Bacteria: Chapter VI - BACTERIA IN MILK, MILK PRODUCTS, AND OTHER FOODSby@sirgeorgenewman
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by Sir George NewmanSeptember 12th, 2022
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Injurious micro-organisms in foods are, fortunately for the consumers, usually killed by cooking. Vast numbers are, as far as we know, of no harm whatever. Alarming reports of the large numbers of bacteria which are contained in this or that food are generally as irrelevant as they are incorrect. Bacteria, as we have seen, are ubiquitous. In food we have abundance of the chief thing necessary to their life and multiplication—favourable nutriment.

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Bacteria, by George Newman is part of the HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here . Chapter VI: BACTERIA IN MILK, MILK PRODUCTS, AND OTHER FOODS


Injurious micro-organisms in foods are, fortunately for the consumers, usually killed by cooking. Vast numbers are, as far as we know, of no harm whatever. Alarming reports of the large numbers of bacteria which are contained in this or that food are generally as irrelevant as they are incorrect. Bacteria, as we have seen, are ubiquitous. In food we have abundance of the chief thing necessary to their life and multiplication—favourable nutriment.

Hence we should expect to find in uncooked or stale food an ample supply of saprophytic bacteria. There was much wholesome truth in the assertions made some two years ago by the late Professor Kanthack, to the effect that good food as well as bad frequently contained large numbers of bacteria, and often of the same species. It is well that we should become familiarised with this idea, for its accuracy cannot be doubted, and its usefulness at the present time may not be without its beneficial effect.

Nevertheless, it is well we should know the bacterial flora of good and bad foods for at least two reasons. First, there is no doubt whatever that a considerable number of cases of poisoning can be traced every year to food containing harmful bacteria or their products. To several of the more notorious cases we shall have occasion to refer in passing. Secondly, we may approach the study of the bacteriology of foods with some hope that therein light will be found upon some important habits and effects of microbes. There can be little doubt that food-bacteria afford an example of association and antagonism of organisms to which reference has already been made.

Any information that can be gleaned to illumine these abstruse questions would be very welcome at the present time. But there is a still further, and possibly an equally important, point to bear in mind, namely, the economic value of microbes in food. In a short account like the present it will be impossible to enter into hypotheses of pathology, but we shall at least be able to consider some of these interesting experiments which have been conducted in the sphere of beneficial bacteria.

The injurious effects of organisms contained in foods has been elucidated by the excellent work of the late Dr. Ballard. From the careful study of a number of epidemics due to food poisoning, this patient observer was able, without the aid of modern bacteriology, to arrive at a simple principle which must not be forgotten. Food poisoning is due either to bacteria themselves or to their products, which are contained in the substance of the food. In cases of the first kind, bacteria gaining entrance to the human alimentary canal, set up their specific changes and produce their toxins, and by so doing in course of time bring about a diseased condition, with its consequent symptoms.

On the other hand, if the products, sometimes called ptomaines, are ingested as such, the symptoms set up by their action in the body tissues appear earlier. From these facts Dr. Ballard deduced the simple principle that if there is no incubation period or, at all events, a comparatively short space of time between eating the poisoned food and the advent of disease, the agents of the disease are products of bacteria. If, on the other hand, there is an incubation period, the agents are probably bacteria.

It is necessary to mention two other facts. Dr. Cautley has recently been engaged in isolating from poisoned foods the different species of bacteria present. It would appear that these are limited, as a rule, to two or three kinds. As regards disease, the organisms of suppuration are the most common. Liquefying or fermentative bacteria are frequently present, the Proteus family being well represented. In addition there are, according to circumstances, a number of common saprophytes. Now, as we have pointed out, these organisms may act injuriously by some kind of cooperation, or they may by themselves be harmless, and pathological conditions be due to the occasional introduction of pathogenic species.

The other fact, requiring recognition from anyone who proposes to study the bacteriology of foods, is that a certain appreciable amount of the responsibility for food poisoning rests with the tissues of the individual ingesting the food. There is ample evidence in support of the fact that not all the persons partaking of infected food suffer equally, and occasionally some escape altogether. We know little or nothing of the causes of such modification in the effect produced. It may be due to other organisms, or chemical substances already in the alimentary canal of the individual, or it may be due to some insusceptibility or resistance of the tissues. Be that as it may, it is a matter which must not be neglected in estimating the effects of food contaminated with bacteria or their products.

Milk. There are few liquids in general use which contain such enormous numbers of germs as milk. To begin with, milk is in every physical way admirably adapted to be a favourable medium for bacteria. It is constituted of all the chief elements of the food upon which bacteria live. It is frequently at a temperature favourable to their growth. It is par excellence an absorptive fluid. A dish of ordinary water and a dish of newly drawn milk laid side by side, and under similar conditions of temperature, will rapidly demonstrate the difference in degree of absorptivity between the two fluids.

Yet, whilst this general fact is true, we must emphasise at the outset the possibility and practicability of securing absolutely pure sterile milk. Recently some milking was carried out under strict antiseptic precautions, with the above sterile result. The udder was thoroughly cleansed, the hands of the milker washed with corrosive sublimate and then pure water, the vessels which were to receive the milk had been carefully sterilised, and the whole process was carried out in strict cleanliness. The result was that the sample of milk remained sweet and good and contained no germs. It should be stated that the first flow of milk, washing out the milk-ducts of the udder, was rejected.

This fact of the sterility of cleanly drawn milk is not a new one, and has been established by many bacteriologists. Milk, then, is normally a sterile secretion. How does it gain its enormously rich flora of bacteria?

Sources of Pollution of Milk. These are various, and depend upon many minor circumstances and conditions. For all practical purposes there are three chief opportunities between the cow and the consumer when milk may become contaminated with bacteria:

1. At the time of milking.

2. During transit to the town, or dairy, or consumer.

3. After its arrival.

Pollution at the Time of Milking arises from the animal, the milker, or unclean methods of milking. It is now well known that in tuberculosis of the cow affecting the udder the milk itself shows the presence of the bacillus of tubercle. In a precisely similar manner all bacterial diseases of the cow which affect the milk-secreting apparatus must inevitably add their quota of bacteria to the milk. To this matter we shall have occasion to refer again. There is a further contamination from the animal when it is kept unclean, for it happens that the unclean coat of a cow will more materially influence the number of micro-organisms in the milk than the popularly supposed fermenting food which the animal may eat. It is from this external source rather than from the diet that organisms occur in the milk.

The hairy coat offers many facilities for harbouring dust and dirt. The mud and filth of every kind that may be habitually seen on the hinder quarters of cattle all contribute largely to polluted milk. Nor is this surprising. Such filth at or near the temperature of the blood is an almost perfect environment for many of the putrefactive bacteria.

The milker is also a source of risk. His hands, as well as the clothes he is wearing, can and do readily convey both innocent and pathogenic germs to the milk. Clothed in dust-laden garments, and frequently characterised by dirty hands, the milker may easily act as an excellent purveyor of germs. Not a few cases are also on record where it appears that milkers have conveyed germs of disease from some case of infectious disease, such as scarlet fever, in their homes. But under the more efficient registration of such disease which has recently characterised many dairy companies, the danger of infection from this source has been reduced to a minimum. The habit of moistening the hands with a few drops of milk previous to milking is one to be strongly deprecated.

Professor Russell recounts a simple experiment which clearly demonstrates these simple but effective sources of pollution:

"A cow that had been pastured in a meadow was taken for the experiment, and the milking done out of doors, to eliminate as much as possible the influence of germs in the barn air. Without any special precaution being taken the cow was partially milked, and during the operation a covered glass dish, containing a thin layer of sterile gelatine, was exposed for sixty seconds underneath the belly of the cow in close proximity to the milk-pail. The udder, flank, and legs of the cow were then thoroughly cleaned with water, and all of the precautions referred to before were carried out, and the milking then resumed.

A second plate was then exposed in the same place for an equal length of time, a control also being exposed at the same time at a distance of ten feet from the animal and six feet from the ground to ascertain the germ contents of the surrounding air. From this experiment the following instructive data were gathered. Where the animal was milked without any special precautions being taken there were 3250 bacterial germs per minute deposited on an area equal to the exposed top of a ten-inch milk-pail.

Where the cow received the precautionary treatment as suggested above, there were only 115 germs per minute deposited on the same area. In the plate that was exposed to the surrounding air at some distance from the cow there were 65 bacteria. This indicates that a large number of organisms from the dry coat of the animal can be kept out of milk if such simple precautions as these are carried out."

The influence of the barn air, and the cleanliness or otherwise of the barn, is obviously great in this matter. As we have seen, moist surfaces retain any bacteria lodged upon them; but in a dry barn, where molecular disturbance is the rule rather than the exception, it is not surprising that the air is heavily laden with microbic life. Here again many improvements have been made by sanitary cleanliness in various well-known dairies. Still there is much more to be done in this direction to ensure that the drawn milk is not polluted by a microbe-impregnated atmosphere.

The risks in transit differ according to many circumstances. Probably the commonest source of contamination is in the use of unclean utensils and milk-cans. Any unnecessary delay in transit affords increased opportunity for multiplication; particularly is this the case in the summer months, for at such times all the conditions are favourable to an enormous increase of any extraneous germs which may have gained admittance at the time of milking. Thus we have (1) the milk itself affording an excellent medium and supplying ideal pabulum for bacteria, (2) a more or less lengthened railway journey or period of transit giving ample time for multiplication, (3) the favourable temperature of summer heat. We shall refer again to the rate of multiplication of germs in milk.

Lastly, many are the advantages given to bacteria when milk has reached its commercial destination. In milk-shops and in the home there are not a few risks to be added on to the already imposing category. Water is occasionally, if not frequently, added to milk to increase its volume. Such water of itself will make its own contribution to the flora of the milk, unless indeed, which is unlikely, the water has been recently and thoroughly boiled before addition to the milk. Again, it is impossible to suppose that in small homes—perhaps of only one room—where the milk stands for several hours, pollution is avoidable. From a hundred different sources such milk runs the risk of being polluted.

Before proceeding, a word must be said respecting the first milk which flows from the udder in the process of milking, and which is known as the fore-milk. This portion of the milk is always rich in bacterial life on account of the fact that it has remained in the milk-ducts since the last milking. However thorough the manipulation, there will always be a residue remaining in the ducts, which will, and does, afford a suitable nidus and incubator for organisms.

The latter obtain their entrance through the imperfectly closed teat of the udder, and pass readily into the milk-duct, sometimes even reaching the udder itself and setting up inflammation (mastitis). Professor Russell states that he has found 2800 germs in the fore-milk in a sample of which the average was only 330 per cc. Schultz found 83,000 micro-organisms per cc. in the fore-milk, and only 9000 in the mid-milk. As a matter of fact, most of this large number belong to the lactic-acid fermentation group, and the fore-milk rarely contains more than two or three species, and still more rarely any disease-producing bacteria. Still, they occur in such enormous numbers that their addition to the ordinary milk very materially alters its quality. Bolley and Hall, of North Dakota, report sixteen species of bacteria in the fore-milk, twelve of which produced an acid reaction.

Dr. Veranus Moore, of the United States Department of Agriculture, concludes from a large mass of data that freshly drawn fore-milk contains a variable but generally enormous number of bacteria, but only several species, the last milk containing, as compared with the fore-milk, very few micro-organisms. The bacteria which become localised in the milk-ducts, and which are necessarily carried into the milk, are for the greater part rapidly acid-producing organisms, i. e., they ferment milk-sugar, forming acids. They do not produce gas. Still their presence renders it necessary to "pasteurise" as soon as possible. Dr. Moore holds that much of the intestinal trouble occurring in infants fed with ordinarily "pasteurised" milk arises from acids produced by these bacteria between the drawing of the milk and the pasteurisation.

The Number of Bacteria in Milk. From all that has been said respecting the sources of pollution and the favourable nidus which milk affords for bacteria, it is not surprising that a very large number of germs are almost always present in milk. The quantitative estimation of milk appears more alarming than the qualitative. It is true some diseases are conveyed by bacteria in milk, but on the whole most of the species are non-pathogenic. Nor need the numbers, though serious, too greatly alarm us, for, as we shall see at a later stage, disease is a complicated condition, and due to other agencies and conditions than merely the bacteria, which may be the vera causa. In addition to the fact that the high numbers have but a limited significance, we must also remember that there is no uniformity whatever in these numbers. The conditions which chiefly control them are (1) temperature, (2) time.

The Influence of Temperature. We have already noticed, when considering the general conditions affecting bacteria, how potent an agent in their growth is the surrounding temperature. Generally speaking, temperature at or about blood-heat favours bacterial growth. Freudenreich has drawn up the following table which graphically sets forth the effect of temperature upon bacteria in milk:

This instructive table claims some observations. It will be noticed that at 59° F. there is very little multiplication. That may be accepted as a rule. At 77° F. the multiplication, though not particularly rapid at the outset, results finally, at the end of the twenty-four hours, in the maximum quantity. These were probably common species of saprophytic bacteria, which increase readily at a comparatively low temperature. During the subsequent hours, after the twenty-four, we should expect a decline rather than an increase in 62,000, owing to the keen competition consequent upon the limitation of the pabulum. From a consideration of these figures we conclude that a warm temperature, somewhat below blood-heat, is most favourable to multiplication of bacteria in milk; that the common saprophytic organisms multiply the most rapidly; that, in the course of time, competition kills off a large number.

Let us take another example, from Professor Conn:

These almost incredibly large figures illustrate much the same points, particularly the rapid multiplication at blood-heat, and the later rise at 77° C.

The Influence of Time is not less marked than that of temperature, as the following table will show:

Freudenreich gives another example, as follows:

Concerning these figures little comment is necessary. But here again, we may remember that this rapid multiplication continues only up to a certain point, after which competition brings about a marked reduction.

The effect of temperature and time has been illustrated by Dr. Buchanan Young's recent researches, laid before the Royal Society of Edinburgh. He estimated that in the Edinburgh milk supply three hours after milking there were 24,000 micro-organisms per cc. in winter; 44,000 in spring; 173,000 in late summer and autumn. Again, he found that five hours after milking there were 41,000 micro-organisms per cc. in country milk, and more than 350,000 micro-organisms per cc. in town milk. Many London milks would exceed 500,000 per cc.

There is no standard or uniformity in the numerical estimation of bacteria in milk. A host of observers have recorded widely varying returns due to the widely varying circumstances under which the milk has been collected, removed, stored, and examined. Nor is it possible to establish any standard which may be accepted as a normal or healthy number of bacteria, as is done in water examination. Bitter has suggested 50,000 micro-organisms per cc. as a maximum limit for milk intended for human consumption.

But owing to differences of nomenclature and classification, in addition to differences in mode of examination at present existing in various countries, it is impossible to state even approximately how many bacteria and how many species of bacteria have been isolated from milk. Until some common international standard is established mathematical computations are practically worthless. They are needlessly alarming and sensational. And it should be remembered that great reliance cannot be placed upon these numerical estimations. They vary from day to day, and even hour to hour. Furthermore, vast numbers of bacteria are economic in the best sense of the term, and the bacteria of milk are chiefly those of a fermentative kind, and not disease-producers.

Kinds of Bacteria in Milk. It is clear from the foregoing that the only valuable estimation of bacteria in milk is a qualitative one. The kinds commonly found may be classified thus:

1. Non-pathogenic; fermenting and various unclassified micro-organisms.

2. Pathogenic; tuberculosis, typhoid, cholera, scarlet fever, diphtheria, and suppurative diseases have all been spread by the agency of milk.

1. The Fermentation Bacteria

At the most we can make a merely provisional classification of these processes. Many of them are intimately related. Of others, again, our knowledge is at present very limited. It may be advisable, before proceeding, to consider shortly what are the constituents of milk upon which living ferments of various kinds exert their action. A tabulation of the chief constituents would be as follows:

Another mode of expressing average milk constitution would be thus:

It is probably too obvious to need remark that milks vary in standard, but the above figures may be taken as authentic averages.

Milk-sugar, or Lactose (C12H24O12). This is an important and constant constituent of milk. It forms the chief substance in solution in whey or serum. Milk-sugar approximates to dextrose in its action on polarised light. By boiling with sulphuric acid it is converted into dextrose and galactose.

Fat occurs in milk as suspended globules, and by churning may be made into butter.

The Proteids include casein, albumen, lactoprotein, and a small quantity of globulin. These are the nitrogenous bodies.

Mineral Matter. The ash of milk, obtained by careful ignition of the solids, contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid, chlorine, and iron, phosphoric acid and lime being present in the largest amounts.

(1) Lactic Acid Fermentation. If milk is left undisturbed, it is well known that eventually it becomes sour. The casein is coagulated, and falls to the bottom of the vessel; the whey or serum rises to the top. In fact, a coagulation analogous to the clotting of blood has taken place. In addition to this, the whole has acquired an acid taste. Now, this double change is not due to any one of the constituents we have named above. It is, in short, a fermentation set up by a living ferment introduced from without. The constituent most affected by the ferment is the milk-sugar, which is broken down into lactic acid, carbonic acid gas, and other products.

For many years it has been known that sour milk contained bacteria. Pasteur first described the Bacillus acidi lactici, which Lister isolated and obtained in pure culture. Hueppe contributed still further to what was known of this bacillus, and pointed out that there were a large number of varieties, rather than one species, to be included under the term B. acidi lactici. We have already seen that these bacilli do not as a rule liquefy gelatine, form spores, are non-motile, and are easily killed by heat.

When a certain quantity of lactic acid has been formed the fermentation ceases. It will recommence if the liquid be neutralised with carbonate of lime, or pepsine added. Since Pasteur's discovery of a causal bacillus for this fermentation, other investigators have added a number of bacteria to the lactic acid family. Some of these in pure culture have been used in dairy industry to add to the butter a pure sour taste, a more or less aromatic odour, and a higher degree of preservation.

(2) Butyric Acid Fermentation. This form of fermentation is also one which we have previously considered.

Both in lactic and butyric fermentation we must recognise that in the decomposition of milk-sugar there are almost always a number of minor products occurring. Some of the chief of these are gases. Hydrogen, carbonic acid, nitrogen, and methane occur, and cause a characteristic effect which is frequently deleterious to the flavour of the milk and its products. Most of the gas-producing ferments are members of the lactic acid group, and are sometimes classified in a group by themselves. In cheese-making the gases create the pin-holes and air-spaces occasionally seen.

(3) Curdling Fermentations without Acid Production. Of these there are several, caused by different bacteria. What happens is that the milk coagulates, as we have described, but no acid is produced, the whey being sweet to the taste rather than otherwise. Digestion of casein may or may not take place.

We must now mention several fermentations about which little is known. They are designated by terms denoting the outward condition of the milk, without giving any information respecting the real physiological alteration which has occurred.

(4) Bitter Fermentation. Some bitter conditions of milk are due to irregularity of diet in the cow. Similar changes occur in conjunction with some of the acid fermentations. Weigmann and Conn have, however, shown that there is a specific bitterness in milk due to bacteria which appear to produce no other change. Hueppe suggests that it may be due in part to a proteid decomposition resulting in bitter peptones. There seems to be some evidence for supposing that the bitter bacteria produce very resistant spores, which enable them to withstand treatment under which the lactic acid succumbs.

(5) Slimy Fermentation. This graphic but inelegant word is used to denote an increased viscosity in milk, and its tendency when being poured to become ropy and fall in strings. Such a condition deprives the milk of its use in the making of certain cheeses, whilst in other cases it favours the process. In Holland, for example, in the manufacture of Edam cheese, this "slimy" fermentation is desired. Tættemœlk, a popular beverage in Norway, is made from milk that has been infected with the leaves of the common butter wort, Pinguicula vulgaris, from which Weigmann separated a bacillus possessing the power of setting up slimy fermentation. There are, perhaps, as many as a dozen species of bacteria which have in a greater or less degree the power of setting up this kind of fermentation.

In 1882 Schmidt isolated the Micrococcus viscosus, which occurs in chains and rosaries, affecting the milk-sugar. It grows at blood-heat, and is not easily destroyed by cold. Its effect on various sugars is the same. The M. Freudenreichii, the specific micro-organism of "ropiness" in milk, is a large, non-motile, liquefying coccus, which can produce its result in milk within five hours. On account of its resistance to drying, it is difficult to eradicate when once it makes its appearance in a dairy. The organism used in making Edam cheese is the Streptococcus Hollandicus, and in hot milk it can produce ropiness in one day.

A number of bacilli have been detected by several observers and classified as slime fermentation bacteria. The Bacillus lactis pituitosi, a slightly curved, non-liquefying rod, which is said to produce a characteristic odour, in addition to causing ropiness, brings about some acidity. B. lactis viscosus is slow in starting its fermentation, but maintains its action for as long as a month. Many of the above organisms, with others, produce "slimy" fermentation in alcoholic beverages as well as in milk.

(6) Soapy Milk. This is still another form of fermentation, the etiology of which has been elucidated by Weigmann. The Bacillus saponacei imparts to milk a peculiar soapy flavour. It was detected in the straw of the bedding and hay of the fodder, and from such sources may infect the milk. There is little or no coagulation.

(7) Chromogenic Changes. We have already remarked that colour is the natural and apparently only product of many of the innocent bacteria. They put out their strength, so to speak, in the production of bright colours. The chief colours produced by germs in milk are as follows:

Red Milk. Bacillus prodigiosus, in the presence of oxygen, causes a redness, particularly on the surface of milk. It was the work of this bacillus that caused "the bleeding host," which was one of the superstitions of the Middle Ages. B. lactis erythrogenes produces a red colour only in the dark, and in milk that is not strongly acid in reaction. When grown in the light this organism produces a yellow colour. There is a red sarcina (Sarcina rosea) which also has the faculty of producing red pigment. One of the yeasts is another example.

It must not be forgotten that redness in milk may actually be due to the presence of blood from the udder of the cow. In such a case the blood and milk will be inextricably mixed together, and not in patches or a pellicle.

Blue Milk is due to the growth of Bacillus cyanogenus. This is an actively motile rod, the presence of which does not materially affect the milk, but causes the milk products to be of poor quality.

Yellow Milk. Bacillus synxanthus is held responsible for curdling the milk, and then at a later stage, in redissolving the curd, produces a yellow pigment.

Violet and Green Pigments in milk are also the work of various bacteria.

2. Various Unclassified Bacteria

In milk this is a comparatively small group, for it happens that those bacteria in milk which cannot be classified as fermentative or pathogenic are few. The almost ubiquitous Bacillus coli communis occurs here as elsewhere, and might be grouped with the gaseous fermentative organisms on account of its extraordinary power of producing gas and breaking up the medium (whether agar or cheese) in which it is growing. What its exact rôle is in milk it would be difficult to say. It may act, as it frequently does elsewhere, by association in various fermentations. Some authorities hold that its presence in excessive numbers may cause epidemic diarrhœa in infants.

Several years ago a commission was appointed by the British Medical Journal to inquire into the quality of the milk sold in some of the poorer districts of London. Every sample was found to contain Bacillus coli, and it was declared that this particular microbe constituted 90 per cent. of all the organisms found in the milk. We record this statement, but accept it with some misgiving. The diagnosis of B. coli four or five years ago was not such a strict matter as to-day. Still, undoubtedly, this particular organism is not uncommonly found in milk, and its source is unclean dairying. In the same investigation Proteus vulgarisB. fluorescens, and many liquefying bacteria were frequently found. Their presence in milk means contamination with putrefying matter, surface water, or a foul atmosphere.

A number of water bacteria find their way into milk in the practice of adulteration, and foul byres afford ample opportunity for aërial pollution.

Another unclassified group occasionally present in milk is represented by moulds, particularly Oidium lactis, the mould which causes a white fur, possessing a sour odour. It is allied to the Mycoderma albicans (O. albicans), which also occurs in milk, and causes the whitish-grey patches on the mucous membrane of the mouths of infants (thrush). These and many more are occasionally present in milk.

3. The Disease-Producing Power of Milk

The general use of milk as an article of diet, especially by the younger and least resistant portion of mankind, very much increases the importance of the question as to how far it acts as a vehicle of disease. Recently considerable attention has been drawn to the matter, though it is now a number of years since milk was proved to be a channel for the conveyance of infectious diseases.

During the last twenty years particular and conclusive evidence has been deduced to show that milch cows may themselves afford a large measure of infection. The recent extensive work in tuberculosis by the Royal Commission has done much to obtain new light on the conveyance of that disease by milk and meat. The enormous strides in the knowledge of diphtheria and other germ diseases have also placed us in a better position respecting their conveyance by milk. Generally speaking, for reasons already given, milk affords an ideal medium for bacteria, and its adaptibility therefore for conveying disease is undoubted. We may now suitably turn to speak shortly of the outstanding facts of the chief diseases carried by milk.

Tuberculosis. It is well known that this disease is not a rare one amongst cattle. The problem of infective milk is, however, simplified at the outset by recognising the now well-established fact that the milk of tuberculous cows is only certainly able to produce tuberculosis in the consumers when the tuberculous disease affects the udder. This is not necessarily a condition of advanced tuberculosis. The udder may become affected at a comparatively early stage. But to make the milk infective the udder must be tubercular, and milk from such an udder possesses a most extraordinary degree of virulence.

When the udder itself is thus the seat of disease, not only the derived milk, but the skimmed milk, butter-milk, and even butter, all contain tuberculous material actively injurious if consumed. Furthermore, tubercular disease of the udder spreads in extent and degree with extreme rapidity. From these facts it will be obvious that it is of first-rate importance to be able to diagnose udder disease. This is not always possible in the early stage. The signs upon which most reliance may be placed are the enlargement of the lymph-glands lying above the posterior region of the udder; the serous, yellowish milk which later on discharges small coagula; the partial or total lack of milk from one quarter of the udder (following upon excessive secretion); the hard, diffuse nodular swelling and induration of a part or the whole wall of the udder; and the detection in the milk of tubercle bacilli.

The whole organ may increase in weight as well as size, and on post-mortem examination show an increase of connective tissue, a number of large nodules of tubercle, and a scattering of small granular bodies, known as "miliary" tubercles. Tuberculin may be used as an additional test. The udder is affected in about two per cent. of tuberculous cows.

There are a variety of causes in addition to the vera causa, the presence of the bacillus of tubercle, which make the disease common amongst cattle. Constitution, temperament, age, work, food, and prolonged lactation are the individual features which act as predisposing conditions; they may act by favouring the propagation of the bacillus or by weakening the resistance of the tissues. To this category must further be added conditions of environment. Bad stabling, dark, ill-ventilated stalls, high temperature, prolonged and close contact with other cows, all tend in the same direction.

Though there can be no doubt as to the virulence of tuberculous milk, it may be remembered with satisfaction that only about two per cent. of tuberculous cows have unmistakably tubercular milk. Even of this tubercular milk, unless it is very rich in bacilli and is ingested in large quantities, the risks are practically small or even absent.

Practically the danger from drinking raw milk exists only for persons who use it as their sole or principal food, that is to say, young children and certain invalids. With adults in normal health the danger is greatly minimised, as the healthy digestive tract is relatively insusceptible. Moreover, dairy milk is almost invariably mixed milk; that is to say, if there is a tubercular cow in a herd yielding tubercle bacilli in her milk, the addition of the milk of the rest of the herd so effectually dilutes the whole as to render it almost innocuous.

But if for practical purposes we look upon all milk derived from tubercular udders as highly infective, we may adopt a comparatively simple and efficient remedy. To avoid all danger it is sufficient to bring the milk to a boil for a few minutes before it is consumed; in fact, the temperature of 85° C. (160° F.) prolonged for five minutes kills all bacilli. The common idea that boiled milk is indigestible, and that the boiling causes it to lose much of its nutritive value, is largely groundless.

Milk may become tubercular through the carelessness or dirty habits of the milker. Such a common practice as moistening the hands with saliva previously to milking may, in cases of tubercular milkers, effectually contaminate the milk. Again, it may become polluted by dried tubercular excreta getting into it. Such conveyances must be of rare occurrence, yet their possibility should not be forgotten.

An infant suckled by a tuberculous mother would run similarly serious risks of becoming infected with the disease.

In Liverpool, Dr. E. W. Hope, the Medical Officer of Health, has organised an admirable system of examination by skilled bacteriologists to find to what degree the Liverpool milk supply is contaminated with tubercle. The final result of this pioneer work, which ought really to be undertaken by every great corporation responsible to the citizens for a pure water and pure milk supply, is to the effect that in Liverpool 5.2 per cent. of the samples of milk taken from the city shippons contains tubercle bacilli. As regards the milk sent in from the country, the return is that 13.4 per cent. is contaminated with the bacillus of tubercle.

Such results are very significant, and indicate the importance of all large corporations obtaining the service of systematic and periodic bacteriological examination of the milk supply. Nor are the results surprising, for when we remember the habits of the tubercle bacillus we cannot conceive a more favourable nurture ground than the typical byre. "Nothing worse than the insanitary conditions of the life of the average dairy cow," says Sir George Brown, late of the Board of Agriculture, "can be imagined." It will be obvious that the above facts make it incumbent upon responsible authorities to see that not a stone is left unturned to enforce cleanliness in all dairy work, isolation of diseased cows, and strict treatment of all infected milk.

Typhoid Fever. Jaccoud in France and Hart in England have shown that enteric fever (typhoid) is not infrequently spread by milk. An epidemic affecting 386 persons in Stamford, Conn., U.S.A., was traced to milk, 97 per cent. of the cases coming from one single milk supply. Dr. McNail recently recorded an outbreak of twenty-two cases of enteric, due to a polluted milk supply.

Within the last twelve months much attention has been drawn to a milk source of typhoid infection by the epidemic of typhoid at Bristol. Dr. D. S. Davies has pointed out that a brook received the sewage of thirty-seven houses, the overflow of a cesspool serving twenty-two more, the washings from fields over which the drainage of several others was distributed, and the direct sewage from at least one other, and then flowed directly through a certain farm.

The water of this stream supplied the farm pump, and the water itself, it is scarcely necessary to add, was highly charged with putrescent organic matter and micro-organisms. This water was used for washing the milk-cans from this particular farm, otherwise the dairy arrangements were efficient. Part of the milk was distributed to fifty-seven houses in Clifton; in forty-one of them cases of typhoid occurred. Another part of the milk was sold over the counter; twenty households so obtaining it were attacked with typhoid fever, and a number of further infections and complications arose. This evidence would appear to support the fact that milk may act in the same way, though not in such a high degree, as water in the conveyance of typhoid fever.

It may be pointed out that specific typhoid is not a disease of animals; consequently no danger need be apprehended from milk if it is properly cared for after it comes from the cow. Typhoid milk is almost invariably due to the addition of typhoid-infected water, either by way of adulteration or in the process of washing out the milk-cans. Cases have, however, been recorded in which there has been direct transmission to the milk from a person convalescing from the disease, and also indirect transmission by a milker serving also in the capacity of nurse to a patient in his own family.

Though the typhoid bacillus appears not to have the power of multiplying in milk, it has the faculty of existing and thriving in milk, even when it has curdled or soured, for a considerable time, and may thus infect milk products like butter and cheese. But infection by milk products may be eliminated as of too rare occurrence to deserve attention. The bacillus does not coagulate the milk like its ally the Bacillus coli communis, which is a much more frequent and less injurious inhabitant of milk.

Cholera. The cholera bacillus, as we have already pointed out, is unable to live in an acid medium. Hence its life in milk is a limited one, and generally depends on some alkaline change in the milk. Heim found that cholera bacilli would live in raw milk from one to four days, depending upon the temperature. D. D. Cunningham, from the results of a large number of investigations in India, concludes that the rapidly developing acid fermentations normally or usually setting in, connected with the rapid multiplication of other common bacteria and moulds, tend to arrest the multiplication of cholera bacilli, and eventually to destroy their vitality. Boiling milk appears, on the contrary, to increase the suitability of milk as a nidus for cholera bacilli, partly by its germicidal effect upon the acid-producing microbes, and partly because it removes from the milk the enormous numbers of common bacteria, which in raw milk cause such keen competition that the cholera bacillus finds existence impossible.

Professor W. J. Simpson, lately the Medical Officer of Health for Calcutta, has placed on record an interesting series of cholera cases on board the Ardenclutha, in the port of Calcutta, which arose from drinking milk which had been polluted with one quarter of its volume of cholera-infected water. This water came from a tank into which some cholera dejecta had passed. Of the ten men who drank the milk four died, five were severely ill, and one, who drank but very little of the milk, was only slightly ill. There was no illness whatever amongst those who did not drink the milk.

Diphtheria. Recent observations on the infectivity of diphtheria in milk by Schottelius have established the fact that milk is a good medium for the bacillus of diphtheria, but that it rarely acts as a vehicle for transmitting the disease. Klein has emphasised the possibility of this means of infection. In the first place, it is obvious that the milk may become infected from a human source—from pollution with diphtheritic discharges or dried "fomites."

Secondly, from a variety of different quarters evidence has been forthcoming to throw some suspicion upon the cow itself as the agent. Klein states that "a new eruptive disease on the teats and udder of the cow," consisting of papules, vesicles, and induration, may be set up by the subcutaneous inoculation of a pure culture of the Bacillus diphtheriæ. In these eruptions a bacillus similar to the B. diphtheriæ was demonstrated. On a priori grounds this evidence substantiates a belief that diphtheria, in some form or other, may be a disease of cows. Other observers have not been able to confirm these observations, and the whole matter of cow diphtheria must remain for the present sub judice.

As long ago as 1879 W. H. Power traced an epidemic of diphtheria in North London to the milk supply. In 1887 the same authority studied another outbreak, and other observers have produced further evidence in favour of the conveyance of this disease by milk. Air infection of milk by the Bacillus diphtheriæ probably occurs only very rarely, on account of the fact that the organism is readily killed by desiccation, and yet such is necessary before it can be airborne. The most frequent mode of infection of milk with this disease is from the throats, hands, bodies, or clothing of dairy workers suffering from a mild or acute form of the disease.

The specific and proved cases in which milk has acted as the vehicle of diphtheria are, it is true, comparatively few. Yet, nevertheless, the possibility of milk infection in this disease is not one which we can afford to neglect.

Scarlet Fever. Here again the evidence is not complete, chiefly owing to the fact that no specific organism of scarlet fever has yet been discovered. Many cases have, however, illustrated the undeniable conveyance of the disease by milk. Even before 1881 a number of milk epidemics of scarlet fever had been traced out. In 1882 these were further added to by Mr. W. H. Power's report concerning a series of cases in Central London. That report was remarkable for the introduction of a new feature, viz., the evidence produced in favour of the infection of milk from some disease of the cow.

The Medical Department of the Local Government Board from that time took up a position of suspended judgment concerning the belief hitherto credited that milk could only be infected by human scarlet fever. In 1886 there was a remarkable epidemic in Marylebone, and the theory was suggested by Dr. Klein and Mr. Power that the cow from which the milk was derived suffered from scarlet fever.

Into the extensive controversy which raged round "the Hendon disease," as it was called, affecting the cows supplying the Marylebone milk, we cannot here enter. It will be sufficient to say that a long discussion took place as to whether or not this Hendon disease was or was not scarlet fever. The difficulty of course largely arose from the fact before mentioned that we do not at present know the specific micro-organism of scarlet fever. The Agricultural Department supported the view of Professor Crookshank that the cow disease at Hendon was cowpox, and Professor Axe further pointed out that there was evidence of the Hendon milk having been contaminated with human scarlet fever. Whichever conclusion was adopted, all were agreed upon one point, viz., that the disease had been conveyed from Hendon to persons in Marylebone by means of the milk.

Mr. Ernest Hart in 1897 published a very large number of records of scarlatinal milk infection from all parts of the country, and though the cause of the disease is obscure, there is now no doubt that it may be and is conveyed by means of milk.

Other Diseases Conveyed by Milk. In addition to the above, there are other diseases spread by means of polluted milk. From time to time exceptional cases have occurred in which a disease like anthrax has been spread by this means. But it is not to such rare cases that we refer. There are two very common diseases in which milk has been proved to play a not inconsiderable part, viz., thrush and diarrhœa.

The mould which gives rise to the curd-like patches in the throats of children, and which is known as Oidium albicans, frequently occurs in milk. Soft white specks are seen on the tongue and mucous membrane of the cheeks and lips, looking not unlike particles of milk curd. If a scraping be placed upon a glass slide with a drop of glycerine and examined by means of the microscope, the spores and mycelial threads of this mould will be seen. The spores are oval, and possess a definite capsule. The threads are branched and jointed at somewhat long intervals. Milk affords an excellent medium for the growth of this parasite. Thus undoubtedly we must hold milk partly responsible for spreading this complaint. PenicilliumAspergillus, and Mucor are also frequent moulds in milk.

Professor MacFadyen has given a full account of the ways in which milk becomes pathogenic, and his views have received further support from Professor Sheridan Delépine, who has examined more than one hundred samples of milk from Liverpool and Manchester. The result of this investigation has been that milk must be held to be one of the most potent causes of the summer diarrhœa of children. Indeed, a bacillus has been isolated identical with one which was apparently the cause of this complaint, which carries off such a large number of infants every summer. It resembles closely the Bacillus coli communis, which is an almost constant inhabitant of the alimentary canal, and is held by many bacteriologists to play, especially in conjunction with yeasts and other saprophytic organisms, an active rôle in the intestine of man.

In a recent official report Dr. Hope, of Liverpool, states that "the method of feeding plays a most important part in the causation of diarrhœa; when artificial feeding becomes necessary, the most scrupulous attention should be paid to feeding-bottles." Careless feeding, in conjunction with a warm, dry summer, invariably results in a high death-rate from this cause. These two causes interact upon each other.

A warm temperature is a favourable temperature for the growth of the poisonous micro-organism; a dry season affords ample opportunity for its conveyance through the air. Unclean feeding-bottles are obviously an admirable nidus for these injurious bacteria, for in such a resting-place the three main conditions necessary for bacterial life are well fulfilled, viz., heat, moisture, and pabulum. The heat is supplied by the warm temperature, the moisture and food by the dregs of milk left in the bottle; and the dry air assists in transit.

Before passing on to other matters, reference must be made to poisonous products other than bacteria which occur in milk and set up ill-health. Vaughan, of Michigan, pointed out at the London Congress of Hygiene in 1891 that he had separated a poisonous alkaloid, which he called tyrotoxicon. This, as its name denotes, was a toxic or poisonous substance, probably produced by some form of microbe. It may be taken as a type of the organic chemical substances frequently occurring in milk.

methods of preserving milk

From the somewhat extensive category of diseases which may be milk-borne, it will be suitable now to speak of some of the means at our disposal for obtaining and preserving good, pure milk.

We considered at the commencement of this chapter the most frequent channels of contamination. If these be avoided or prevented, and if the milk be derived from cows in good health and well kept, the risk of infection is reduced to a minimum. But we have seen that much, if not most, of the pollution of milk arises after the milking process and during transit and storage preparatory to use. Bacteria are so ubiquitous that to prevent the entrance of any at all is almost beyond hope. Can anything be done to prevent their multiplication or to kill them in the milk? Fortunately the answer is in the affirmative.

There are two means at hand to secure these results. First, we may add to the milk various chemical or physical preservatives. Borax or boric acid, formaldehyde, salicylic acid, and other chemical bodies are used for this purpose. The commonest of these is that named first. The Food and Drugs Act (Section VI., 1875) permits the addition of an ingredient not injurious to health if the same is required for protection or preparation of the article in question.

It is, however, a difficult matter to determine what amount of boric acid is injurious to health, for this differs widely in different persons. It has been laid down by one authority that even so small an amount as one-tenth per cent. might have inconvenient results, owing to its cumulative effect. Formaldehyde is without doubt an excellent antiseptic, and the more its efficacy becomes known so much the more probably will it be used.

The salicylates, which are mild antiseptics, have long been used as preservatives. These substances, then, can be added to milk in quantities not recognisable to the taste (salicylic acid about .75 grain, and boracic acid .4 grain, to the litre of milk). They will materially increase the time that milk will remain sweet, they will prevent a number of micro-organisms living in the milk, and will inhibit multiplication of others. Secondly, it is possible very perceptibly to remove the infectivity of milk by filtration and temperature variations.

Filtration has been practised for some time by the Copenhagen Dairy Company and by Bolle, of Berlin. The filters used consist of large cylindrical vessels divided by horizontal perforated diaphragms into five superposed compartments, of which the middle three are filled with fine sand of three sizes. At the bottom is the coarsest sand, and at the top the finest. The milk enters the lowest compartment by a pipe under gravitation pressure, and is forced upwards, and finally is run off into an iced cooler, and from that into the distribution cans.

By this means the number of bacteria is reduced to one-third. The difficulty of drying and sterilising enough sand to admit a large turnover of milk is a serious one. This, in conjunction with the belief that filtration removes some of the essential nutritive elements of milk, has caused the process to be but little adopted. Dr. Seibert states that if milk be filtered through half an inch of compressed absorbent cotton, seven-eighths of the contained bacteria will be removed, and a second filtration will further reduce the number to one-twentieth. One quart of milk may thus be filtered in fifteen minutes.

The common methods now in vogue for the protection of milk are based upon germicidal temperatures. Low temperatures, it is true, do not easily destroy life, but they have a most beneficial effect upon the keeping quality of milk. At the outset of the process of cooling, strong currents of air are started in the milk-can, which act mechanically as deodorisers. But if the temperature be lowered sufficiently, the contained bacteria become inactive and torpid, and eventually are unable to multiply or produce their characteristic fermentations. At about 50° F. (10° C.) the activity ceases, and at temperatures of 45° F. (7° C.) and 39° F. (4° C.) organisms are deprived of their injurious powers. If it happens that the milk is to be conveyed long distances, then even a lower temperature is desirable.

The most important point with regard to the cooling of milk is that it should take place quickly. Various kinds of apparatus are effective in accomplishing this. Perhaps those best known are Lawrence's cooler and Pfeiffer's cooler, the advantage of the latter being that during the process the milk is not exposed to the air. It must not be forgotten that cooling processes are not sterilising processes. They do not necessarily kill bacteria; they only inhibit activity, and under favourable circumstances the torpid bacteria may again acquire their injurious faculties. Hence during the cooling of milk greater care must be taken to prevent aërial contamination than is necessary during the process of sterilising milk.

No cooling whatever should be attempted in the stable; but, on the other hand, there should be no delay. Climate makes little or no difference to the practical desirability of cooling milk, yet it is obvious that less cooling will be required in the cold season.

We now come to the protective processes known as sterilisation and pasteurisation. As we have already seen, sterilisation indicates a complete and final destruction of bacteria and their spores. As applied to methods of preserving milk, sterilisation means the use of heat at, or above, boiling-point, or boiling under pressure. This may be applied in one application of one to two hours at 250° F., or it may be applied at stated intervals at a lower temperature. The milk is sterilised—that is to say, contains no living germs—is altered in chemical composition, and is also boiled or "cooked," and hence possesses a flavour which to many people is unpalatable.

Now, such a radical alteration is not necessary in order to secure non-infectious milk. The bacteria causing the diseases conveyable by milk succumb at much lower temperatures than the boiling-point. Advantage is taken of this in the process known as "pasteurisation." By this method the milk is heated to 167–185° F. (75–85° C.). Such a temperature kills harmful microbes, because 75° C. is decidedly above their average thermal death-point, and yet the physical changes in the milk are practically nil, because 85° C. does not relatively approach the boiling-point.

There is no fixed standard for pasteurisation, except that it must be above the thermal death-point of pathogenic bacteria, and yet below the boiling-point. As a matter of fact, 158° F. (70° C.) will kill all souring bacteria as well as disease-producing organisms found in milk. If the milk is kept at that temperature for ten or fifteen minutes, we say it has been "pasteurised." If it has been boiled, with or without pressure, for half an hour, we say it has been "sterilised." The only practical difference in the result is that sterilised milks have a better keeping quality than pasteurised, for the simple reason that in the latter some living germs have been unaffected.

Sterilisation may of course be carried out in a variety of modifications of the two chief ways above named. When the process is to be completed in one event an autoclave is used, in order to obtain increased pressure and a higher temperature. Milk so treated is physically changed in greater degree than in the slower process. The slow or intermittent method is, of course, based on Tyndall's discovery that actively growing bacteria are more easily killed than their spores. The first sterilisation kills the bacteria, but leaves their spores. By the time of the second application the spores have developed into bacteria, which in turn are killed before they can sporulate.

The methods of pasteurisation are continually being modified and improved, especially in Germany and America. Most of the variations in apparatus may be classed under two headings. There are, first, those in which a sheet of milk is allowed to flow over a surface heated by steam or hot water. This may be a flat, corrugated surface or a revolving cylinder. The milk is then passed into coolers. Secondly, milk is pasteurised by being placed in reservoirs surrounded by an external shell containing hot water or steam.

Dr. A. L. Russell has described one apparatus consisting of a pasteuriser, a water-cooler, and an ice-cooler. The pasteuriser is heated by hot water in the outside casement. To equalise rapidly the temperature of the water and milk a series of agitators must be used. These are suspended on movable rods, and hang vertically in the milk and water chambers. By this ingenious arrangement the heat is diffused rapidly throughout the whole mass, and as the temperature of the milk reaches the proper point the steam is shut off, and the heat of the whole body of water and milk will remain constant for the proper length of time.

The somewhat difficult problem of drawing off the pasteurised milk from the vat without reinfecting it by contact with the air is solved by placing a valve inside the chamber, and by means of a pipe leading the pasteurised milk directly and rapidly into the coolers. These are of two kinds, which may be used separately or conjointly. In one set of cylinders there is cold circulating water, in the other finely crushed ice.

Domestic pasteurisation can be accomplished readily by heating the milk in vessels in a water-bath raised to the required temperature for half an hour.

Without entering into a long discussion upon the various methods adopted, we may summarise some of the chief essential conditions. It need scarcely be said that the operation must be efficiently conducted, and in such a way as to maintain absolute control over the time and temperature. The apparatus should be simple enough to be easily cleansed, sterilised, and economical in use. Arrangements must always be made to protect the milk from reinfection during and after the process. The entire preparation of the milk for market may be summed up in four items:

1. Pasteurisation in heat reservoir.

2. Rapid cooling in water-or ice-coolers.

3. All cans, pails, bottles, and other utensils to be thoroughly sterilised in steam.

4. The prepared milk must be placed in sterilised bottles and sealed up.

The quality of the milk to be pasteurised is an important point. All milks are not equally suited for this purpose, and those containing a large quantity of contamination, especially of spores, are distinctly unsuitable. Such milks, to be purified, must be sterilised. Dr. Russell has laid down a standard test for the degree of contamination which may be corrected by pasteurisation by estimating the degree of acidity, a low acidity (e. g., 0.2 per cent.) usually indicating a smaller number of spore-bearing germs than that which contains a high percentage of acid.

Lastly, while the heating process is of course the essential feature of efficient pasteurisation, it must not be forgotten that rapid and thorough cooling is almost equally important. As we have seen, pasteurisation differs from complete sterilisation in that it leaves behind a certain number of microbes or their spores. Cooling inhibits the germination and growth of this organismal residue. If after the heating process the milk is cooled and kept in a refrigerator, it will probably keep sweet from three to six days, and may do so for three weeks.

Before leaving this subject we may glance for a moment at the bacterial results of pasteurisation and sterilisation. The chief two of these are the enhanced keeping quality and the removal of disease-producing germs. The former is due in part to the latter, and also to the removal of the lactic acid and other fermentative bacteria. As a general rule these bacteria do not produce spores, and hence they are easily annihilated by pasteurisation. True, a number of indifferent bacteria are untouched, and also some of the peptonising species. The cooling itself contributes to the increased keeping power of the milk, especially in transit to the consumer.

Pasteurised milks have the following three economical and commercial advantages over sterilised milks, namely, they are more digestible, the flavour is not altered, and the fat and lact-albumen are unchanged. Professor Hunter Stewart, of Edinburgh, about two years ago, compiled from a number of experiments the following instructive and comprehensive table (page 212).

It will be admitted that this table exhibits much in favour of pasteurisation; yet the crucial test must ever be the effect upon pathogenic bacteria. Flügge has conducted a series of experiments upon the destruction of bacteria in milk, and he states that a temperature of 158° F. (70° C.) maintained for thirty minutes will kill the specific organisms of tubercle, diphtheria, typhoid, and cholera. MacFadyen and Hewlett have demonstrated, by sudden alternate heating and cooling, that 70° C. maintained for half a minute is generally sufficient to kill suppurative organisms and such virulent types of pathogenic bacteria as Bacillus diphtheriæB. typhosus, and B. tuberculosis.

Respecting the numerical diminution of microbes brought about by pasteurisation and sterilisation, respectively, we may take the following two sets of experiments. Dr. N. L. Russell tabulates the immediate results of pasteurisation as follows:

As regards the later effect of the process, he states that in fifteen samples of pasteurised milk examined from November to December nine of them revealed no organisms, or so few that they might almost be regarded as sterile; in those samples examined after January the lowest number was 100 germs per cc., while the average was nearly 5,000. With the pasteurised cream a similar condition was to be observed.

Dr. Hewlett defines pasteurisation briefly as heating the milk to 68° C. for twenty or thirty minutes, and this treatment he quotes as destroying 99.75 per cent. of the total number of organisms. Bitter's table of results at 158° F. bears out the same:

bacteria in milk products

Cream is generally richer in bacteria than milk. Set cream contains more bacteria than separated cream, but germs are abundant in both. Yet whilst it is true that cream contains a large number of bacteria, it must be pointed out that the butter fat in cream is a less suitable food for organisms than is the case with milk. Hence the fermentative changes set up in cream are of less degree than in milk, particularly so if separated from the milk. Butter-milk and whey vary much in their bacterial content. Butter necessarily follows the standard of the cream. But as the butter fat is not well adapted for bacterial food, the number of bacteria in butter is usually less than in cream.

Moreover, they are soon reduced both in quality and quantity. Butter examined after it is several months old is often found to be almost free from germs; yet in the intervening period a variety of conditions are set up directly or indirectly through bacterial action.

Rancid butter is partly due to organisms. Putrid butter is caused, according to Jensen, by various putrefactive bacteria, one form of which is named Bacillus fœtidus lactis. This organism is killed at a comparatively low temperature, and is therefore completely removed by pasteurisation. Ill-flavoured butter may be due to germs or an unsuitable diet of the cow and a retention of the bad quality of the resulting milk. Lardy and oily butters have been investigated by Storch and Jensen and traced to bacteria. Lastly, bitter butter occasionally occurs, and is due to fermentative changes in the milk. Butter may also contain pathogenic bacteria, like tubercle. The B. coli can live for one month in butter.

Cheese suffers from very much the same kind of "diseases" as butter, except that chromogenic conditions occur more frequently. The latter are, under certain circumstances, more the result of chemical than bacterial action. Most of the troubles in cheese originate in the milk.

Method of Examination of Butter. Several grams of the butter should be placed in a large test-tube, which is then two-thirds filled with sterilised water and placed in a water-bath at about 45° C. until the butter is completely melted. A small quantity may then be added to gelatine or agar and plated out on Petri dishes or in flat-bottomed flasks in the usual way. After which the tube may be well shaken and returned to the bath inverted. In the space of twenty or thirty minutes the butter has separated from the water with which it has been emulsified. It is then placed in the cold to set. The water may be now either centrifugalised or placed in sedimentation flasks, and the deposit examined for bacteria.

The Uses of Bacteria in Dairy Produce. In considering the relation of bacteria to milk we found that many of the species present were injurious rather than otherwise, and when we come to consider bacteria in dairy products, like butter and cheese, we find that the dairyman possesses in them very powerful allies. Within recent years almost a new industry has arisen owing to the scientific application of bacteriology to dairy work.

As a preliminary to butter-making the general custom in most countries is to subject the cream to a process of "ripening." As we have seen, cream in ordinary dairies and creameries invariably contains some bacteria, a large number of which are in no sense injurious. Indeed, it is to these bacteria that the ripening and flavouring processes are due. They are perfectly consistent with the production of the best quality of butter. The aroma of butter, as we know, controls in a large measure its price in the market. This aroma is due to the decomposing effect upon the constituents of the butter of the bacteria contained in the cream. In the months of May and June the variety and number of these types of bacteria are decidedly greater than in the winter months, and this explains in part the better quality of the butter at these seasons.

As a result of these ripening bacteria the milk becomes changed and soured, and slightly curdled. Thus it is rendered more fit for butter-making, and acquires its pleasant taste and aroma. It is then churned, after which bacterial action is reduced to a minimum or is absent altogether. Sweet-cream butter lacks the flavour of ripened or sour-cream butter. The process is really a fermentation, the ripening bacteria acting on each and all of the constituents of the milk, resulting in the production of various bye-products. This fermentation is a decomposition, and just as we found when discussing fermentation, so here also the action is beneficial only if it is stopped at the right moment. If, for example, instead of being stopped on the second day, it is allowed to continue for a week, the cream will degenerate and become offensive, and the pleasant ripening aroma will be changed to the contrary.

Bacteriologists have demonstrated that butters possessing different flavours have been ripened by different species of bacteria. Occasionally one comes across a dairy which seems to be impregnated with bacteria that improve cream and flavour well. In other cases the contrary happens, and a dairy becomes impregnated with a species having deleterious effects upon its butter.

This species may arise from unclean utensils and dairying, from disease of the cow, or from a change in the cow's diet. Thus it comes about that the butter-maker is not always able to depend upon good ripening for his cream. At other times he gets ripening to occur, but the flavour is an evil one, and the results correspond. It may be bitter or tainted, and just as certainly as these flavours develop in the cream, so is it certain that the butter will suffer.

Fortunately the bacterial content of the cream is generally either favourable or indifferent in its action. Thus it comes about that the custom is to allow the cream simply to ripen, so to speak, of its own accord, in a vat exposed to the influence of any bacteria which may happen to be around. This generally proves satisfactory, but it has the great disadvantage of being indefinite and uncertain. Occasionally it turns out wholly unsatisfactory, and results in financial loss.

There are various means at our command for improving the ripening process. Perfect cleanliness in the entire manipulation necessary in milking and dairying, combined with freedom from disease in the milch cows, will carry us along way on the road towards a good cream-ripening. Recently, however, a new method has been introduced, largely through the work and influence of Professor Storch in Denmark, which is based upon our new knowledge respecting bacterial action in cream-ripening. We refer to the artificial processes of ripening set up by the addition of pure cultures of favourable germs. 

If a culture of organisms possessing the faculty of producing in cream a good flavour be added to the sweet cream, it is clear that advantage will accrue. This simple plan of starting any special or desired flavour by introducing the specific micro-organism of that flavour may be adopted in two or three different ways. If cream be inoculated with a large, pure culture of some particular kind of bacteria, this species will frequently grow so well and so rapidly that it will check the growth of the other bacteria which were present in the cream at the commencement and before the starter was added. That is, perhaps, the simplest method of adding an artificial culture.

But secondly, it will be apparent to those who have followed us thus far, that if the cream is previously pasteurised at 70° C. these competing bacteria will have been mostly or entirely destroyed, and the pure culture, or starter, will have the field to itself. There is a third modification, which is sometimes termed ripening by natural starters. A natural starter is a certain small quantity of cream taken from a favourable ripening—from a clean dairy or a good herd—and placed aside to sour for two days until it is heavily impregnated with the specific organism which was present in the whole favourable stock of which the natural starter is but a part. It is then added to the new cream the favourable ripening of which is desired. Of the species which produce good flavours in butter the majority are found to be members of the acid-producing class; but probably the flavour is not dependent upon the acid. Moreover, the aroma of good ripening is also probably independent of the acid production.

Of all the methods of ripening—natural ripening, the addition of natural starters, the addition of pure cultures with or without pasteurisation—there can be no doubt that pure culture after pasteurisation is the most accurate and dependable. The use of natural starters is a method in the right direction; yet it is, after all, a mixed culture, and therefore not uniform in action. In order to obtain the best results with the addition of pure cultures, Professor Russell has made the following recommendations:

1. The dry powder of the pure culture must be added to a small amount of milk that has been first pasteurised, in order to develop an active growth from the dried material.

2. The cream to be ripened must first be pasteurised, in order to destroy the developing organisms already in it, and thus be prepared for the addition of the pure culture.

3. The addition of the developing starter to the pasteurised cream and the holding of the cream at such a temperature as will readily induce the best development of flavour.

4. The propagation of the starter from day to day. A fresh lot of pasteurised milk should be inoculated daily with some of the pure culture of the previous day, not the ripening cream containing the culture. In this way the purity of the starter is maintained for a considerable length of time. Those starters are best which grow rapidly at a comparatively low temperature (60–75° F.), which produce a good flavour, and which increase the keeping qualities of the butter.

Now, whilst it is true that the practice of using pure cultures in this way is becoming more general, very few species have been isolated which fulfil all the desirable qualities above mentioned. In America starters are preferred which yield a "high" flavour, whereas in Danish butter a mild aroma is commoner. In England as yet very little has been done, and that on an experimental scale rather than a commercial one. In 1891 it appears that only 4 per cent. of the butter exhibited at the Danish butter exhibitions was made from pasteurised cream plus a culture starter; but in 1895, 86 per cent. of the butter was so made.

Moreover, such butter obtained the prizes awarded for first-class butter with preferable flavour. Different cultures will, of course, yield different flavoured butter. If we desire, say, a Danish butter, then some species like "Hansen's Danish Starter" would be added; if we desire an American butter, we should use a species like that known as "Conn's Bacillus, No. 41." But whilst these are two common types, they are not the only suitable and effective starters. On certain farms in England there are equally good cultures, which, placed under favourable temperatures in new cream, would immediately commence active ripening.

Professor H. W. Conn, who, with Professor Russell, has done so much in America for the advancement of dairy bacteriology, reports a year's experience with the bacillus to which reference has been made, and which is termed No. 41. It was originally obtained from a specimen of milk from Uruguay, South America, which was exhibited at the World's Fair in Chicago, and proved the most successful flavouring and ripening agent among a number of cultures that were tried. The conclusions arrived at after a considerable period of testing and experimentation appear to be on the whole satisfactory.

A frequent method of testing has been to divide a certain quantity of cream into two parts, one part inoculated with the culture and the other part left uninoculated. Both have then been ripened under similar conditions, and churned in the same way; the differences have then been noted. It is interesting to know that, as a result of the year's experience, creameries have been able to command a price varying from half a cent to two cents a pound more for the "culture" butters than for the uninoculated butters. The method advised in using this pure culture is to pasteurise (by heating at 155° F.) six quarts of cream, and after cooling to dissolve in this cream the pellet containing bacillus No. 41.

The cream is then set in a warm place (70° F.), and the bacillus is allowed to grow for two days, and is then inoculated into twenty-five gallons of ordinary cream. This is allowed to ripen as usual, and is then used as an infecting culture, or "starter," in the large cream vats in the proportion of one gallon of infecting culture to twenty-five gallons of cream, and the whole is ripened at a temperature of about 68° F. for one day. The cream ripened by this organism needs to be churned at a little lower temperature (say 52°-54° F.) but to be ripened at a little higher temperature than ordinary cream to produce the best results.

Cream ripened with No. 41 has its keeping power much increased, and the body or grain of the butter is not affected. More than two hundred creameries in America used this culture during 1895, and Professor Conn reports that this has proved that its use for the production of flavour in butter is feasible in ordinary creameries and in the hands of ordinary butter-makers provided they will use proper methods and proper discretion.

Bacteria in Cheese-making. The cases where it has been possible to trace bacterial disease to the consumption of butter and cheese have been rare. Notwithstanding this fact, it must not be supposed that therefore cheese contains few or no bacteria. On the contrary, for the making of cheese bacteria are not only favourable, but actually essential, for in its manufacture the casein of the milk has to be separated from the other products by the use of rennet, and is then collected in large masses and pressed, forming the fresh cheese. In the course of time this undergoes ripening, which develops the peculiar flavours characteristic of cheese, and upon which its whole value depends.

We have said that the casein is separated by the addition of rennet, which has the power of coagulating the casein. But this precipitation may also be accomplished by allowing acid to develop in the milk until the casein is precipitated, as in some sour-milk or cottage cheeses. The former method is of course the usual one in practice. It has been suggested that the bacteria contained in the rennet exert a considerable influence on the cheese, but this, although rennet contains bacteria, is hardly established. It is not here, however, that bacteria really play their rôle. After this physical separation, when the cheese is pressed and set aside, is the period for the commencement of the ripening process.

That bacteria perform the major part of this ripening process, and are essential to it, is proved by the fact that when they are either removed or opposed the curing changes immediately cease. If the milk be first sterilised, or if antiseptics, like thymol, be added, the results are negative. It is not yet known whether this peptonising process is due to the influence of a single organism or not. The probability, however, is that it is to be ascribed to the action of that group of bacteria known as the lactic-acid organisms. Nor is it yet known whether the peptonisation of the casein and the production of the flavour are the results of one or more species. Freudenreich believes them to be due to two different forms.

However that may be, we meet with at least four common groups of bacteria more or less constantly present in222 cheese-ripening, either in the early or late stages. First, there are the lactic-acid bacteria, by far the largest group, and the one common feature of which is the production by fermentation of lactic acid; secondly, there are the casein-digesting bacteria, present in relatively small numbers; thirdly, the gas-producing bacteria, which give to cheese its honeycombed appearance; lastly, an indifferent or miscellaneous group of extraneous bacteria, which were in the milk at the outset of cheese-making, or are intruders from the air or rennet. All these four groups may bring about a variety of changes, beneficial and otherwise, in the cheese-making.

In order that the relation of bacteria to cheese may be more fully understood, we may draw attention to some experiments conducted by Professor H. L. Russell as to the numbers of bacteria present during different stages of the ripening, excluding those already referred to as present in the rennet. It appears that there is always at first a marked increase in the number of micro-organisms, which is soon followed by a more gradual decline. While the casein-digesting and gas-producing classes suffer a general and more or less rapid decline, the lactic-acid bacteria develop to an enormous extent, from which fact it would appear that cheese offers ideal conditions for the development of the latter. In some most interesting records Professor Russell has divided the ripening process into three divisions:

1. Period of Initial Bacterial Decline in Cheese. Where the green cheeses were examined immediately after removing from the press, it was usually found that a diminution in numbers of bacteria had taken place. This period of decline lasts but a short time, not beyond the second day. Lower temperature and expulsion of the whey would account for this general decline in all species of bacteria.

2. Period of Bacterial Increase. Soon after the cheese is removed from the press a most noteworthy change takes place in green cheese. A very rapid increase of bacteria occurs, confined almost exclusively to the lactic-acid group. This commences in green cheese about the eighth day, and continues more or less for twenty days. In Cheddar cheese it commences about the fifth day, reaches its maximum about the twentieth day, declines rapidly to the thirtieth day, and gradually for a hundred following days. During the first forty days of this period the casein-digesting and gas-producing organisms are present, and at first increasing, but relatively to only a very slight degree. With this rapid increase in organisms the curd begins to lose its elastic texture, and before the maximum number of bacteria is reached the curing is far advanced. Freudenreich has shown that acid inhibits the growth of the casein-digesting microbes and vice versâ.

3. Period of Final Bacterial Decline. The cause of this decline can only be conjectured, but it is highly probable that it is due to a general principle to which reference has frequently been made, viz., that after a certain time the further growth of any species of bacteria is prevented by its own products. We may observe that the gas-producing bacteria in Cheddar cheese last much longer than the peptonising organisms, for they are still present up to eighty days. Professor Russell aptly compares the bacterial vegetation of cheese with its analogue in a freshly seeded field. "At first multitudes of weeds appear with the grass. These are the casein-digesting organisms, while the grass is comparable to the more native lactic-acid flora. In course of time, however, grass, which is the natural covering of soil, 'drives out' the weeds, and in cheese a similar condition occurs." In milk the lactic-acid bacteria and peptonising organisms grow together; in ripening cheese the former eliminate the latter.

We have seen that the conclusion generally held respecting these lactic-acid bacteria is that they are the main agents in curing the cheese. Upon this basis a system of pure starters has been adopted, the characteristics of which must be as follows:

(a) The organism shall be a pure lactic-acid-producing germ, incapable of producing gaseous products; (b) it should be free from any undesirable aroma; (c) it should be especially adapted for vigorous development in milk. The starter may be propagated in pasteurised or sterilised milk from a pure culture from the laboratory. The advantages accruing from the uses of this lactic-acid culture, as compared with cheese made without a culture, are that with sweet milk it saves time in the process of manufacture; that with tainted milk, in which acid develops imperfectly, it is an aid to the development of a proper amount of acid for a typical Cheddar cheese; and that the flavour and quality of such cheese is preferable to cheese which has not been thus produced.

Professor Russell is of opinion that the lactic-acid organisms are to be credited with greater ripening powers than the casein-digesting organisms, but it must not be forgotten that these two great families of bacteria are still more or less on trial, and it is not yet possible finally to dispose of either of them. Mr. F. J. Lloyd holds that though "the greater the number of lactic-acid bacilli in the milk the greater the chance of a good curd," still "this organism alone will not produce that nutty flavour which is so sought after as being the essential characteristic of an excellent Cheddar cheese."

There are several difficulties to be encountered by dairymen starting a ripening by the addition of a pure culture. To begin with, there is the initial difficulty of not being able to pasteurise milk intended for cheese, as rennet will not coagulate pasteurised milk (Lloyd). Hence it is impossible to avoid some contamination of the milk previous to the addition of the culture. The continual uncontaminated supply of pure culture is by no means an easy matter. The maintenance of a low temperature to prevent the rapid multiplication of extraneous bacteria will, in some localities, be a serious difficulty. These difficulties have, however, not proved insurmountable, and by various workers in various localities and countries culture-ripening is being carried on.

Abnormal Ripening. Unfortunately, from one cause or another, faulty fermentations and changes are not infrequently set up. Many of these may be prevented, being due to lack of cleanliness in the process or in the milking; others are due to the gas-producing bacteria being present in abnormally large numbers. When this occurs we obtain what is known as "gassy" cheese, on account of its substance being split up by innumerable cavities and holes containing carbonic acid gas, or sometimes ammonia or free nitrogen. Some twenty-five species of micro-organisms have been shown by Adamety to cause this abnormal swelling. In severe cases of this gaseous fermentation the product is rendered worthless, and even when less marked the flavour and value are much impaired. Winter cheese contains more of this species of bacteria than summer. Acid and salt are both used to inhibit the action of these gas-producing bacteria and yeasts, and with excellent results.

We may remark that the character of the gas holes in cheese is not of import in the differentiation of species. If a few gas bacteria are present, the holes will be large and less frequent; if many, the holes will be small, but numerous. (Swiss cheese having this characteristic is known as Nissler cheese.)

Many of these gas germs belong to the lactic-acid group, and are susceptible to heat. A temperature of 140° F. maintained for fifteen minutes is fatal to most of them, largely because they do not form spores. The sources of the extensive list of bacteria found in cheese are of course varied, more varied indeed than is the case with milk. For there are, in addition to the organisms contained in the milk brought to the cheese factory, the following prolific sources, viz., the vats and additional apparatus; the rennet (which itself contains a great number); the water that is used in the manufacture.

In addition to the abnormalities due to gas, there are also other faulty types. The following chromogenic conditions occur: red cheese, due to a micrococcus; blue cheese, produced, according to Vries, by a bacillus; and black cheese, caused by a copious growth of low fungi. Bitter cheese is the result of the Micrococcus casei amari of Freudenreich, a closely allied form of Conn's micrococcus of bitter milk. Sometimes cheese undergoes a putrefactive decomposition, and becomes more or less putrid. These latter conditions, like the gassy cheeses, are due to the intrusion of bacteria from without, or from udder disease of the cow. Healthy cows, clean milking, and the introduction of pure cultures are the methods to be adopted for avoiding "diseases" of cheese and obtaining a well-flavoured article which will keep.

Finally, we may quote five conclusions from the prolonged researches of Mr. Lloyd70 which cannot but prove helpful to the Cheddar cheese industry in England:

1. To make Cheddar cheese of excellent quality, the Bacillus acidi lactici alone is necessary; other germs will tend to make the work more rather than less difficult. Hence scrupulous cleanliness should be a primary consideration of the cheese-maker.

2. No matter what system of manufacture be adopted, two things are necessary. One is that the whey be separated from the curd, so that when the curd is ground it shall contain not less than 40 per cent. of water, and not more than 43 per cent.; the other point is that the whey left in the curd shall contain, developed in it before the curd is put in the press, at least 1 per cent. of lactic acid if the cheese is required for sale within four months, and not less than 8 per cent. of lactic acid if the cheese is to be kept ripening for a longer period.

3. The quality of the cheeses will vary with the quality of the milk from which they have been made, and proportionately to the amount of fat present in that milk.

4. "Spongy curd" is produced by at least five organisms, and one of these is responsible for a disagreeable taint found in curd. They occur in water. Hence the desirability of securing clean water for all manipulative purposes, and also for the drinking purposes of the milch cow.

5. The fact that certain bacteria are found in certain localities and dairies is due more to local conditions than to climatic causes.

It is needless to remark that these conclusions once more emphasise the fact that strict and continual cleanliness is the one desideratum for bacteriologically good dairying. That being secured in the cow at the milking, in the transit, and at the dairy, it is a comparatively simple step, by means of pasteurisation and the use of good pure cultures of flavouring bacteria, to the successful application of bacteriology to dairy produce.

Methods of Examination of Milk:

1. Preparation of Microscopic Slides. This course might at once occur to the mind as the first to adopt in searching for bacteria in milk. Devices have accordingly been proposed for saponification previous to staining. Some recommend the addition of a few drops of a solution of sodium carbonate; others use methylene blue and chloroform. But, whatever plan of staining is adopted, this method of examination in its simplest form is in no degree a criterion of the bacterial content of a large quantity of milk.

bacteria in other foods

Shell-fish have recently claimed the attention of bacteriologists, owing to the outbreak of typhoid and other epidemics apparently traceable to oysters.

It is four or five years since Professor Conn startled the medical world by tracing an epidemic of typhoid fever to the consumption of some uncooked oysters. Almost at the same time Sir William Broadbent published in the British Medical Journal a series of cases occurring in his practice which illustrated the same channel of infection. Since then a number of similar items of evidence to the same effect have cropped up. Hence there is little wonder that a number of investigators concentrated their attention upon this matter. Professors Herdman and Boyce, of Liverpool, Dr. Cartwright Wood, Dr. Klein, and Dr. Timbrell Bulstrode are some of the chief contributors to the elucidation of this problem.

The mode of infection of oysters by pathogenic bacteria is briefly as follows: The sewage of certain coast towns is passed untreated out to sea. At or near the outfall, oyster-beds are laid down for the purpose of fattening oysters. Thus they become contaminated with saprophytic and pathogenic germs contained in the sewage. It will be at once apparent that several preliminary questions require attention before any deductions can be drawn as to whether or not oysters convey virulent disease to consumers. To the solution of these Dr. Cartwright Wood was one of the first to address himself.

The precise conditions which render one locality more favourable than another in respect to oyster culture are not fully known. But it has been observed that they do not flourish in water containing less than three per cent. of salt. Hence they are absent from the Baltic Sea, which, owing to the fresh water flowing into it in rivers, contains a smaller percentage of salt than three. Oysters appear in addition, to favour a locality where they find their chosen food of small animalculæ and particles of organic matter. Such a favourable locality is the mouth of a river, where tides and currents also assist in bringing food to the oyster. Unfortunately, however, in a crowded country like England such localities round her coasts are frequently contaminated by sewage from outfalls. Thus the oysters and the sewage come into intimate relation with each other.

Professor Giaxa carried out some experiments in 1889 at Naples which appeared to show that the bacilli of cholera and typhoid rapidly disappeared in ordinary sea-water. Other observers at about the same time, notably Foster and Freitag, arrived at an opposite conclusion. In 1894 Professor Percy Frankland, in a report to the Royal Society, declared "that common salt, whilst enormously stimulating the multiplication of many forms of water bacteria, exerts a directly and highly prejudicial effect on the typhoid bacilli, causing their rapid disappearance from the water, whether water bacteria are present or not." It was at this time, when the matter was admittedly in an unsatisfactory stage, that Dr. Cartwright Wood made his experiments.

We have not space here to enter into this work. But his conclusions seem to have been amply established, and were to the effect that typhoid and cholera bacilli could, as a matter of fact, exist over very lengthened periods in ordinary sea-water. The next step was to demonstrate the length of time the bacilli of cholera remained alive in the pallial cavity and body of the oyster. Dr. Wood found they did so for eighteen days after infection, though in greatly diminished numbers. This diminution was due to one or all of three reasons: (a) the effect of the sea-water already referred to as finally prejudicial to bacilli of typhoid; (b) the vital action of the body-cells of the oyster; (c) the washing away of bacilli by the water circulating through the pallial cavity.

It will have been noticed that up to the present we have learned that typhoid bacilli can and do live in sea-water, and also inside oysters up to eighteen days, but in ever-diminishing quantities. The question now arises: What is the influence of the oyster upon the contained bacilli? Under certain conditions of temperature organisms may multiply with great rapidity inside the shell of the oyster. Yet, on the other hand, the amœboid cells of the oyster, the acid secretion of its digestive glands, or the water circulating through its pallial cavity, may act inimically on the germs. Proof can be produced in favour of the third and last-named mode by which an oyster can cleanse itself of germs.

So far, then, we have met with no facts which make it impossible for oysters to contain for a lengthened period the specific bacteria of disease. Let us now turn to their opportunity for acquiring such disease germs. It is afforded them during the process of what is termed "fattening." By this process the body of the oyster acquires a plumpness and weight which enhances its commercial value. This desired condition is obtained by growing the oyster in "brackish" water, for thus it becomes filled out and mechanically distended with water. But if this water contains germs of disease, what better opportunity could such germs have for multiplication than within the body-cavity of an oyster?

"The contamination of sea-water, therefore, in the neighbourhood of oyster-beds may undoubtedly lead to the molluscs becoming infected with pathogenic organisms" (Wood). Yet we have seen that, apart altogether from the individual susceptibilities or otherwise of the consumer, there are in the series of events necessary to infection many occasions when circumstances would practically free the oysters from infection.

The sources of pollution of oysters are not the fattening beds alone. The native beds also may afford opportunity for contamination. Thirdly, in packing and transit, and fourthly, in storage in shops and warehouses, there is frequently abundant facility for putrefactive bacteria to gain entrance to the shells of oysters.

Dr. Klein's researches into this question have been wholly confirmatory of the facts elicited by Dr. Cartwright Wood. Despite the tendency of the bacilli of cholera and typhoid to die out quickly in crude sewage, the sewage is sufficiently altered or diluted at the outfall for these organisms to exist there in a virulent state. We may give Dr. Klein's conclusions:

1. That the cholera and typhoid bacilli are difficult of demonstration in sewage known to have received them.

2. Both organisms may persist in sea-water tanks for two or three weeks, the typhoid bacillus retaining its characteristics unimpaired, the cholera bacillus tending to lose them.

3. Oysters from sources free of sewage contained no bacteria of sewage.

4. Oysters from sources exposed to risk of sewage contamination did contain colon bacilli and other sewage bacteria.

5. In one case Eberth's typhoid bacillus was found in the mingled body and liquor of the oyster.

Nor do typhoid bacilli lose activity or virulence by passing through an oyster.

These researches once and for all established the fact that oysters ordinarily grown on oyster-beds contaminated with bacteria may, and do on occasion, contain the virulent specific bacillus of typhoid, which can live both in sea-water and within the shell of the oyster. This being so, it will probably appear to the reader that the risk of infection of typhoid by oysters is very serious indeed. Yet in actual practice many conditions have to be fulfilled. For, in addition to the fact that the oysters must be consumed, as is usual, uncooked, the following conditions must also be present.

(a) Each infective oyster must contain infected sewage, which presupposes that typhoid excreta from patients suffering from the disease have passed into that particular sewage untreated and not disinfected.

(b) The infective oyster must be fed upon infected sewage, and still contain the virus in its substance.

(c) It has to be eaten by a susceptible person.

(d) There must have been no period of natural cleansing after "fattening."

Even to this formidable list of conditions we must add the further remark that, owing to the vitality of the body-cells of the oyster, or to the lessened vitality of the bacilli of cholera and typhoid, it is generally the case that the tendency of these organisms is rather to decrease and die out than live and multiply.

We shall probably maintain a satisfactory balance of truth if we place alongside these facts the summary of the Local Government Board Report.

"There can be no doubt," wrote Sir Richard Thorne, "that oysters which have been brought into sustained relation with the typhoid bacillus are liable to exhibit that microbe within the shell contents and to retain it for a while under circumstances not only permitting its rapid multiplication when transferred again to appropriate media, but conserving at the same time its ability to manifest its hurtful properties."

From what has been said the preventive treatment is obvious. All oyster-layings and shell-fish beds round the coast should be superintended and inspected by the sanitary authority of the Government. The importation of foreign oysters, grown on uncontrolled beds, should, if possible, be restricted or supervised. Further, as a protective measure of the first importance, oysters should be cleansed, after fattening on a contaminated bed, by being deposited for several weeks at some point along the coast which is washed by pure sea-water. Retention in dirty water-tanks, in uncleanly shops and warehouses, is also to be greatly deprecated.

In order to examine oysters bacteriologically, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the water in the pallial cavity, the contents of the alimentary canal, and the washings of the shell itself. Ordinary media may be used for obtaining a growth of the contained organisms.

Other shell-fish than oysters do, from time to time, cause epidemics or individual cases of gastro-intestinal irritation, and probably contain various germs. These they acquire in all probability from their food, which by their own choice is frequently of a doubtful character.

Meat. Parasites are occasionally found in meat, but bacteria are comparatively rare. Not that they do not occur in the bodies of animals used for human consumption, for in the glands, mesenteries, and other organs they are common. But in those portions of the carcass which are used by man, namely the muscles, bacteria are rare. The reasons alleged for this are the acid reaction (sarcolactic acid) and the more or less constant movement during life. A bacterial disease which, perhaps more than any other, might be expected to be conveyed by meat is tubercle. Yet the recent Royal Commission on Tuberculosis has again emphasised the absence of bacilli in the meat substance:

"In tissues which go to form the butcher's joint, the material of tubercle is not often found even where the organs (lungs, liver, spleen, membranes, etc.) exhibit very advanced or generalised tuberculosis; indeed, in muscle and muscle juice it is very seldom that tubercle bacilli are to be met with; perhaps they are somewhat more often to be discovered in bone, or in some small lymphatic gland embedded in intermuscular fat."

The only way in which such meat substance becomes infected with tubercle appears to be through carelessness in the butcher, who perchance smears the meat substance with a knife that has been used in cutting the organs, and so has become contaminated with infected material. Very instructive also are the results at which Dr. Sims Woodhead arrived in compiling evidence for the same Commission on the effect of cooking upon tuberculous meat:

"Ordinary cooking, such as boiling and more especially roasting, though quite sufficient to sterilise the surface, and even the substance for a short distance from the surface of a joint, cannot be relied upon to sterilise tubercular material included in the centre of rolls of meat, especially when these are more than three pounds or four pounds weight. The least reliable method of cooking for this purpose is roasting before a fire; next comes roasting in an oven, and then boiling."

From this statement it will be understood that rolled meat may be a source of infection to a greater degree than the ordinary joint.

Notwithstanding this negative evidence, more than twenty species of bacteria have been isolated from canned meats and hams, and a considerable number of poisoning cases have occurred from meat contaminated with bacteria or their products. The general symptoms of such meat poisoning are vomiting, diarrhœa, fever, and more or less prostration. Ballard and Klein isolated a specific microbe from samples of bacon which appear to have caused an epidemic of infectious pneumonia at Middlesborough.

In 1880 occurred the well-known "Welbeck disease" epidemic. A public luncheon was followed by severe and even fatal illness. Seventy-two persons were affected, and four died. A specific bacillus was isolated by Klein. In 1881 much the same thing happened at Nottingham, in which fifteen persons were attacked, and one died. The same bacillus was isolated from the pernicious pork. Again in 1889 an outbreak of diarrhœa at Carlisle was traced to bacterially diseased pork. But taking these and similar cases at their worst, there can be no doubt that under no circumstances is meat as infective as milk.

Ice-cream. In 1894 Dr. Klein had occasion to bacteriologically examine ice-creams sold in the streets of London. In all six samples were analysed, and in each sample the conclusions resulting were of a nature sufficiently serious to support the view that the bacterial flora was not inferior to ordinary sewage. The water in which the ice-cream glasses were washed was also examined, and found to contain large numbers of bacteria.

Since that date many investigations have been made into ice-creams. It appears that they are often made under extremely foul circumstances, and with anything but sterilised appliances. Little wonder, then, that the numbers of bacteria present run into millions. In nearly all recorded cases the quality of the germs as well as the quantity has been of a nature to cause some concern. 

Bacillus coli communis, which, though not now considered absolutely indicative of alimentary pollution, is looked upon as a highly unsatisfactory inhabitant of water, has been found in considerable abundance. The Proteus family, which also possesses a putrefactive function, is common in ice-creams. The common water bacteria are nearly always present.

Bacillus typhosus itself, it is said, has been isolated from some ice-cream which was held responsible for an outbreak of enteric fever. The material had become infected during process of manufacture in the house of a person suffering from unnotified typhoid fever.

Now, whilst reports of the above nature appear very alarming, the fact is that hundreds of weakly children devour ice-cream with apparent impunity, and when evil follows it is not infrequently due to other than bacterial conditions. The cold mass itself may inhibit the resistance of the gastric tissues. Tyrotoxicon, the alkaloid separated from cheese and cream by Vaughan, may be responsible for some alimentary irritation. On the whole, the practical effect upon the community is not in proportion to the bacterial content of the ice-cream. Yet, nevertheless, we ought to be much more watchful than in the past to preserve ice-cream from pollution with harmful bacteria.

The two chief constituents which contribute their quota of germ life to ice-cream are ice and cream. In addition, the uncleanly methods of manufacture render the material likely to contain the six or seven millions of micro-organisms per cc. which have been on several occasions estimated. To cleanly methods of dairying we have already fully referred; to the bacterial content of milk and cream we have also paid some attention; but we have not had an opportunity of saying anything of germs in ice.

Ice contains bacteria in varying quantities from 20 per cc. to 10,000 or more. Nor is variation in number affected alone by the condition of the water, for samples collected from one and the same place differ widely. The quality follows in large measure the standard of the water.

Water bacteria, Bacillus coli, putrefactive bacteria, and even pathogenic have been found in ice. Many of the latter can live without much difficulty and are most numerous in ice containing air-bubbles.

Dr. Prudden, of New York, performed a series of experiments in 1887 to show the relative behaviour of bacteria in ice. Taking half a dozen species, he inoculated sterilised water and reduced it to a very low temperature for a hundred and three days, with the following results:—Bacillus prodigiosus diminished from 6,300 per cc. to 3,000 within the first four days, to 22 in thirty-seven days, and vanished altogether in fifty-one days; a liquefying water bacillus, numbering 800,000 per cc. at the commencement, had disappeared in four days; Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus and B. fluorescens showed large numbers present at the end of sixty-six and seventy-seven days respectively; B. typhosus, which was present 1,000,000 per cc. after eleven days, fell to 72,000 after 77 days, and 7,000 at the end of 103 days. Anthrax bacilli are susceptible to freezing, but their spores are practically unaffected (Frankland).

From these facts it will be seen that bacteria live, but do not multiply, in ice.

In making a bacterial investigation into the flora of ice-cream, it is necessary to remember that considerable dilution with sterilised water is required. The usual methods of examining water and milk are adopted.

Bread forms an excellent medium for moulds, but unless specially exposed the bacteria in it are few. Waldo and Walsh have, however, demonstrated that baking does not sterilise the interior of bread. These observers cultivated numerous bacteria from the centre of newly baked London loaves. The writer has recently made a series of examinations of the air of several underground bakehouses in Central London; but, though the air was highly impregnated with flour-dust, few bacteria were present.

Other foods and beverages may be, and are, from time to time contaminated in some small degree with bacteria or their spores. Such contaminations are generally due to uncleanly manufacture or unprotected storage. The principles of examination or of the prevention of pollution are similar to those already described.

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Newman, George. 2015.Bacteria. Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved September 2022 from

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