Algorithmic Contract Design for Crowdsourced Ranking: Conclusions, Future Directions, and Referencesby@browserology
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Algorithmic Contract Design for Crowdsourced Ranking: Conclusions, Future Directions, and References

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We studied the multifaceted problem of designing a crowdsourcing mechanism that efficiently and accurately ranks a set of items using pairwise comparisons from rational agents. We based our approach on the classic principal-agent model from contract theory. To distribute comparisons among agents, we used an unexpected connection to the social golfer problem which allowed us to simultaneously minimize the agents’ workload and ensure enough agents evaluate each comparison.
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(1) Kiriaki Frangias;

(2) Andrew Lin;

(3) Ellen Vitercik;

(4) Manolis Zampetakis.

Abstract and Introduction

Warm-up: Agents with known equal disutility

Agents with unknown disutilites


Conclusions and future directions, References

A Summary of notation

B Omitted proofs from Section 2

C Omitted proofs from Section 3

D Additional Information about Experiments

5 Conclusions and future directions

We studied the multifaceted problem of designing a crowdsourcing mechanism that efficiently and accurately ranks a set of items using pairwise comparisons from rational agents. We based our approach on the classic principal-agent model from contract theory. To distribute comparisons among agents, we used an unexpected connection to the social golfer problem which allowed us to simultaneously minimize the agents’ workload and ensure enough agents evaluate each comparison.

We showed that by optimizing the payment mechanisms, the principal can incentivize enough agents to exert effort, ensuring our algorithm recovers the ground-truth ranking. Our experiments showed that even when noise is added to our original model, our method consistently aids the principal in retrieving the accurate ground-truth ordering.

llude, which allowed us to assign the same set of verified comparisons to all agents. How should our mechanism change if agents can collude? Moreover, we assumed that agents who do not exert effort will return comparisons consistent with a uniformly-random permutation of the items. What other models of agent behavior can we study under this framework? Finally, as is standard in contract theory, we assumed that the principal knows the probability π that an effortful agent is good. How should we handle the case where π is unknown?


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This paper is available on Arxiv under CC 4.0 license.