Paul from DentroAI
Building kickass AI apps faster than you say 'ChatGPT'
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @pauldentro's 1 stories for and 48 minutes.
Artem, PhD in Physics, quant researcher
Anand.S, Anand S, Straive's Head of Innovation and LLM Psychologist.
BotBeat.Tech: Trusted Generative AI Research Firm, "BotBeat is an AI Research Goldmine" - said real person talking to a bot on Twitter/X/Gronk/WhateverWeAreCallingIt
Sumedh Datar, Software Engineer with deep interest in applied ML which includes neural networks and transformers.
Knapsack Technology, Optimizing capacity with Knapsack, efficiently packing valuable essentials for a lighter and more sustainable journey fo