AI Is Creating the Next Generation of Innovators. Here’s How To Find, and Nurture, Your “10X Makers”by@pawelczech

AI Is Creating the Next Generation of Innovators. Here’s How To Find, and Nurture, Your “10X Makers”

by Pawel CzechAugust 26th, 2024
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The '10X Makers' will reshape industries and drive global transformation. They have visionary thinking, adaptability, and strong bias for action. With AI tools at their disposal, they are able to accelerate every phase of the innovation process from ideation to launch. No-code and low-code AI platforms are democratising the field.
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There is productivity. Then there is AI-powered productivity. I like to call these the “10X Makers”.  While that may be an overused phrase, bear with me.

A 10X Maker is the perfect marriage between those who naturally innovate and the AI tools on offer that allow them to create groundbreaking solutions at an unprecedented pace. These individuals - strapped to the rocketship of AI - are the ones who will reshape industries and drive global transformation.

You probably already have these in your team. They have visionary thinking, adaptability, and a strong bias for action. They are rarely satisfied with small improvements. Instead, they aim for huge leaps forward. With AI tools at their disposal, they can accelerate every phase of the innovation process from ideation to launch.

The game changer is this - AI innovation is becoming more accessible. No-code and low-code AI platforms are democratizing the field, allowing team members with great ideas to become AI innovators, regardless of their technical backgrounds.

There are plenty of examples. The AI-powered chatbots are providing constant mental health support. There are AI systems that detect strokes faster than human doctors. It goes beyond technological showcases, and instead transforms entire sectors and improves lives.

Sustaining innovation in your team

To keep this innovation momentum going, you need to reconsider your approach to team development. It's not just about hiring coders; you need to encourage critical thinking, creativity, and a strong understanding of AI ethics within your team.

Look towards educational institutions and partner with them to source the best talent. Use online platforms to find the innovators that aren’t on your radar but are already innovating.

But that's just the start. Build a supportive ecosystem within your organization. This might include internal incubators for AI projects, allocating resources for AI ventures, and establishing mentorship programs that understand the specific challenges of AI innovation. Your goal should be to create an environment where AI talent can thrive and drive your company forward.

And, please don't just throw money at the problem. Too often I see money being pumped into technology rather than talent. It’s not sustainable. Just look at the recent sell-off in the stock market, fuelled by the mounting skepticism over how much “big tech” can benefit from its vast spending on AI. The benefit comes via the talent that can leverage the tech. Not just the tech itself.

Create a culture that embraces risk-taking and isn't afraid of failure. For every AI breakthrough, there might be a dozen that fall short. But that's how innovation works. Build resilience into your support systems, ensuring that you can bounce back from setbacks and keep pushing the boundaries.

The future of innovation in your organization

Make no mistake, the 10X Makers in your team are going to keep pushing the envelope of what's possible with AI. The best of the best won't just optimize existing processes; they'll create entirely new ones.

There is, of course, a catch. With great power comes great responsibility. As your innovators push boundaries, ensure they're not leaving ethics behind. Issues like bias, privacy, and transparency need to be baked into your AI innovation process. It's not just about creating incredible tech - it's about ensuring that tech doesn't backfire on your company. It's up to you to create the right environment for them to thrive.

If you are a CTO or a dev lead, it's time for some honest reflection. This isn't a call to blindly jump on the AI bandwagon. Instead, it’s a nudge to think about how AI can enhance your team's capabilities and drive innovation.

Are you creating an environment where AI can be leveraged responsibly? Are you balancing the excitement of new AI tools with the ethics, privacy, and long-term impact? It should be less about that quick win, and rather about strategic integration and continuous learning.

Consider how you can gradually introduce AI tools to augment your developers' skills, not replace them. Think about the training and support your team might need to become comfortable with AI-assisted development. And, most importantly, keep the dialogue open about the challenges and opportunities AI presents.