Nicholas Godwin
Nicholas Godwin is a digital marketing consultant, eCommerce merchant, and technology researcher.
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @nicholasgodwin's 3 stories for 14 hours and 3 minutes.
Compunnel Digital, Compunnel Digital is driven to create and deliver business value by orchestrating a seamless experience for our clients.
Mary Gilbey, Mary Gilbey is a multilingual business expert and the Managing Director of translation company Anglia Translations
Chris Miller, A young and talented entrepreneur who has a passion for business, finance, crypto, and technology.
Elena Obukhova, Mentor, Entrepreneur, Business Strategist, and Keynote Speaker in Blockchain & Fintech
Kate Macy, A Business Strategist who creates viable plans to get you from where you are to where you want to be