Ian Nguyen
Currently a Javascript enthusiast who is peeking at Python. Sometimes at bread baking and bubble tea.
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @iannguyen's 1 stories for 3 days 11 hours and 22 minutes.
Siddhant Dubey, Hello I’m Siddhant Dubey, a high schooler who loves programming, reading, and tech in general! I wri
Oluwatobi Sofela, Oh, sweet programming, my interest is to make you sweeter for all.
Anna Kopteva, I work as a Senior Software Engineer in Yandex on the Yandex.Games project. Love programming and corgi!
TheDailyTechTalk, Programming & dev blog.
Programming with Shahan, I train people how to program in a fun & easy way ಠ‿↼ ⌐╦╦═─ #JavaScript #Python #Technews