGE", new ZegoRoomCallback() {
   public void roomCallback(int errorCode) {
   // Callback for the result of send a message. 

To receive messages, listen for the ZegoMessageServiceListener callback.

ZegoMessageService messageService = ZegoRoomManager.getInstance().messageService;
messageService.setListener(new ZegoMessageServiceListener() -> {
            // This callback will be triggered when new messages are received. 

Take a Speaker Seat

To take a speaker seat to speak, call the takeSeat method. And the SDK publishes streams simultaneously.

// Takes a speaker seat. 
int seatIndex = 2;  // The ID of the seat be taken. 
 * Take the speaker seat.
 * <p>Description: This method can be used to help a listener to take a speaker seat to speak. And at the same
 * time,the microphone will be enabled, the audio streams will be published.</>
 * <p>Call this method at:  After joining the room</>
 * @param seatIndex seatIndex to take
 * @param callback  operation result callback
ZegoRoomManager.getInstance().speakerSeatService.takeSeat(seatIndex,new ZegoRoomCallback(){
   public void roomCallback(int errorCode){
   // Callback for the result of take a speaker seat. 

When there is a new listener takes a seat and becomes a speaker, all participants in the room receive notifications through the ZegoSpeakerSeatServiceListener callback. You can set up a UI refresh action for this callback as needed.

ZegoSpeakerSeatService seatService = ZegoRoomManager.getInstance().speakerSeatService;
seatService.setListener(new ZegoSpeakerSeatServiceListener(){
            // This callback will be triggered when the status of speaker seats changes. 

Did You Know? 👏

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