Anxiety is more common than you think and for many people, it has a multidimensional effect in their lives.
Anxiety affects work productivity, interpersonal relationships, academics, and even your finances. Anxiety is a mental health condition that is characterized by apprehension and fear that may limit social interaction as well as the individual's ability to carry out normal daily activities.
It encompasses different mental health conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and even panic attacks.
A disability is any condition of the body or the mind that makes it difficult for the person affected to carry out their daily activities and interact with the people around them.
The concept of "disability" varies based on region, health policies, and governing laws.
Hence, anxiety is not classified as a disability in all parts of the world. However, anxiety can limit anyone in their work and social life.
Anxiety is characterized by fear, worry, tremors, flushing, panic attacks, sweating, and palpitations. The signs may vary from person to person, but anxiety disorder can be diagnosed by a physician.
When a person has an anxiety disorder, they worry over the smallest issues. They may worry excessively about their examinations, the clothes they ordered online, or even their cat who messes up its litter.
The fear and worry may manifest physically as the inability to move, sweating, tremors, and fast heart rate. They may hyperventilate and experience a full-blown panic attack.
With time, chronic anxiety results in a weaker immune system, and these persons become more likely to fall ill.
The age-old superstition that worrying will make you sick is true in this case.
This is because anxiety is linked to other health problems such as depression and hypertension.
Anxiety is quite common: according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorders in the United States of America. A whopping 40 million adults, 18 years old and over are affected by anxiety disorders.
These figures account for 18.1% of the population and the numbers are expected to rise in the future.
According to the World Health Organization, every one person out of thirteen people has anxiety.
In 2018, Our World in Data reported anxiety as the most common mental illness, affecting 284 million people all over the globe. Unfortunately, most countries all over the world do not allocate sufficient funds in the health care budget to provide mental health care for people with anxiety disorders.
Anxiety is not a rare condition: anyone can have it. However, if you are melancholic, in a stress-filled work environment, have childhood trauma, or experienced abuse, you are more likely to have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety can be managed with good medical care and a strong support system, irrespective of the cause.
Not all regions have established anxiety as a disability; getting employers to understand the struggles of their employees may be a tad difficult. Anxiety, like all mental illnesses, can result in reduced productivity and financial losses for any organization. Despite the drawbacks, employees with anxiety can still contribute positively to the growth of a form whilst maintaining good mental health.
Employers can create a healthy atmosphere for workers with anxiety: workplace arrangements that reduce fear and encourage employees to seek mental health care. These arrangements include creating schedules with enough breaks, ensuring flexibility of work, and providing mental health care plans for employees. In addition, employers can maintain cordial relationships with their employees and provide a support system for these workers.
Living with anxiety requires self-acceptance and willingness to ask for help. Help may be from a mental health professional, friends, and family. Mental health professionals provide therapy and counseling. Your family and friends can help ease your worries and encourage you to seek professional help.
In addition, finding hobbies might help keep your mind away from your racing thoughts. Mindful meditation and music help calm the mind; exercise may also help you to stop worrying so much. Anxiety is a common mental illness, so do not beat yourself up if you have it.
Do not live in denial: the problems best solved are the ones we can identify. You can also try deep breathing when you feel tense and practice self-care. Your self-care method could be going to the spa or having a scented bath; just find something that will help you relax. Remember, you are not alone in this. You can have an anxiety disorder and live a normal, happy, and healthy life.
Disabilities are limitations of your body and mind that prevent you from doing the things you love to do and interacting with people. Regardless of whether anxiety is a disability in your region or not, remember that you are capable of living a healthy and happy life. Anxiety is crippling on some days, but with the help of mental health professionals and the support of the people who love you, you can do anything you set your mind to. Never forget that.