AutoStory: Generating Diverse Storytelling Images with Minimal Effort: Conclusion and Referencesby@userstory

AutoStory: Generating Diverse Storytelling Images with Minimal Effort: Conclusion and References

by UserStoryJuly 17th, 2024
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In this study, researchers propose an automated story visualization system that can effectively generate diverse, high-quality, and consistent sets of images.
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(1) Wen Wang, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China and Equal Contribution ([email protected]);

(2) Canyu Zhao, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China and Equal Contribution ([email protected]);

(3) Hao Chen, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China ([email protected]);

(4) Zhekai Chen, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China ([email protected]);

(5) Kecheng Zheng, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China ([email protected]);

(6) Chunhua Shen, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China ([email protected]).


The main focus of our AutoStory is to create diverse story visualizations that meet specific user requirements with minimal human effort. By combining the capabilities of the LLMs and diffusion models, we managed to obtain text-aligned, identity-consistent, and high-quality story images. Furthermore, with our well-designed story visualization pipeline and the proposed character data generation module, our approach streamlines the generation process and reduces the burden on the user, effectively eliminating the need for users to perform labor-intensive data collection. Sufficient experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms existing approaches in terms of the quality of the generated stories and the preservation of the subject characteristics. Moreover, our superior results are achieved without requiring time-consuming and computationally expensive large-scale training, making it easy to generalize to varying characters, scenes, and styles. In future work, we plan to accelerate the multi-concept customization process and make our AutoStory run in real-time.


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