William F. Gilreath
I am a software engineer, computer scientist, mathematician, writer of code, equations, poems, text, and adore cats.
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @wfgilreath's 4 stories for 1 days 17 hours and 27 minutes.
Mike Talbot, I've been coding for 30+ years on many different tech stacks! My current weapons of choice are JS/TS and React.
Davide Bellone | Code4IT, I write about .NET development and general coding stuff. - developer - blogger - speaker -
Richard Wang, Result-driven entrepreneur, economic mobility enabler, and CEO of Coding Dojo www.codingdojo.com
Mohit Tanwani, I am a coder, coding my life for good causes.
Daw-Chih Liou, I write for engineers. I write about web technology, coding patterns, and best practices from my learnings.