Priyanka Neelakrishnan
Author: Priyanka Neelakrishnan, B.E., M.S., M.B.A. On a mission to make the world better than yesterday!
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @hackerclup7sajo00003b6s2naft6zw's 2 stories for 2 days 2 hours and 51 minutes.
Aahan Bhatt, Products. Truth Seeker.
Rona Hirsch , Rona Hirsh is a DevOps/Full Stack Developer at Komodor, revolutionizing Kubernetes troubleshooting .
Christina Tkach, Investigation Analyst at Inca Digital
Metamick, Somewhere in the space between people & tech. User researcher, crypto-anthropologist, creative.
Dilin John, Data Scientist flavored on NLP