An Intro to Metaverse Venture Capitalby@tprstly
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An Intro to Metaverse Venture Capital

by Theo PriestleyAugust 15th, 2021
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The global Metaverse market is expected to reach $280 billion by 2025 - a growth of more than sixfold compared to the $46 billion in 2020.

Fortnite, Epic Games’ metaverse platform generated $1.2 billion in the first 10 months of launch.

The Travis Scott concert held in Fortnite generated 12.3 million concurrent attendees, 27.7 million unique players across 5 showtimes and 45.8 million views.

Global digital game spending is expected to reach $129 billion in 2021.

OpenSea, the NFT marketplace is on track to become a $100bn company in record time.

Sandbox, another metaverse platform is about to sell its 10,000th plot of land in the space of 6 months.

Ember Swords raised $203m in 21 days through a digital land sale on its metaverse platform.

Unity, one of the main game engines in the metaverse space acquired Parsec for $320m during SIGGRAPH week.

VRChat raised a new $80m round to expand its metaverse platform.

It doesn’t matter which way you turn there are absolutely huge numbers at play here and it’s causing investment fever but also panic.

Fever because those closest to the technology industry know where this is heading and are writing big cheques. Panic because smaller funds and family offices are looking and wondering what the hell is going on and why they’re not a part of it.

There’s also some serious money to be made being an active part within the metaverse too, as Cathy Hackl’s article in Forbes discusses.

The metaverse will touch every industry

There’s serious FOMO out there. I’ve been speaking to a number of smaller funds and family offices who are trying to work out how they can invest. It’s difficult for them to understand the landscape when they don’t realise that the metaverse could quite simply touch every industry in some way.

The metaverse is an exciting concept that is still in its early innings. Investors could benefit from getting broad exposure to a range of companies that are actively playing a major part in building the metaverse - including Unity, Epic Games, Nvidia, Facebook and Roblox. It will be difficult to know who the big "winners" and "losers" will be until years from now, but these companies have a good shot at being in the mix due to their diversity.

It’s not just an entertainment playground - there are some serious use cases that can be applied relating to large scale simulation, internet of things and smart cities, training and retail for example - some of these I’ve already touched upon in previous blogs.

The startup landscape has also exploded as NewZoo’s recent report shows.

This is why if you’re a family office, angel investor or small venture fund looking to invest in the metaverse and don’t know where to start I’d like to help you navigate this revolution -

Investor Research and Advisory Services on Metaverse

Start-up Networking and Introductions

Start-up Due Diligence

Monthly Global Deal Flow Reporting

Latest Trend Reports and Investment Rounds

Get in touch with me via the contact form on the home page, then we can schedule a call at your convenience.

The metaverse isn’t going to go away, it’s going to be an integral fabric of society and industry. Can you afford not to be building it too?

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