I am a tech enthusiast and AI specialist passionate about exploring cutting-edge technologies.
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @shivgenerativeai198's 1 stories for and 11 minutes.
Giacomo Verde, Professional working in Shanghai. Passionate about technology and techniques to improve body and mind performance.
Karkuzhali Selvarajan, Postgraduate Theoretical Physicist. Science Enthusiast. Also interested in inducing existential blues, haha.
Rona Hirsch , Rona Hirsh is a DevOps/Full Stack Developer at Komodor, revolutionizing Kubernetes troubleshooting .
Jawwad Farid, I teach and write about startups and finance. 5 startups. 4 continents. 1 exit.
Metamick, Somewhere in the space between people & tech. User researcher, crypto-anthropologist, creative.