Shahar Azulay, CEO and Co-Founder of groundcover
Using eBPF to help teams get a clear picture of their K8s applications: discovering + solving bleeding issues faster.
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @groundcover1's 3 stories for 1 days 18 hours and 59 minutes.
Emergen Research, At Emergen Research, we believe in advancing with technology.
Srivaibhav S, I'm a researcher, writer, and editor. I'm into technology and non-technology topics. Also, I love food.
Maria Rosil, Content writer. Passionate about technology and nature. Baking, photography and writing are my superpowers.
Saif Ahmed Khan, A tech blog writer & software developer who graduated in Information & Communication Technology
Bill Bejeck, Curious about a lot of things in life, technology is one of them.